同學們好,我是SK2 TOEFL 衝刺班的David(TOEFL iBT 119) 針對近期WHO 總幹事譚得賽的發言,我是這麼想的:政府會處理好國家高度 的事,每個人以個人名義也可以說點自己想說的話。要讓世界看見台灣的正 面影響力,人人都能以自己獨特的方式參與。 如果你托福口說練了一陣子,不妨試試學以致用:給你兩~三分鐘,用英文 回應,你會想說些什麼? 也可以試試用聽的,去注意語調、語氣、停頓等等的變化。 英文口說和寫作的表達邏輯類似,但很多時候,能用更短的句子、簡單的用 字,表達出明確的態度和情感。 我想說的是:全世界只剩下幾個國家尚未全面停課,台灣至今還是其中之一。 在這麼艱困的時候,身在台灣的我們實屬幸運,我們不該吝惜分享正面能量。 我們也並不孤單,身邊有許多人和我們一同前行。 老話一句,大家一起加油。 - - - 影片: To friends, 給朋友們, So you might have heard about the recent event of Director-General Tedros accusing Taiwan of racist attacks against him. While the President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-Wen, has officially denied this accusation and responded, quote, “If he could withstand pressure from China, (…) come to Taiwan, and see it for himself”, 你可能聽說了,WHO 總幹事譚得賽指控台灣針對他做出種族攻擊。台灣總統 蔡英文已經正式否認這項指控,回覆:「如果譚得賽可以承受來自中國的壓 力,(...)那就來台灣,眼見為憑」。 I, as a Taiwanese and as a global citizen, have a piece of advice for Director-General Tedros, on a much more personal degree: If you really have a lot of pressure from work, if you don’t like your job, quit. 我作為一個台灣人,也作為世界公民的一份子,想給譚得賽總幹事一個較為 個人層面的建議:如果你真的因為工作感受到很大壓力,如果你不喜歡這份 工作,辭職吧。 Bottom line is, do not spread false information, and mess around with people’s lives. Because at the end of the day, you will be remembered based on what you did. 重要的是,不要散佈不實的資訊,拿他人的生命開玩笑——因為到頭來,你 會因為自己的所作所為而為人銘記。 On the other hand, I have personally interviewed a lot of foreigners in Taiwan, and many of them were attracted to Taiwan, because of the values we embrace: “democracy” and “diversity”. A recent example is last year, Taiwan became the first country in Asia to have legalized same sex marriage. 我在台灣訪問過許多外國朋友,而他們都受到台灣擁抱的價值:「民主」和 「多元性」的吸引。近期的一個例子,是在去年,台灣成為了亞洲第一個同 性婚姻合法化的國家。 This year, in fighting the pandemic, we are currently keeping things under control, because the freedom of speech and the government transparency we enjoy, allow us to “solve” problems, not “ignore” them. 而今年,在對抗全球大流行的病毒時,台灣也成功地控制住疫情,因為我們 擁有的言論自由、高度透明的政府,讓我們能「解決」問題,而非「假裝沒 看到」問題。 As a Taiwanese, it is with confidence that I can say, we want to help, and we will continue to help, (being) part of the WHO or not. 作為一個台灣人,我可以很有自信地說,不管是不是WHO 的一部分,我們都 願意幫忙,並且我們會繼續提供協助。 Finally, I believe we are all the more privileged ones, if you’re watching this video, because we can afford social distancing, working from home, or staying at home. But a lot of people can’t. 最後,如果你正在看這個影片,我們都應該是既得利益者、受到眷顧的一群 人。因為我們可以負擔保持社交距離,可以負擔在家工作,或待在家中,而 很多人無法。 So while we shouldn’t be going out, I will suggest that we look in. Take a second and think about what we can do to help spread positive energy and thoughts, instead of hatred and complaints. I think it is also time for us to reconnect with our loved ones, and of course, that includes ourselves. 所以,在這個我們不該出外的時刻,我們或許應該內省。想想我們能做什 麼,來傳遞正面的能量和想法,而非散播仇恨和抱怨。這段期間,也該是我 們和所愛的人重新連結的時刻,而當然,我們也應該和自己重新連結。 So peace and love to everyone out there. Stay safe. This is from your friend, in Taiwan. xoxo 願和平與愛和每一個人同在,注意安全。這段祝福,來自你的台灣朋友。 啾咪 -- SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. --
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