原標題:How the Orlando Magic are building around Paolo Banchero -- using a formula that built a dynasty (奧蘭多魔術隊如何以 Paolo Banchero 建立團隊——使用建起新王朝的方程式) 來源: 作者:Nick Friedell 原文+翻譯: 第一部分 LAS VEGAS -- PAOLO BANCHERO was the No. 1 pick in the 2022 NBA draft for exactly this type of moment. And most of his new Orlando Magic teammates are standing courtside to watch. 拉斯維加斯——恰好在這個時刻,Paolo Banchero 是在二零二二年選秀中的狀元。同時 ,他在魔術隊的多位新隊友都站在場邊看著。 It's July 9, three days into Las Vegas Summer League, and the Magic, who were up by 18 points with just 4:25 remaining in the fourth quarter, are blowing it. 當時是七月九日,在夏季聯賽進行的第三天,而魔術隊在第四節剩下四分二十五秒的時候 ,逐漸失去其十八分的領先優勢。 With 6.1 seconds left in regulation, the Kings' Neemias Queta hits a 3-pointer from the top of the key to shrink the Magic's lead to 3. The Thomas & Mack Center crowd is on its feet, anxious for what could be the final play in an unusually exhilarating game in which the No. 1 pick has battled against No. 4 pick Keegan Murray. 在比賽時間還剩下六點一秒的當兒,國王隊的Neemias Queta 從禁區的頂上命中一顆三分 球,將魔術隊的領先優勢縮小為三分。在湯姆斯馬克中心的會眾都站了起來,只為等待可 能是該場令人異常振奮、狀元與四號籖球員Keegan Murray 較量的比賽之最後一幕。 Cheering from courtside as Banchero prepares to inbound are 2021 No. 5 pick Jalen Suggs, 2020 No. 15 pick Cole Anthony, 2017 No. 6 pick Jonathan Isaac, former No. 1 pick (by the Philadelphia 76ers) Markelle Fultz, Chuma Okeke, Gary Harris and Bol Bol -- all there to encourage Orlando's prized new rookie and watch the Banchero Show. 正當 Banchero 準備進球時,在場邊歡呼的有: - 二零二一年五號籖 Jalen Suggs - 二零二零年十五號籖 Cole Anthony - 二零一七年六號籖 Jonathan Isaac - 二零一七年狀元 Markelle Fultz (來自七六人的選擇) - Chuma Okeke - Gary Harris - Bol Bol 全部都在現場,激發魔術隊珍貴的新秀,並準備觀看「班切羅秀」。 The group is part of a cadre of current Magic players who descended upon Vegas to see the rookie's opening act. Wendell Carter Jr., Moe and Franz Wagner, Mo Bamba and R.J. Hampton, who is playing alongside Banchero on Orlando's summer league team, all made appearances in the desert as well. While Banchero's fit is still to be determined, his impact on the group is already being felt, his arrival only strengthening the bonds of a team that had already developed solid relationships off the floor. 而還有一群人,是親臨拉斯維加斯現場觀看該新秀的開場演出之魔術隊主要現役球員: - Wendell Carter Jr. - Moritz Wagner - Franz Wagner - Mo Bamba - R.J. Hampton (在夏季聯賽場上,和 Banchero 並肩作戰的球員) 全都亮相現場。正當 Banchero 對球場的適應性有待確認的同時,他對整個隊伍的影響力 已經被感受到了,他的到來只為了加強一支已經在場外建立了穩固關係的團隊之聯繫。 "I was just texting with all the guys the other day about how special it was," says second-year Magic coach Jamahl Mosley. 在魔術隊任職教練第二年的 Jamahl Mosley 說:「日前我才在和其他球員互傳訊息,談 論著如此特別的一刻。」 Back on the floor, Banchero jabs left on the inbound, trying to create even a modicum of space from Murray and his 6-foot-11 wingspan, and passes to Hampton near the Kings' left corner. But the Kings anticipate it, and Ade Murkey deflects the pass. A free-for-all ensues and the ball ends up in Murray's hands. 