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AI startup Appier gets $33M Series C from investors, including SoftBank Group, Line Corp. and Naver Appier, a Taiwanese startup that helps companies harness artificial intelligence to make marketing decisions, announced today that it has raised a $33 million Series C round from an impressive roster of Asian investors. They are SoftBank Group Corp., Line Corp., Naver Corp., EDBI (the Singapore Economic Development Board’s corporate investment arm) and Hong Kong-based financial services firm AMTD Group. This brings Appier’s total funding so far to $82 million. Lead investors in its previous rounds included Sequoia Capital and Pavilion Capital. Appier co-founder and CEO Chih-Han Yu says its Series C will be used to grow its engineering and research and development teams in countries outside of Taiwan, including Singapore. Appier intends to continue deepening its reach in Asia before it considers expanding into other regions. “We are focused on internet companies in Asia and I think this round of investors gives us great partnerships to expand all over Asia,” says Yu. SoftBank Group and Line Corp. are both headquartered in Japan, while Naver Corp. is one of South Korea’s largest internet firms. Both countries are among Appier’s largest markets in north Asia. (While SoftBank Group’s $93 billion Vision Fund is currently in the spotlight for its unprecedented investment spree, Appier’s funding came directly from SoftBank Group). EDBI represents Southeast Asia, another important market, while AMTD is a link to Hong Kong. When Appier was founded in 2012, its focus was on cross-screen advertising, which Yu says served as a launchpad for its other solutions. Now it has two main products. The first, called the CrossX Programmatic Platform, was created to let companies apply artificial intelligence to their digital marketing campaigns. The second, Axion, is a data intelligence platform that helps companies understand and predict customer behavior. Thanks to its roots in cross-screen advertising, Appier has a strong graph of user data that serves as the foundation for its predictions, Yu says. “Marketing was a starting point for us to first engage with companies and also find a lot of great partners to work with,” says Yu. “Over the years we saw the strong need many companies have that want to use AI to solve multiple problems, analyze and have deeper insight into their users and also better understand forecasts of user behavior.” For example, one cosmetics company uses Appier software to synchronize data from across different departments and sources, including retail sales and its apps. CrossX helps its marketing team figure out how to increase customer engagement, while Axion gives them more detailed insight into groups of customers, including which ones are most likely to turn into repeat customers and when they will probably want to buy products again. Appier currently works with three main categories of businesses: consumer brands, e-commerce companies that already have a lot of user data and want to add more prediction layers and mobile commerce or game developers that need to figure out user engagement patterns for online-to-offline services or in-game behavior. In a prepared statement, Ren Tanaka, SoftBank Group’s corporate officer and deputy head of business, said “AI, combined with big data, IoT and other disruptive technologies, is going to create an impact on the world that will be bigger than the Industrial Revolution. We are already starting to see AI generate benefits in many parts of our lives and believe it also has a great role to play within the enterprise. Appier’s approach to AI for the enterprise is unique and we look forward to partnering with them as they build exciting new AI solutions for business.” Link total funding $83 M so far 你跟我說這是台灣新創… 所以就算你阿嬤都會造輪子,火箭的價值還是在那邊啦 --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: Sixigma (, 08/30/2017 21:09:40
1F:推 oneheat: c round了,決生死的時候到了 08/30 21:53
2F:推 ldkrsi: 聽說這間近一年的ML新人缺只收台大cs的 08/30 21:54
3F:→ zenixls2: 不要放舊照片啊... 08/30 22:33
4F:噓 final01: 人家老闆都是台大CS神人了~只要台大CS不為過吧 08/30 23:25
5F:→ final01: 噓錯...拍謝 08/30 23:25
6F:推 sOuOr: 想知道從美國flg回去這家值得嗎@@ 08/31 02:40
7F:推 drak4dd: 除非依照flg回來的開特別的pay, 不然若是照內部普遍給台 08/31 04:11
8F:→ drak4dd: 灣人的水平應該不划 08/31 04:11
9F:推 drak4dd: 而且在美國做廣告投放的公司也一堆... 08/31 04:13
10F:推 exthrash: 阿嬤都會做的ML 08/31 04:47
11F:推 drajan: Appier不只做廣告投放...沒看內文? 08/31 06:38
12F:→ KernelChen: 等著看這家吃鱉 08/31 07:24
13F:→ zenixls2: 吃鱉不至於,他又不像其他新創會燒創投的錢,早自負盈虧 08/31 07:57
14F:→ zenixls2: 了 08/31 07:57
15F:推 s678131: 從ID 可以看出是 Six sigma 專家 08/31 09:11
16F:推 benben994: 別亂造謠,明明就有清大的同學進去 08/31 11:52
17F:推 yshnow: PCMAN也不是台大CS啊 造謠 08/31 11:55
18F:推 lukelove: 是阿 pcman是台大cs master吧 08/31 12:51
19F:推 tsoahans: PCMAN後來有念台大碩 08/31 12:56
20F:→ hungys: 沒更新到消息說人造謠XD 08/31 13:28
21F:推 windleaf: 很多人都不是台大的啦 比例問題而已 08/31 13:41
22F:推 ldkrsi: PCman不是ML team的人吧 08/31 15:00
23F:→ ldkrsi: 就我所知這間公司在早期搞ML和DM是以政大的為主 08/31 15:05
24F:→ ldkrsi: 但在那位教授加入後沒經驗的ML和DM碩士新人幾乎是台大的 08/31 15:06
25F:→ f496328mm: 那位教授?林軒田? 08/31 17:12
26F:→ Morphee: 自己去林客硬上看拉 95%都是NTU的 08/31 18:01
27F:→ Mtcat: 林軒田吧 可估一下新聞 08/31 20:09
28F:推 CharlieL: 我們歡迎任何學校畢業,有能力有興趣有熱情的朋友加入 09/01 05:23
29F:推 CharlieL: 我們團隊,很剛好最近幾位要上工的新伙伴都不是台大的, 09/01 05:24
30F:推 CharlieL: 應該可以破解鄕民的道聽塗說…… 09/01 05:24
31F:推 drajan: 田神出現了 (膜拜) 09/01 05:58
32F:→ leafwind: 誰是政大...有點毛,我膽子不大別嚇我QAQ 09/01 11:06
33F:推 brandyjohn: 台大真可憐,各種被歧視,挑台大也不行,不然挑大葉好了 09/01 12:36
老師的意思是是不是台大不是重點,闢謠一下,也不是歧視吧 ※ 編輯: Sixigma (, 09/01/2017 13:50:00
34F:→ aiueokaki: 先解決面試官的態度可能比較適合 09/03 15:48
35F:推 stephenc: 推田老師 08/27 11:48

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