Soft_Job 板


大家好,我們是 Circle Circle 是全球前三大美元穩定幣 USDC 的發行商,在去年併購了台灣區塊鏈新創 CYBAVO CYBAVO 是區塊鏈數位資產安全管理的領導品牌,專注於建立以身份認證為基礎的企業用 加密貨幣金庫。目前台灣知名的加密貨幣交易所,如 Max, BitoPro, ACE, 數寶, XREX 等,都用 CYBAVO 的加密貨幣金庫來保管該交易所的加密貨幣。 在 Circle,以人為本是我們的核心文化。為了幫助員工成長,我們打造了一個重視團隊 合作、極具向心力的工作環境,以及鼓勵創意思考與開放溝通的公司文化。如果你也對區 塊鏈技術抱持熱情、嚮往在 Web3 產業發揮影響力,加入我們,一起打造世界級的產品! 職缺重點 - 技術關鍵字:Python、Penetration tests、AWS、Automated security testing - 薪資範圍:底薪 200 - 300 萬 一年,還會有績效獎金及 RSU 股票 - 工作地點:混合工作模式,可以在家上班,也可以到信義區去年才裝潢好的辦公室吹冷 氣 面試流程 - HR 面試 - 主管面試(英文) - 技術面試(英文) - 跨 Team 面試 - Senior Director 面試(英文) 其他補充 - 工作語言:語言使用上中英大概各半,因為這個職位會直接 report 到美國的 Product Security Director,也會與台灣的工程師及 PM 團隊密切合作。 - 工作時間:工作時間彈性,以能與團隊順暢溝通、協同合作達成目標為主,也要有心理 準備需要晚上跟美國同事開會(差 12 -15 個小時) —- 公司名稱 博歐科技有限公司 公司地址 台北市信義區菸廠路88號8樓之1 (50759458) 公司網址 薪資(年薪) 底薪 200 萬 - 300 萬,還會再加上 Bonus 及 RSU 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目) 14 個月 年終獎金計算方式 依據績效考核成績 工作內容 - Work with the product management and software engineering teams during all p hases of the SDLC to ensure that applications are designed and implemented sec urely. - Test web applications and the underlying systems for vulnerabilities using b oth tools and manual techniques; manage the remediation of findings through re solution. - Recommend code changes to eliminate vulnerabilities. - Automate security tests within the CI/CD pipeline. - Help develop secure coding standards and training materials based on finding s seen in Circle’s environment to empower engineers to write more secure code . - Research vulnerabilities specific to blockchain technologies and incorporate this knowledge into current practices. - Serve as an escalation point to investigate security alerts and identify inc idents. - Investigate vulnerability reports related to Circle products and services. - Manage vendors to conduct penetration tests and other security-related proje cts. - Influence continuous improvement of the application security program. - Support other security team projects such as threat modeling, vulnerability scanning and audits. 職缺能力經歷要求 - 7+ years of total experience in a Security role. - 3+ years of experience as a security engineer that has been leading projects and developing resolutions in cybersecurity. - Enthusiasm for securing and breaking software. - Experience with common attack techniques and conducting penetration tests. - Experience designing software security features including, but not limited t o, access control features, logging and monitoring features, input validation and session management. - Experience automating security tests in cloud based CI/CD pipelines. - Experience working with SAST and DAST testing processes and tools. - Working knowledge of public and private key cryptography. - Familiarity with techniques for making software robust against common attack s. - Self-motivated and creative problem solver able to work independently with m inimal guidance. - Strong ability to work collaboratively across teams. - Ability to manage multiple competing priorities and use good judgment to est ablish priorities on the fly. - Experience working in financial services or financial technology desired. - Bachelor's degree in computer science, computer engineering, cyber security or related field. Equivalent experience is also accepted. - Certifications such as CISSP, CEH or similar will receive favorable consider ation but are not required. - Experience working on applications deployed within AWS highly desired. - Experience with at least several of the following is required: Java, GoLang, Angular JS, Rest API’s, JSON, Python or GraphQL. - Experience with application development on iOS and/or Android is preferred b ut not required. - Fluency in English and Mandarin is required. 詳細內容請參照職缺連結: 工時 8 小時,可自行安排工作時間 每周工作時間 8*5=40 加班費制度 加班費計算方式比照勞動基準法辦理 員工是否需自備工具 不需要,公司提供 Macbook Pro、Herman Miller 人體工學椅、電動升降桌、27 吋大螢 幕 工作福利 - 遠端優先的混合上班模式 - 區塊鏈產業專業培訓 - 彈性有薪假期(基本上不限制休假天數,只要與主管達成共識即可) - 內部推薦獎金十萬台幣 - 優於業界的員工團保 - 健康檢查補助 - 居家辦公室設備補助 - 每月電話費津貼 請直接在職缺網頁投履歷,如果有問題也歡迎寄信聊聊 --
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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: uujen1021 ( 臺灣), 06/08/2023 13:51:09 ※ 編輯: uujen1021 ( 臺灣), 06/08/2023 13:51:31 ※ 編輯: uujen1021 ( 臺灣), 06/08/2023 13:51:45
1F:推 CoNsTaR: 還好不是 Circle K 給推 06/08 15:26
2F:推 p90085: 推 Circle 06/08 20:04
3F:推 joywilliamjo: 推,好想去 06/08 20:34
4F:推 cmelo1515: 想去+1 06/09 23:15

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