宣傳一下,台灣暴雪在這個月已經成立了全新的客服中心, 在下半年會提供亞太英語區客戶服務,現在正尋找有相關經驗,對 暴雪遊戲熱誠及知識的夥伴加入客服行列 目前客服團隊開放的職缺為 Associate Customer Service Representative-English 有想要挑戰的可以利用這個網址申請: 以下為職缺說明 責任: Respond to customer inquiries and provide first contact resolution of customer issues via phone, typed-chat, and email. Deliver timely and accurate responses to customer questions and requests. Take personal ownership of customer requests and maintain accountability for follow-through. Perform account maintenance, data entry, and order processing functions. Provide exceptional customer experience as measured through customer surveys. Provide proactive customer communications via phone, typed-chat, or email when necessary. Display a professional, positive, and enthusiastic demeanor to employees and customers. Maintain security and confidentiality of Blizzard’s internal information and customer / account information. Escalate or refer issues beyond the scope of Tier I training and duties. Demonstrate thorough understanding of departmental policies and procedures. Support Blizzard account, payment and technical related issues. Other duties as assigned. 條件: Excellent written and verbal communications skills in both Chinese and English Team player with a positive attitude Available to work days, nights, and weekends Comfort with using telephony related hardware and software Familiarity with Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office Excellent attention to detail 加分: Previous call center or direct customer-facing experience Knowledge of and passion for Blizzard games 申請所需準備文件: Resume Cover Letter which should include: Why you are interested in working at Blizzard What games you are currently playing --
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1F:→ o07608: 業配文(咦) 03/24 12:17
2F:推 owlonoak: 感覺有點血汗耶 不知道薪水多少 03/24 12:20
3F:推 aegius1r: Available to work days, nights, and weekends 03/24 12:22
4F:→ anadabaga: 台灣有台灣的玩法,一些不錯的工作到台灣就變質了...QQ 03/24 12:23
5F:推 shinobunodok: 這好像有點硬 03/24 12:29
6F:推 crazedog: 不知道標準是啥就被刷掉 03/24 12:35
7F:推 Yanrei: 台灣老闆的標準大概是三語精通27k(? 03/24 12:36
8F:→ lotte891: 錢夠多的話都好說吧... 03/24 12:36
9F:推 redbeanbread: 美皮台骨吧 03/24 12:36
10F:推 shinobunodok: 台灣老闆當然是 22K+1K英文專精+1K日文專精=24K 03/24 12:47
11F:→ shinobunodok: 以此推類 03/24 12:47
12F:→ meishan31: 不可以破壞行情 03/24 13:16
13F:→ suumire: 之前應徵某個工作的確希望我有三語能力然後打算給我25k 03/24 13:21
14F:推 Yanrei: 中英印尼文25k嗎…XD 03/24 13:28
15F:→ Yanrei: 之前有看到一篇徵人開三語這個價格 03/24 13:29
16F:推 mermermer: 他們要的是"中英"精通客服吧,幾週前有在Dcard看到應徵 03/24 13:32
17F:→ mermermer: 心得文,內文有說暴雪唯一不需要經歷的職缺只有客服, 03/24 13:32
18F:→ mermermer: 所以薪水也會反應在這上面。 03/24 13:33
19F:→ sumarai: dcard… 03/24 13:54
20F:推 mermermer: 那篇dcard心得文對想應徵雙語客服的人應該滿有幫助的 03/24 13:59
21F:→ mermermer: 有用的心得文應該不分在那裡po文您說是吧?:) 03/24 14:00
22F:推 OK8066889: 要進台灣玻璃渣英文要求滿高的,各職務都是... 03/24 14:03
23F:→ asgard1991: 英文真的要滿好的 03/24 14:04
24F:→ suumire: 中英日啦 03/24 14:09
25F:推 Binns: 中英要好 對遊戲要熟 新水不差 03/24 14:44
26F:推 usoppp: 35k一個月 03/24 14:57
27F:→ Despairile: 英文要非常好 面試的會問多益幾分 03/24 15:17
28F:→ Despairile: 但是我沒考 外帶電話面試他問的英文問題又無法立即性 03/24 15:19
29F:→ Despairile: 回應 就GG了 03/24 15:19
30F:→ Despairile: 然後他們中文的電話客服已經不收人了 03/24 15:20
31F:→ Despairile: 還有應該會輪3班 03/24 15:22
32F:→ HanLYeMd: 只有托福沒有多益 只能被刷惹 03/24 17:17
33F:推 a0kevin0: 說實話翻譯很難,文章比想像中更長更複雜,平常遊戲不是 03/24 23:52
34F:→ a0kevin0: 玩英文版的可能翻不出一半,本魯多益935 03/24 23:52
35F:→ crazedog: 同樣沒考多益GG 只能自我安慰不用因為輪班不能出團... 03/25 02:28
36F:推 LoveIvy: 35ㄧ個月 要輪班 03/25 07:19
37F:→ LoveIvy: WG之前38 03/25 07:20
38F:→ LoveIvy: 要應徵的話最好是一直都玩英文版 03/25 07:23
39F:→ jetk4555: 光英文就刷掉9成 03/25 15:26
40F:→ Despairile: @LoveIvy 我聽說WOW的客服英文需求比較高 03/25 16:43
41F:噓 fang771102: . 03/29 16:24

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