Hi all, 我是J2. Part 1 & 2還沒看過同學請看這裡: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3的對象就是除了you, your friend以外,2018年最常出現對象 第三名:University/ School, 總共有11題。 既然都是要到國外留學,同學們當然對於「校園」的想法,應該也再熟悉不 過,所以不妨再利用這些口說題目,好好想想自己的立場。 11題當中,大學/學校最常考的還是學校提供課程,你覺得哪個比較好。這 個問題牽扯到你,所以要以你為對象出發,當然也是可以,不過不妨用學校 的角度:招生、名望、省經費等等去思考喔! 以下就是2018年University/School的11個題目,同學可以利用這些題目, 再好好的把自己的word bank準備的更完整! 1. School should teach students moral value, such as patience. 0303 2. What are the advantage and disadvantage of a school being far from the city? 0331 3. What are the advantage and/or the disadvantage of attending a university in a small town or in a rural area? 0415 4. Your university is planning to allow people in the community to take courses with students. This course will be free for them and they will not receive feedback or grades about their papers. Do you think this is a good program and why? 0526 5. Your school is going to give up newspaper and instead use online newspaper. Describe one advantage and disadvantage. 0602 6. Your school is going to invest in building a club. Some people think it is better for ice skating. Other people think it is better for math. Which do you think is better and why? 0610 7. Your university is going to do one of the following projects. Which is better? 0902 forecast weather clean ocean and river explore the space and life on space 8. Your school needs to save budget. Which of the following clubs should be canceled? 0915 hiking club speech and debate club 9. Students nowadays all have laptops, so your school is not going to build computer labs. Do you think this is a good idea? 1020 10. Your school is going to build one of the following facilities. Which do you think is better? 1104 Outdoor theater Video game room Gym 11. Your school is going to offer community service for students but students will not get any credits. Do you think this is a good idea? 1117 想看更多機經整理、機經分析,歡迎加入J2TOEFL機經社團,搜尋「學科機 經整理」: J2TOEFL Blog: J2TOEFL機經社團,搜尋「學科機經整理」,掌握最新機經資訊: J2機經分析YouTube頻道,歡迎追蹤: ***** 喜歡J2機經整理,了解更多,歡迎報名J2TOEFL學科真題機經班: 課程推薦對象(任一): *閱讀、聽力答題率,會因為特定學科(如天文、歷史)知識、單字不足, 起伏不穩的同學 *實際考試口說、寫作會變難,想先練習近期真題和難題者 *考過多次,分數無法突破,希望下一戰能穩定輸出、達到目標的同學 學員回饋: M同學: 「在學科真題機經班的課程我學到很多背景知識 我本身聽力很差也很容易緊張 多虧學科真題機經班的背景知識補齊我的不足 讓我在答題時能預先知道考題方向,就會題目不一定一樣 但有方向對於答題信心和速度有益無害 寫作和口說上也可以透過學科真題機經班 重新抓出重點 更精準地找出考試方向」 林同學: 「J2的課很有趣,讓我在無涯的學海中看到了一些光芒(有學科分類跟基本 概念的幫助蠻大的)。... ...在課程中,也讓我對於準備托福考試的整體 概念得到了啟發」 --
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