[考試成績]:2019/10/27 R28/L26/S27/W24 Total:105 Medium好讀版 [求學背景] 北大會計 [英文能力敘述] 學測15級 多益930(聽力495) [考試身分] 上班族 [準備時間] 2019.09.02~考試前(同步準備GRE) TOEFL要不要補習? 我覺得要看個人的英文能力,因為補習班主要是教考試技巧,網路上如ptt toefl版、SK2 toefl社團都有很多免費資訊可以利用。 建議可以上網做TPO,看自己的做題狀況,再決定是否需要補習。 考滿分或是小站托福都蠻好用的,也有APP可以下載,上班族通勤時練習時很方便。 各大補習班也有很多免費公開課可以去試聽,我是有去聽SK2的聽力與口說公開課。 要先準備GRE/GMAT還是TOEFL? 大部分的人都說GRE/GMAT和TOEFL不要同時準備,因為兩個考試的題型差很多。我自己是 因為時間很趕,所以補Mason GRE時,同時自修TOEFL。 先準備GRE/GMAT,提升閱讀能力後再考TOEFL會比較輕鬆,我自己的心得是TOEFL的文章架 構比較簡單,所以練習TOEFL TPO時,培養閱讀的習慣,對GRE的閱讀有一定的幫助,而GR E的單字也可以幫助我在準備TOEFL時事半功倍。 接下來就分享我四科的詳細準備方式 閱讀 我的閱讀能力沒有特別突出,但在補GRE時,老師有教主動式閱讀法,在閱讀一篇文章時 ,應該觀察上下句子的相關性,比較可以在看完一篇文章後,記住各段落的重點。我也會 用儘量用一句話來概括每一個段落,這樣做有助於最後一題的主旨題。 使用小站托福時,它有一個功能是會記錄你錯誤的題型,對症下藥會比較有效率。 聽力 聽力算是我的強項,兩次TOEIC聽力滿分,但TOEFL的聽力跟TOEIC其實差蠻多的。TOEFL的 聽力一次3–5分鐘,一不留意就會分心。 題材也相對多元,像是天文學或是藝術史,如果發現自己比較容易錯某種類型的文章,可 以考慮補充一些背景知識。 準備方式也是練習TPO,聽久了就會知道考點比較容易出現在哪,有轉折詞或做小結論的 部分容易出題。 我覺得在記筆記時,不必特別糾結字一定要拼對,在時間壓力下,可以用簡寫、注音符號 或是圖形,快速寫下關鍵字。 口說 口說算是我蠻認真準備的一科,口說總共有四題: S1:問你agree或disagree某件事情,What is your opinion? Explain why. 準備15秒,作答45秒。 S2:先給一篇閱讀,再聽一篇聽力,通常聽力會反對閱讀的論點。準備30秒,作答60秒。 You will now read a short passage and then listen to a conversation on the sam e topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the ques tion, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to spea k. S3:先給一篇閱讀,再聽一篇聽力,通常是閱讀是在描述一個現象或專有名詞,聽力則是 會針對閱讀的主題舉例子佐證。準備30秒,作答60秒。 You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academ ic topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the que stion, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to spe ak. S4:先聽一篇聽力做重點摘要,再口說回答問題,準備20秒,作答60秒。 You will now listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked a question ab out it. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak. Now listen to a part of a talk. 我自己認為第一題最難,因為後面三題都是有提供你口說的素材,雖然題目百百種,你的 答案可以都用同一個或是類似的,我在聽SK2的口說演講課時,它是用money來舉例,不管 問題是什麼,都可以用我支持/反對的理由是因為我愛錢、我重視財富來回答。所以可以 想幾個萬用答案,在碰到題目時可以馬上反應。 後面三題我有自己準備模板: S2 In the reading material, the university is planning to ____________ Since_____________________,___________________(2 reasons) In the conversation, two students are talking about this new policy/plan And the man/woman agrees/disagrees with/like/unhappy about it. One reason she/he mentions is that____________ Another is based on the fact that________________ Therefore, the student agrees/disagrees with ____________. S3 The reading material discusses about________, which means _____________. ______________happens when_______________ Further explanations. And in the listening, the professor illustrates this idea by providing the exa mple of_________ Listening details The example demonstrated the idea of_____________. S4 The professor describes how use strategies to ______ The first strategy is ________ For example________ The second strategy is __________ For instance___________________ 推薦一個很好用的APP托福口說,身為一個分秒必爭的上班族,我常常在走路或爬山時, 一邊使用一邊自言自語。 