Soft_Job 板


各位好, 不好意思洗版了, 目前打算在台灣找後端高手~再煩請各位推薦推薦 附上薪資範圍, 如果不符合行情請告知. - 我是信安科技的早期員工, 大家有問題可以私訊或底下留言.我會盡量回答. - 目前公司的標配/福利 有: * 15寸Mac Book Pro筆電 + 24寸螢幕 * 每週500 NTD/人的team lunch * 每週五的happy hour * 每週三下午茶 * 吃不完的餅乾/喝不完的飲料 * 不定時啤酒/調酒可以享用 * 免費運動課,例如: 泰拳/TRX/瑜珈/核心肌群 -- [徵才] 信安科技招募軟體工程師 公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): 信安數位科技有限公司(Axinan Pte Ltd.) 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北辦公室 台北市民生東路101號 新加坡辦公室 #07-13. 2 Havelock Road, 059763 [公司網址] [公司職缺] [Linkedin] 職缺1: Software Engineer (Backend) About the job: - Work closely with fellow Engineers, Product Managers, Data Scientists and Designers to define, refine and implement features on product line. - Work closely with DevOps to build frameworks and tools, define standards (e.g., API contract) and improve overall efficiency of the development (e.g., CI/CD) and hygiene of the codebase (i.e., Git). - Work on complex engineering problems to improve the scalability, security, and reliability of our platform. - Have hands-on programming and architecture design skills with demonstrated willingness and capability to learn new technologies quickly. What You Should Have: - Min. Bachelors in Computer Science or other related Degrees. - Experience with AWS, RESTful/RPC services, C++/Java/Golang and related system programming languages. Having experience of Golang is a plus. - Experience with NoSQL (e.g., Redis/MongoDB), message queue (e.g., Kafka/Kinesis), and relational databases (e.g., MySQL). - Experience with Docker, basic CI/CD flow on AWS or GCP. - Strong understanding of system performance and scaling, Demonstrated ability to design, build, and deliver complex, successful web services and/or customer experiences efficiently and with quality. - Open to all levels of experience 薪水: 90,000 TWD - 150,000 TWD, 一年13薪 Link: 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否 [公司介紹] Axinan are a Singapore-headquartered insurtech company focused on building innovative, high frequency/low premium services for the internet economy. Leveraging on big data and machine learning, we create products that are easily integrated into online marketplaces and platforms. We come from diverse backgrounds, equipped with extensive experience and strong ambitions to make a significant impact in this space! [聯絡方式] [email protected] --- 關於信安: 信安在2018剛完成數百萬美元的A輪融資, 主要專注於數位保險上 (link: ) 信安2018被Google選入Launchpad Studio, 這個計畫主要是透過ML技術幫助新創公司加速 成長 (link: 縮址: ) 信安2019推出了螢幕碎屏保險 (link: 縮址: ) 信安為第一家東南亞公司獲得一般保險以及再保險執照 (link: 縮址: 信安與印尼電商bukalapak一起在電商平台銷售數位保險 (link: 縮址: --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (新加坡)
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1F:→ MOONY135: 伍佰一週 12/12 20:14
2F:推 DarkIllusion: 您客氣了 上一篇那種規模才稱作洗板 12/12 21:16
3F:噓 pig2014: 請問我可以用acer的電腦然後退價差嗎 12/12 21:47
4F:→ dog5566: 台灣飛人陳信安 12/13 16:35
5F:推 automaton: 硬體+韌體的經驗對後端會有幫助嗎? 12/14 17:15
6F:噓 chermany: 這家公司是做根本常在亂找人,我專常是資料庫和前端結 12/16 07:17
7F:→ chermany: 果還找我去面試後端,回說還有別的相關職缺可以試試看 12/16 07:17
8F:→ chermany: ,但是人力銀行沒看到前端的缺,後來才知道他們前端都 12/16 07:17
9F:→ chermany: 外包。當天去人資說上個禮拜已經找到該職缺的人,還讓 12/16 07:17
10F:→ chermany: 我浪費一天時間時間請假聽人資介紹他們公司產品 12/16 07:17
這位朋友,以下幾點說明: 1. 我們從來沒有在人力銀行上徵才呦,所以我想您是不是搞錯公司了? 2. 不介意的話可以私訊我你的名字以及email, 我可以跟HR詢問一下您的狀況 ※ 編輯: gail0720 ( 臺灣), 12/16/2019 09:20:04
11F:推 chermany: 抱歉造成困擾,查清楚面試的那家叫動信安全,也是外商 12/16 10:23
12F:→ chermany: ,產品也很類似,我以為是同一家 12/16 10:23
13F:推 kenwufederer: 結果被誤會了 12/16 10:47
14F:推 DCTmaybe: 結果是誤會,幫推 12/16 14:46
15F:推 jammy50605: 幫推 12/17 09:19
16F:推 demo1945: 誤會幫推 12/17 09:49
17F:推 aassdd926: 幫推 12/18 13:44
18F:推 abcsimps: 幫推 12/22 13:12
19F:推 crosserclaws: 面過幫推 12/28 00:17

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