Soft_Job 板


公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): 美商恩傑 NZXT 54977688 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 新北市土城區忠承路95號7樓 未來會如連結JD所說搬到板橋站 職缺: Mid/Sr. Software Engineer (Fronted) 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) :薪資: Mid 1.25M - 1.6 M / year Sr. 1.7 M - 2.1 M / year 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 12 個月 年薪/12即為月薪 年終獎金計算方式:工時: 08:00 start, but flexible hours and you may work from home 每周40小時 加班費制度: 符合勞動法規 職缺描述: The Software Engineer contributes to NZXT’s mission by helping build the next generation of software for game streaming and media. You will help create software geared toward millions of gamers on a modern front-end technology stack for desktop and web. The ideal candidate will have the desire to work on intuitive and functionality-rich gamer-facing products across the streaming ecosystem. If you’re interested in the intersection of game streaming hardware and software, we would love to hear from you! Responsibilities: The Software Engineer has the following responsibilities and duties: Work alongside other developers, product managers, and product designers to build feature specifications for innovative consumer-facing products. Work on efficient and reusable front-end abstractions and systems. Participate in design and code reviews. Craft interfaces using React, Electron, and other modern Javascript libraries/tools. Requirements: You should have the following skills, education and experience: - Proficiency in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. - Proficiency in a modern UI Library (React or similar). - Desire to build a great product experience. - Desire to write high-quality code and to take ownership of products and features. - 1 or more years of professional experience building web applications. - Fluency with reading, writing, and communicating in English. Bonus Qualities (Have one or more of these): - Experience building React-based applications. - Experience building Electron-based desktop applications. - Familiarity with Web media technologies (Media devices, MediaStream, Video, Audio) and video processing. - Familiarity with game streaming software, such as OBS Studio, StreamLabs OBS,or Twitch Studio. - Familiarity with Agile methodologies like Scrum. - Familiarity with Rust. - Enthusiasm about PC Gaming and Streaming. 應徵&聯絡方式 請透過以下連結投遞履歷 謝謝 Mid Sr 有其他問題可以英文來信至:[email protected] 主旨:[ptt] Questions for SWE JD --
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1F:→ LordCHTsai: NZXT這兩年做的機殼還不錯 03/03 02:20
2F:→ satsuya0114: NZXT粉前來報到 機殼真的好看555 03/05 19:00
3F:噓 tiis1050: 面試會叫你唸自傳的公司 Rex Wu 讚 03/05 23:12

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