大家好,我是積極陷入回憶、每天一回憶的SK2衝刺班口說顧問Li-Yi(茶)。 今天想來分享2月底考30分的整合作文與另一回30分口說音檔, 希望對備戰的朋友有點幫助 (by th way, 想參與30分寫作口說回答手把手教學的人, 可以報名我5/4的公開課: #整合寫作回憶文 這篇的原始來源估計是這兒: 我的回憶文: The article and the lecture both discuss whether a tomb site in East England indeed belongs to King Raewald. While the author claims that the dating and the size of the grave as well as the silverware inscribed with Christian names all suggest that the king was buried there, the lecturer is clearly against this idea. First, according to the reading, the objects found in the grave matches with the time when the ruler passed. In contrast, the lecturer holds that radiocarbon dating has not been very effective in determining the age of items in burial grounds. Plus, there's no consensus in the academia regarding the exact year in which Raewald died. Next, the author asserts that only powerful leaders like King Raewald can possess such a grand gravesite with so many valuable items buried inside. However, the speaker disagrees with this assumption. because there's no other graveyards from the same era found so far; thus it's not possible to verify it. Lastly, the author points out that the silver utensils found in the tomb contain the names of two early Christians, indicating that the owner of the grave should be a Christian ruler like King Raewald. The counterargument of the lecturer is that those goods might be gifts from Christians instead of the possession of a Christian ruler. They might have become part of the burial collection because they were made of precious metal. That is to say, there's no direct evidence to prove that their owner was Raewald and that the tomb site was his. 這是一篇Hemingway App判定為Grade12閱讀程度的文章 (通常判定標準是句子裡面的字數和句型) 寫的時候容易重複的字有 a. 題目的主角名、墳墓: 這真的只能憑著自己當下的能力去變換. king/ruler/leader, grave/graveyard/gravesite/tomb/tomb site b.講者、作者/文章、各式各樣的"說(聲稱/抗議/反對)(可準備) c. 轉折、延伸字(可準備) b&c自己過濾整理了一下附圖,希望對某些同學有幫助 2. 到底要想好再寫還是邊想邊寫? 我現在傾向句子想得比較完整再寫.寧可多想10秒鐘. 因為在下打字並不是飛快,上面一句以句號為邊界的句子大概至少要30-40秒. 不管是word order沒想好或打錯字, 每次下筆再改字又要+5-10秒/字.所以寧可想好或慢慢打易錯單字 3. 寫大概15-17分鐘.檢查3分鐘 4. 細節字數: 因為這是很久後基於當初回憶筆記的回憶(饒舌),所以具體細節沒有辦 法. 當下寫的應該要更多.我看一般建議也是寫到280-300比較好(雖然Test Ready裡面範 例題建議150-225字(!! 另一天考試30分的口說回憶 #口說回憶題 音檔在此: I definitely prefer to live in a place that is quiet but very far away from the school instead of a place that is very close to the school but surrounded by shops because I can get more things done that way. For example, I remember in my first year of college, I did live very close to the university and there were so many department stores and little boutiques surrounding that area. All day long I was thinking about how I wanted to spend my money, what I wanted to buy, etc. I wasn't paying attention to studying at all. However, after moving to this quiet dorm that was a little bit far away from the city in the suburban areas, I found out that I could really get more studying done because there was nothing else to do anyways. 持平來說,內容沒有比2月底30分回答更具體、冗字也比較多一點. 印象中當下文法也是有小錯. 因為考試前一天整個缺乏睡眠整個當機. 但秉持著一快遮三醜的精神下去應考(這141字/188wpm),也30分 若你平常的回答連顧問或母語者都說很好、但分數還是上不去的同學, 提高速度是你應該嘗試的方向. 短期就是在模板句子上塞字(e.g.副詞形容詞)、 整合增加緩衝的reporting verb (the professor goes on to explain that...), 長期就是多練習常用句型代換字,才能在腦中把一句話當成一個字automatic講出 具體怎麼操作,歡迎報名我5/4 10:00的公開課XD 上次4/21來過公開課的同學,我這次會用不同的題目 並且帶大家操作這些常用句型 ========================== 如果你有寫作和口說問題需要突破/或有特定分數要達到,歡迎5/4找Rosa顧問和我來幫你! 上課日期:5/4(六)10:00-12:00 上課地點:捷運大安站11樓中央教室 上課講者:Rosa & Li-Yi顧問 上課內容:衝刺班講座:新制托福寫作+口說關鍵秘密公開課 快速報名連結: 有什麼問題,公開課相見,知無不言!! =============================== SK2 TOEFL #最多破百高分同學 #作文無限次改到飽 #終生無限次顧問時間、助教讀書會 加入托福高分破100、破110 人數最多的SK2 TOEFL 臉書: 加入GRE 高分人數全台北第一的 Mason GRE臉書,了解最新GRE資訊: --
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