Soft_Job 板


公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): Numerix LLC 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 美國紐約市 職缺: Software Developer 職缺能力經歷要求: Organization name: Product Research & Development Department: Oneview Valuation & Trading Location: Taipei, Taiwan Join our dynamic and innovative team in design and development of a Trading, V aluation and Risk Management Platform - Oneview, which is a large scale enterprise-level di stributed platform with microservices architecture built using latest technologies, including Spr ing, Kafka, ReactJS, Python and others. We are in the transition phase of adopting a more cloud nat ive architecture. About the Product: Oneview offers next generation technology solution for trading and risk manage ment of vanillas to structured products and exotics. The core of Oneview is the ability to supp ort a wide range of products and cross asset pricing capability with a rich coverage of valuation models, fast computation of complex risk measures along with a great user experience. The p roduct offers a front to risk solution covering both pre and post trade analytics and workflow s for the world of OTCs helping Traders and Risk Managers at Banks, derivative desks at funds or insurance companies to actively value, risk manage and hedge their portfolios. Responsibilities: * Design, development, testing and supporting of applications. * Write well designed, testable, efficient code. * Compile and analyze data, processes, and codes to troubleshoot problems and identify areas for improvement. * Support continuous improvement by investigating alternatives and technologie s and presenting these for architectural review. * Play a key role in determining the technical vision for the product which in cludes, but not limited to, evaluating new technologies, R&D and prototypes, engaging with other internal stake holders and formalizing development proposals. * Support, maintain and improve the existing product stack developed by the te am. Mentor and guide other members of the team as applicable. * Coordinate with other development teams (Devops, QA) for end to end feature delivery * Work with Numerix's Professional Services and Managed Services team to assis t with the delivery of client's solutions and take first hand feedback for areas of i mprovements. * Provide suitable assistance to internal Support team and ensure that all esc alated issues are adequately resolved. Qualifications: * 6+ years of Java development experience * 3+ years of front-end web programming experience with JavaScript, CSS3, HTML 5. * Must have experience in microservices architecture, Spring Framework, JPA, R EST APIs, event driven framework * Good understanding of web workflow including HTTP/HTTPS, AJAX, cookies, cach e, URL routing, error handling and web security. * Basic familiarity with DevOps concepts and tools is a must, including Docker * Experience with Python is a plus * Knowledge / Experience in AWS components like S3, Step Functions, Batch and Lambda are plus * Experience with frontend tools like Webpack, experience with NodeJS is a plu s * Experience in Datawarehouse and BI solutions is a plus * Solid experience with test-driven development Additional Requirements: * Bachelors degree in Computer Science/Engineering or equivalent. * Genuine curiosity of computer programming and willing to learn new front-end technologies. * Strong ability to translate requirements into quick prototypes for iterative user feedback. * Excellent problem solver with perseverance to chase to the bottom of a produ ction problem. * Excellent communication skills; need to be able to work in a multi-location team. (以上是公司標準的Job Description,但實際上如果才華橫溢則我們本地團隊對 工作經驗年數和技能樹的要求是可以有彈性的) 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否 薪資(月薪): 10萬台幣以上,依學經歷調整,空間大,歡迎來挑戰 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 12 個月 年終獎金計算方式:無 工時: 每日工作時間: 9:00AM~6:00PM (八小時) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 加班費制度:無加班費,提供補休 工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: 可選擇在辦公室工作或主要在家工作有必要才到辦公室 的工作模式。這個職缺所在的團隊主要分佈在台北,有租用wework辦公室, 但目前團隊成員以WFH為主 工作福利:彈性工時、優於勞基法規定的帶薪休假,入職第一年即可帶薪休假 公司分紅與獎金:全薪計算,0~10%年薪 公司介紹: 請參見公司網址 本公司提供專業金融軟體系統與服務,在專業領域中是全球領先的公司之一 人資或徵才聯絡方式: 請將CV寄到[email protected],一定要有英文版, 有中英文雙版本更佳,標題請注明應徵Software Developer即可 --
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1F:推 DONmilK: 6YOE給這薪水 讚喔06/22 09:11
2F:推 aas5566: 以上是上到多少 最低 10wx12=120w 06/22 13:00
寫面議違反板規會被砍,就寫了一個最低標的數字,總之是按學經歷談薪 ※ 編輯: SirChen ( 臺灣), 06/22/2021 15:44:42

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