回到球場上, Banchero 在內側往左邊突入,嘗試在 Murray 和他六尺十一寸的翼展之間 製造出一點點的空間,並傳給在國王隊左角附近的 Hampton。不過國王隊預料到了這一步 ,而Ade Murkey 攔下了該次傳球。隨之而來的是公開競爭,最終球落入Murray 的手中。 As he backs up to the 3-point line, Banchero rushes toward him. With the final seconds ticking away, Murray pump-fakes and the 6-foot-10 forward and Hampton both bite, flying past the former Iowa wing, before watching Murray hoist the potential game-tying 3. At this point, it is Murray's game to lose and Banchero knows it. 當他退到三分線外時,Banchero 往他的方向衝去。隨著比賽進入倒數的時候,Murray 做 了一個假動作,這位六尺十寸高的前鋒同時和Hampton 在緊咬牙關,從該位前愛荷華大學 球隊側翼的身邊飛過,再看著 Murray 投下可能決定比賽結果的三分球。在這個時間點, 這是 Murray 的比賽,Banchero 知道(魔術隊)可能會輸球。 The ball swishes in and Banchero's hands fall with deflation. As he walks down the floor, he passes all his new teammates. For Anthony, who had been bouncing in his seat in excitement throughout the game, being present for these early moments is critical. The third-year guard knows how much it meant to him when some of his older teammates watched him at summer league -- and now he's paying it forward. 球咻一聲地進去了,而 Banchero 的手也隨之放空了。當他離開球場的時候,他從自己的 新隊友身邊走過。對於在整場比賽中,在自己的座位上興奮地蹦跳的Anthony 來說,能在 早期的時候現身,乃是至關重要的。這位效力第三年的後衛知道,當比他更年長的球員在 夏季聯賽場邊看他比賽的時候,其所代表的意義、以及如何使其有所回報。 "They're a part of the family now," he says. 他說:「他們如今都是這個家庭的一份子了。」 Banchero's arrival on the NBA scene has given the Magic, who have been to the playoffs only twice since the end of the 2011-12 season, a shot of energy the organization desperately needed. Banchero 來到了 NBA 賽場後,給予自 2011-12 賽季以來,只晉級過兩次季後賽的魔術 隊一注球團亟需的能量針。 So much so that when Mosley and his coaching staff texted the veteran players before summer league to set up a team dinner in Vegas, many of them made it clear they were already ahead of their coach. 正當 Mosley 和他的教練團在夏季聯賽開始前,發訊息邀請老球員們以安排在拉斯維加斯 的晚宴時,很多人都明確表示他們已經比教練們領先一步了。 "These guys came in and they were like, 'Well yeah, that's great, but we're going to be there on the 7th for the first [summer league] game,'" Mosley says. "And I know a lot of teams have certain guys in and out, but for them to sit with each other, be with each other, laughing and joking, talking about what they want to do, being around each other -- it's something special to me." Mosley 說: 「這些人入隊後,都會有『很好,棒極了,可是我們將會在七日開始第一場(夏季聯賽) 的比賽』的感覺。我知道很多球隊都會有某些球員來來去去,但要讓他們坐在一起、相 互陪伴、開玩笑逗人歡顔、為想要做的事談笑風生、彼此相處——對我來說,某種程度 上是特別的。」 第二部分 FOR ANY NO. 1 pick, intense scrutiny begins as soon as NBA commissioner Adam Silver calls his name on draft night. And often well before that. 對於任何狀元來說,當 NBA 總裁 Adam Silver 在選秀之夜上叫到他的名字時,公眾的輿 論也隨之而來,且往往在此之前就開始了。 It's a spotlight Banchero admits he's still adjusting to. Banchero 坦承,他還在努力適應有鎂光燈的環境。 "A year and a half ago I was a high schooler," Banchero said. "I wasn't used to that. Now it's different." Banchero 說: 「一年半以前,我還是一位高校生,對此不是很習慣。但如今已經有所不同了。」 