joke 板


※ 引述 《ed78617 (雞爪)》 之銘言: : 標題: [笑話] racist joke 精選集 : 時間: Fri Dec 8 21:46:25 2017 :   :   : 1. : Do not be racist; be like Mario. He's an Italian plumber, who was made by the : Japanese, speaks English, looks like a Mexican, jumps like a black man, and : grabs coins like a Jew! :   別歧視人家,學學瑪莉歐!他是個義大利水管工、出於日本人之手、講英文、長的像墨西哥 人、跟黑人一樣會跳,還會跟猶太人一樣抓金幣。 : 2. : Don't be racist; racism is a crime; and crime is for black people. :   不要歧視,歧視是罪過,而罪是黑人專屬的。 :   : 3. : I was walking down the street and I punched of a white guy and then I was : arrested for assault. The next day after I got out, I punched a black guy and : I was arrested for impersonating a police officer. :   有次我走在路上揍了一個白人一拳,然後被因傷害罪逮捕;被放出來的隔天,我揍了一個黑 人一拳,然後被因假冒警察被逮捕。 :   : 3. : Q: What do you call white people running down a hill? : A: An avalanche. : Q: What do you call Mexicans running down a hill? : A: A mudslide. : Q: What do you call black people running down a hill? : A: A jail break. :   :   Q: 你會怎麼形容一群白人跑下山丘? A: 雪崩 Q: 你會怎麼形容一群墨西哥人跑下山丘? A: 土石流 Q: 你會怎麼形容一群黑人跑下山丘? A: 逃獄 : 4. : Mexico doesn't win Olympic medals because all the best runners, jumpers, and : swimmers are in America. :   墨西哥贏不了奧運獎牌是因為他們最會跑、最會跳、最會游泳的人都在美國了。 :   : 5. : Q: What's the difference between a naked white woman and a naked black woman? : A: One is on the cover of Playboy and the other is on the cover of National : Geographic. :   Q: 裸體的白人女性跟裸體的黑人女性有什麼差別? A: 一個是在花花公子的封面,另一個則在國家地理雜誌的封面。 :   : 6. : A guy decides to do something nice for his girlfriend before they leave on : vacation so he gets her name tattooed on his penis. He comes home and shows : it to her. She looks at it and says, "That's great, sweetie, but what is : 'Wy'?" He tells her to rub it and as she does she sees it actually reads : "Wendy." When they arrive at Montego Bay, the couple are walking along a nude : beach and the boyfriend notices a black guy with "Wy" on his penis. He asks : the man if he also has a girlfriend named Wendy. The black guy laughs and : says, "Nah, mon, mine says 'Welcome to Jamaica have a nice day.'" :   有個男人在去度假之前想為他女友弄個小驚喜,所以他在懶覺上刺了女友的名字。於是他到 家向女友展示他的小驚喜,女友看著那個「驚喜」說:「這很棒呀,親愛的,但是『Wy』是 什麼呢?」他請她把那根搓大些,女友照做,看到上面原來寫的是「Wendy」。當他們兩人 來到 蒙特加貝,他們走過一處天體海灘,男友注意到有個黑人的懶覺上也刺了「Wy」,於是男友 去問那位黑人是不是也有個名叫Wendy的女友。黑人大笑,然後說:「不不不,老兄,我這 根寫:『Welcome to Jamaica have a nice day』」 (歡迎光臨牙買加,祝你有美好的一天☺) --
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1F:推 ed78617: 推 12/09 00:09
這笑話你自己貼derXDDDD ※ 編輯: Neil000 (, 12/09/2017 00:17:01
2F:推 jack168168tw: 最後一則的rub我覺得是叫女友把懶叫搓大之後才能看 12/09 01:04
3F:→ jack168168tw: 到完整的Windy,撥開感覺怪怪的XD 不過感謝翻譯~ 12/09 01:04
對齁 rub是擦XDDDD 看的時候第一個念頭是撥XDDDD 被八卦荼毒了QQ ※ 編輯: Neil000 (, 12/09/2017 01:14:56
4F:推 spring719: 推 12/09 01:18
5F:推 EXPCDR: 感恩有你感恩 12/09 19:18
6F:推 ann7773631: 翻得不太好 12/10 19:00
7F:→ ann7773631: 但有心給推 12/10 19:00
8F:推 doraemon3838: 推,感謝翻譯 12/11 00:16

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