Soft_Job 板


公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): MVI Systems Ltd. (43242751) 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): Hong Kong HQ: 11/F, The Sitoy Tower, 164 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Taiwan Branch: 6F., No.34, Jianguo 2nd Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 職缺: Technical Project Manager 職缺能力經歷要求: Responsibilities: ‧Define, articulate, and follow through project implementation plan and scope to ensure timely project delivery ‧Customise project management tools, process, and procedures to cater for individual project delivery requirements ‧Liaise with vendor supplier for operational and technical support ‧Manage and communicate customer and business partner expectation throughout project lifecycles ‧Document project information for internal and external requirements ‧Define, and conduct, operational training to partners and end users Requirements: ‧Degree holder in science or engineering related disciplines ‧3 years experience in Project Management and Project cycles ‧Knowledge in Video Broadcast, OTT, and Audio/Visual system ‧Holder of Cisco, CCNA / CCNP is an advantage ‧Good command of written and spoken English ‧Well verse in Cantonese is an advantage ‧Excellent organizational and problem-solving skills ‧Strong interpersonal and communication skill ‧Self-motivated, initiative, hardworking, and good team player ‧Mature, independent, responsible, and accountable ‧Able to work under pressure, with good time management and attention to details ‧Less experience will be considered as Technical Project Engineer 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : No need prepare work tool 薪資(月薪): NTD 50,000~70,000 / month 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): _13_ 個月 年終獎金計算方式:底薪計算/全薪計算 全薪計算 工時: Monday to Friday 09:30AM to 18:30PM (Lunch break 1 hour) 加班費制度: 依照台灣勞基法規定 如雇主有使勞工每日工作時間超過8小時者,或單週超過40小時者,應依法給付加班 費,其標準為:(勞動基準法第24條) (1)延長工作時間在2小時以內者,按平日每小時工資額加給3分之1以上。 (2)再延長工作時間在2小時以內者,按平日每小時工資額加給3分之2以上。 補休使用需員工同意,經錄取員工檢舉無加班費,一律轉發勞動部進行勞動檢查。 MVI is a Hong Kong based, multi-cultural, and APJ / MEA regions focused company, specialised in providing next generation IP video services designed to meet the challenges in enterprise and hospitality industries. Contact: [email protected] Interested parties please e-mail full CV with current and expected salary. Suitable candidate will be arranged for an interview in Kaoshiung Office --
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1F:→ ripple0129: 還以為單位是港幣 11/14 21:42
2F:推 oopFoo: 高雄推一下。 11/15 11:01
3F:→ angusyu: 沒人噓是因為我自己太挑嗎… 11/15 12:40
4F:噓 t64141: 不是,只是懶得噓 11/15 13:16
5F:噓 DCTmaybe: 不是,只是懶得看英文 11/15 13:21
6F:→ alan3100: 我有特別點進來看單位 結果是台幣 11/15 13:25

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