It's an adjustment Mosley believes Banchero is ready for, in part because of the young star's one and only season at Duke -- which also doubled as Hall of Fame coach Mike Krzyzewski's final season on campus. Mosley 相信這是 Banchero 準備好接受的調整,一部分是因為該位年輕新星在杜克大學 的唯一賽季——這也是名人堂教練 Mike Krzyzewski 在該院校的最後一個賽季。 While the basketball world is interested to see how Banchero will fit as a focal point of this team, Mosley wants to take as much pressure as possible off the 19-year-old, already a face of the long-struggling franchise. 正當籃球世界有興趣瞭解 Banchero 如何能成為球隊的核心時, Mosley 希望能努力減輕 這位十九歲球員的壓力,畢竟他是該支長期掙扎求存的球團之重點人物。 "I really believe that we're going to do it by committee, honestly," Mosley says. "Look at the Warriors. Look at Milwaukee; you look at Memphis. There's something about the committee in which they do it. One person will speak at times, but there's other guys holding each one accountable. There's one guy that will speak up and do it a different way, work in a different way. Mosley 表示: 「說真的,我堅信將可以透過委員會的形式來做到。看看勇士吧,再看公鹿和灰熊。一個 人有時會發言,但也會有其他球員要相互負責。有一個人終究要說出來,並以不同的方 式做事。」 "That's the way this team is shaping up; each guy's going to have a different type of voice on a different night." 「那就是這支球隊塑形的方式,每位球員在不同的夜晚都會有不同的看法要表達。」 It's a model Mosley saw with the 2022 NBA champion Warriors -- and a foundation he hopes to build with his young squad in Orlando, one in which no one player shoulders too much of the load. 這是 Mosley 從二零二二年總冠軍勇士隊看到的模型——也是他希望能在魔術隊年輕的陣 容中建立的基礎,不讓任何球員背負太多的重擔。 One of the practice drills the Magic staff put the team through in Vegas involved each player getting a chance to lead the offense, putting his teammates in what he believed were the right positions during different sets and actions. 其中一個魔術隊教練團成員在拉斯維加斯進行的訓練是讓每位球員有機會引領進攻,在不 同的套路和動作中確保自己被放在本身認為正確的位置上。 The goal, Mosley says, was to allow each player to "use their voice in the leadership role on the court." Mosley 說,這個目的是為了讓每位球員「都能在場上發揮本身的領導作用」。 "You look at how Draymond [Green] is so vocal, but everybody knows how he ties and glues that team together," Mosley says. "Steph [Curry] doesn't have to say much, but when he does, it speaks volumes. We want to build our guys in that regard where there's such a chemistry, and then as guys rise and they get their voice and they get that feel of leadership, they start to stand up." Mosley 說: 「看看嘴綠是如何發聲的,但每個人都知道,他如何將自己所屬的球隊融合在一起。咖哩 不需說太多話,但當他有該需求時,一語即能道破天機。我們希望能以該等化學反應培 養球員,接著隨著他們的崛起、得到發言權和領導的感覺,讓他們站出來。」 Orlando will be leaning on its rookie out of Duke to play an integral part. 魔術隊將仰賴這位來自杜克大學的新秀,來扮演至關重要的角色。 Anthony knows what Banchero represents to an organization -- and city -- that hasn't been nationally relevant to the league since Dwight Howard left town in 2012. Anthony 知道 Banchero 對球團和城市帶來的含義——畢竟打從魔獸在二零一二年離開後 ,他們不再有任何全國範圍的聯盟關聯性了。 "I've been in the gym with [Banchero] a little bit already, seeing him out here, just doing what he does," Anthony says, dressed in a T-shirt celebrating Shaquille O'Neal's Magic tenure on it. "He's going to help us a lot. And now I feel like we can really start building something." Anthony 在穿著紀念歐肥於魔術隊的效力期間之T恤時,表示: 「我曾經和 Banchero 在健身房待了一陣子,看到他在該地做著他做的事。他將會給我們 帶來很大的幫助。而我如今覺得,我們可以真正開始建立某些事情。」 第三部分 BACK IN THE Thomas & Mack Center, Anthony, Harris and Suggs stand on the sidelines and hold up their cell phones, ready to record. After a back-and-forth overtime, the Magic and Kings are about to enter the most exciting period in summer league: sudden-death double OT. 回到湯姆斯馬克中心,Anthony 、Harris 和 Suggs 站在場邊,拿起他們的手機、準備進 行攝錄。在緊接第四節的延長賽結束後,魔術隊和國王隊即將進入夏季聯賽中最緊張刺激 的階段:驟死雙延長賽。 This is the moment the entire arena has come to see. 這是整座球場的觀眾想要見證的一刻。 On the third possession of the extra period, Banchero dribbles down the middle of the court, where he's met by Murray. 在延長賽的第三次進攻時,Banchero 在球場中央運球,並遇到了 Murray。 The entire lower bowl rises in anticipation, wired into every move. 坐在底層座位的觀眾們都站了起來,緊盯著每一個舉動。 "It's just added intensity, added pressure, when the whole crowd's clapping and standing up when you have the ball," Banchero said after the game. "It's just stuff you dream of, in the arena where the whole crowd's eyes are on you. You just want that moment. That's just what I live for." 在比賽結束後,Banchero 說: 「當全場都在為你拿到球的表現站起來鼓掌時,一切只不過是強度上、壓力上的增幅。這 只是你夢想的東西,所有場上觀眾的目光都放在你身上的時候。你很想要那個時刻。我 就是我追求的。」 The Kings poke the ball away from Banchero, but he recovers quickly before being swarmed by Murray's long frame. Holding the ball above his head, Banchero scans the floor for an open teammate. 國王隊將 Banchero 手中的球戳開,但他很快地在 Murray 的長框包圍之前拿回控球權。 他把球舉過頭頂,在場上尋找著隊友的蹤跡。 The entire Kings defense fixates on him, as it has all game, which allows forward Emanuel Terry to slip free under the basket. Surrounded by another double-team, Banchero sees the opening and skips a pass over to Terry, who lays it in for the win. 國王隊所有防守球員都盯著他,正如在比賽時的一樣,這讓前鋒 Emanuel Terry 得以潛 行到籃筐下方。在另一個雙人組合的包圍下,Banchero 見到了空襲,並把球傳給後來成 功灌籃、為球隊取得勝利的 Terry。 Banchero pumps his fist and races toward Terry as the Magic storm the court to celebrate. Anthony joins his veteran teammates in hopping onto the floor to surround Banchero and the young Magic players, congratulating them like proud parents. 當魔術隊球員們衝進場上慶祝時,Banchero 握緊拳頭跑往 Terry 的方向。Anthony 則和 其他老球員們進入場上,圍繞著 Banchero 和其他年輕球員們,像自豪的父母一樣在祝賀 著他們。 "They're so tied together," Mosley says. "That's the great part about it. It's just organic with all these guys. They're just happy; they're always around each other. Wendell will be with Cole, and Wendell will be with Jalen, and Jalen will be with Paolo. They all create these great relationships over time and it's because they're all just good kids that like being around each other." Mosley 說: 「他們是如此緊密地連在一起。這是最棒的部分,對於這些球員們都是自然的。他們都很 開心、總是能彼此扶持。Wendell 和 Cole、Wendell 和 Jalen,以及 Jalen 和 Paolo ,隨著時間的推移,他們都能創造出很棒的關係,這正是因為他們都是喜歡待在彼此身 邊的好孩子。」 