大家好,我是SK2的Rosa, 同學常常在練托福寫作時,會出現一樣的文法錯。 如果你對文法沒有什麼信心,建議你做完以下練習之後,把最常犯的問題記 起來,就能夠避免大部分的文法錯了。 首先,請你把以下題目印下來,並且試著找出每個題目裡面的文法錯。 1. There is a large number of toads, they can easily prey on the flies. 2. Young people have the ability of thinking independently, which helps them make their decisions. 3. Agnostids are not seafloor dwellers due to fast moving and spread widely on the seafloor. 4. Most of the people in ancient times had limited choices. 5. Agnostids should have developed some special organs, but without evidence to prove. 6. And then, John went to the ceremony. 7. I am easy to reach a decision. 8. There were many users provided a large amount of information about their academic experience. 9. They lacked interest about the major. 10. The creatures have a large population and it will cause the death of the host. 接下來,請看參考擬答和解釋。 1. There is a large number of toads, so they can easily prey on the flies. 英文裡,兩句話的中間需放連接詞或是轉折詞。如果沒有,這會是run-on sentence的問題。 2. Young people have the ability of thinking independently, helping them make their decisions. SVO, which VO.的句型裡面,修飾語只能夠修飾最靠近的受詞,無法修飾到整件事。 當你想要表達整件事,需要用分詞構句:SVO, Ving. 3. Agnostids are not seafloor dwellers since they move fast and spread widely on the seafloor. Due to 後面只能夠加名詞。如果要表達動作的話,建議用SVO, since SVO. 句意會更清楚。 4. Most people in ancient times had limited choices. 這裡不用使用the,因為是指以前的人,並非指一小群人。 The只有在限定時,才會使用。 5. Agnostids should have developed some special organs, but there was no evidence. but 前後需平行,因此,後面應改成子句。 6. Then, John went to the ceremony. And須連接兩句話,如果And放在句首,會犯fragment的問題。 把And拿掉,只留下Then,整句話就沒有問題了。 7. It is easy for me to reach a decision. 同學常常會寫出I am easy, people are difficult的句型。 有些特定的字眼是修飾整件事情的,例如:easy, difficult, convenient, important。 此時,應使用虛主詞來指代整件事。 8. Many users provided a large amount of information about their academic experience. 一句話裡面有兩個動詞。建議同學少用There is N.的句型,因為當你使用這個句型時 ,很容易會犯兩個動詞的問題。 9. They lacked interest in the major. 搭配詞使用錯誤。be interested in…不會是be interested about。 10. The creatures have a large population and they will cause the death of the host. 誤用代名詞:當你用it的時候,會指代不到對象。改成They,便能夠指代到主詞的 creatures,句意會更清楚。當你不會使用代名詞時,建議你可以直接重複提到 指代的對象。此外,使用代名詞時,應該問自己,指代的對象是否清楚? 前面是否提到? 統整上述的十大常見文法錯1. Run-on sentence 2. 關代修飾錯誤 3. Due to用法錯誤 4. 限定/非限定概念不清楚 5. But 前後沒平行 6. Fragment 7. 句型用法錯誤 8. 一句話裡面有兩個動詞 9. 搭配詞使用錯誤 10. 誤用代名詞 接著,請同學再做以下練習,看這次你是否能夠做對! 1. Her parents came back from work, she felt much better. 2. The creatures moved from one place to another, which shows that they could have moved fast. 3. I decided to learn some special dishes, such as how to make beef noodles and how to produce steam lobsters. 4. The animals will move from the area to the other very quickly. 5. The animals had tiny eyes and even be blind. 6. So, we found a great deal of fossils. 7. People are hard to express their love towards their family. 8. Animals lived on the seafloor did not have the ability to move fast. 10. My friends will share their personal experience to me. 11. It ruled out the possibility that the animals were predators. 最後,請看參考擬答,這次是否有全部作對呢? 1. Her parents came back from work, and she felt much better. 2. The creatures moved from one place to another, showing that they could have moved fast. 3. I decided to learn some special dishes, such as beef noodles and steam lobsters. 4. The animals will move from one area to another very quickly. 5. The animals had tiny eyes and were even blind. 6. Thus, we found a great deal of fossils. 7. It is hard for people to express their love towards their family. 8. Animals which lived on the seafloor did not have the ability to move fast. 9. My friends will share their personal experience with me. 10. This evidence ruled out the possibility that the animals were predators. 延伸閱讀: 1. 十大常見的寫作文法錯誤 post.html 2. 我的文法很差,該怎麼辦? 祝同學都能夠越寫越有信心! Warm Regards, SK2 Rosa ^_____^ PS. 假如希望學習怎麼練托福口說加寫作,歡迎同學參加我們這週末舉辦的免費公開課。 當天會為同學準精美的講義以及豐富的內容,歡迎同學踴躍報名!也歡迎 當天找顧問聊聊你的讀書計畫和時間規劃! "SK2的30天破百讀書計畫實在是太貼心了!我完全照著這個計畫走。"---- Mark, S26 "我個人覺得follow Rosa老師教的寫作技巧,Writing是四科裡面最好進步 的。"----Jacky, W28 #來就送30天破百讀書計畫 公開課日期:5/19(日)19:00-21:00 公開課講者:David & Rosa 顧問 公開課內容:破解托福口說與寫作 詳細內容:上課內容搶先看! 1. 寫作滿分的關鍵祕密Part 1:主題句 2. 你知道90%的同學,寫作都會離題嗎? 3. 口說一二題如何發展例子:Word Bank 快速報名網址 --
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