寫作 我練習的寫作方式蠻土法煉鋼,就是加入SK2社團,觀摩高分範文,背下一些優美句子, 我也會截圖後抄打範文,順便練習打字速度。 整合寫作 閱讀3分鐘,聽演講:約2分鐘,寫作:20分鐘 閱讀會提出三個論點,聽力部分會反駁這三個論點。 Directions: For this task, you will read a passage about an academic topic and you will li sten to a lecture about the same topic. You may take notes while you read and listen. Then you will write a response to the relationship between the lecture you hea rd and the reading passage. Try to answer the question as completely as possib le using information from the reading passage and the lecture. The question do es not ask you to express your personal opinion ( 注意: 不需要表達自己的觀點 ) . You may refer to the reading passage again when you write. You may use your notes to help you answer the question. Typically, an effective response will be ( 字數 ) 150 to 225 words. Your respo nse will be judged on the quality of your writing and on the completeness and accuracy of the content. You should allow 3 minutes to read the passage. Then listen to the lecture. Th en allow 20 minutes ( 20分鐘寫作時間 ) to plan and write your response. Write your response in the space provided. 我的模板如下 Both the passage and the lecture discuss whether XXX. The passage provides three aspects to support the success. However, the lecture seriously disagrees with the article. Accordingly, she presents three refutations. First, the passage mentions that XXX. Nevertheless, the professor strongly challenges the theory by stating that XXX . In addition, XXX. As a result, XXX. Apparently, this theory is not convincing. Secondly, the article indicates that XXX. However, the speaker strongly contradicts the hypothesis because XXX. To elaborate, XXX. Last but not least, the reading passage suggests that XXX. Once again, the scholar severely opposes the idea since XXX. To be more specific, XXX. To sum up, the lecturer refutes every theory in the passage. That is to say, the ways mentioned in the article XXX. 獨立寫作 Directions: For this task, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on an issue. Typically, an effect ive essay will contain a minimum of 300 words (字數). Your essay will be judge d on the quality of your writing. This includes the development of your ideas, the organization of your essay, and the quality and accuracy of the language you use to express your ideas (評分根據: 思路的發展、文章組織、語言使用). You have 30 minutes (時間) to plan, write, and revise your essay. Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 我建議可以加入J2 TOEFL,社團有免費提供最近的機經題,沒空練寫作的話可以針對常考 題,想幾個論點或例子,我考試時就幸運遇到練習過的題目。 考場提醒 1.有時間去看看考場,考試當天比較不會緊張。 2. 閱讀聽力跟口說寫作中間有休息時間,可以準備點心以防血糖過低。 3. 不要吃巧克力!我吃巧克力又忘記喝水,考口說時一度卡痰,幸好沒影響到考試結果 。 4. 我考口說寫作前,因為很緊張,沒有馬上進入考試頁面,而是閉上眼睛深呼吸, 所以 開始考口說時,蠻多人已經進入寫作階段,受到的干擾比較少。 5. 我是在敦化地球村考試,雖然坐在最靠近馬路的座位,但沒受到什麼影響。 考試心態 1. 建議要用一鼓作氣的精神準備,畢竟考一次不便宜。 2. 上班族真的分秒必爭,我都是利用搭捷運通勤時間練習閱讀、聽力,中午休息時間看 範文、抄打範文,走路練口說。 3. 考試前可以在ETS網站免費送四間學校的成績單,如果已經確定申請校系的人可以好好 利用。 4. 早點報名考試,讓自己有點壓力蠻不錯的,尤其到考試旺季一位難求。 最後祝福大家考試順利~ --
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