In two games, Banchero racked up a combined 40 points, 12 assists, 10 rebounds and 10 turnovers -- a tantalizing performance peppered with first-year errors. In the process, he also helped unify a group that believes a winning record -- and a return to the NBA's main stage -- is in its future. 在兩場比賽中, Banchero 總共取得了四十分、十二次助攻、十個籃板及十次失誤——在 振奮的表現中夾雜著第一年常見的問題。在整個過程中,他也協助將整個球隊團結起來, 希望能取得更多勝利、並在未來回到 NBA 的競爭舞台上。 "That kid is so talented," Anthony says. "He loves the game. He works hard and I think ... he's going to be really good." Anthony 說: 「他是如此的有才華。他很愛比賽、很勤奮地拼搏,因此我認為……他將會有非常出色的 表現。」 短評: 從整個夏季聯賽的實力看來,魔術隊真的選對人了嗎?到了新賽季開幕的時候,還是老話 一句:拭目以待吧! --
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1F:推 GorgeousRose: 先不要流汗過度後繼無力再說吧 07/31 17:42
2F:推 boy1031 : 選過歐肥,CW4,DH,連一點點王朝影子都沒有,靠這 07/31 17:44
3F:→ boy1031 : 隻,我是不信啦 07/31 17:44
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7F:→ laptic : 正好想到有打錯... XD 07/31 17:49
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9F:推 sw9294 : 這隻有強成這樣?一場都還沒打欸 07/31 17:54
10F:推 jay228 : 魔獸是2012 中文有錯 07/31 17:55
11F:推 NLchu : 先把餅畫大,兩年後拆光光 07/31 17:57
※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 07/31/2022 17:59:35
12F:推 KobeNi : Isaac到底要躺多久…. 07/31 17:59
13F:→ laptic : 感謝提醒 07/31 17:59
14F:推 Kai877 : 太早 打了才知道 07/31 18:00
15F:推 GleybeTorres: 新秀多的隊伍幾乎都是這種熱血情誼吧... 07/31 18:04
16F:→ GleybeTorres: 可能過個兩三年就又拆了 07/31 18:04
17F:推 l8lcm : 我差點忘記NBA還有魔術這一隊了 07/31 18:12
18F:推 dwiee : Isaac能打的話很強 但躺有點久了 07/31 18:14
19F:推 mailman : 這隊真的睡了好久哦.. 07/31 18:19
20F:推 GGGHILL : 樓上幾個應該都沒在關注NBA? 不然怎麼連18-20 兩季 07/31 18:22
21F:→ GGGHILL : 季後賽有哪些隊伍都不知道? 07/31 18:22
22F:推 LBJ23 : 天賦術!! 07/31 18:24
23F:推 conqueror507: 嘴綠有說,這個狀元求勝慾很強,希望魔術真的有準備 07/31 18:27
24F:→ conqueror507: 好 07/31 18:27
25F:推 LA8221 : 不特別回憶都差點忘記VV,AG以前在魔術 07/31 18:31
26F:推 miracle7644 : 七個首輪換kd 重建結束 07/31 18:46
27F:→ JameerNe1son: 太早,廢文別幫我魔招黑,不過就是NGT 07/31 18:46
28F:推 tako24145 : Isaac防守超猛 但一直躺 07/31 18:48
29F:推 heyjude1118 : 體能雖還好,但身材大隻的得分手也是很難得的 07/31 18:49
30F:→ heyjude1118 : 可以運轉出很多東西來 07/31 18:50
31F:推 fatoil27 : 富爾茲跟班徹洛會是超強組合 07/31 18:52
32F:推 AngelNo13 : Isaac傷前本來有像要起飛的樣子,然後就躺了 07/31 18:53
33F:推 WarrenJ : 綜觀魔術隊史,只有選到歷史級狀元中鋒才能衝擊總冠 07/31 18:55
34F:→ WarrenJ : 軍;這次要看看魔術的養成了。 07/31 18:56
35F:推 rlhl7799 : 隊內還有suggs fultz 兩個大年出產的後衛 不先靠這 07/31 19:05
36F:→ rlhl7799 : 2隻一下嗎 07/31 19:05
37F:推 iammatrix : 魔術新秀農場 07/31 19:08
38F:推 kickvsbrad : 我覺得直接找龜過來比較快 07/31 19:08
39F:→ jardon : 魔術看起來也是天賦隊 07/31 19:08
40F:→ jardon : 但現在還看不出來誰是基石等級 07/31 19:09
41F:推 xo45527788 : 新狀元基石等級的吧? 07/31 19:22
42F:推 alfonsosoria: 陣容名單滿滿天賦欸 07/31 19:25
43F:→ alfonsosoria: Suggs比較適合當基石吧 07/31 19:25
44F:推 rlhl7799 : suggs當初也說是基石等級的 結果上一梯最沒起色就 07/31 19:31
45F:→ rlhl7799 : 他 07/31 19:31
46F:推 rbking21 : 推個 07/31 19:32
47F:推 rbking21 : Suggs拇指受傷復出後進步很多啦 07/31 19:36
48F:→ rbking21 : 07/31 19:36
49F:→ rbking21 : 07/31 19:37
50F:→ rbking21 : 防守已經是聯盟頂級了 就那個投籃實在鐵到不行 07/31 19:38
51F:推 rbking21 : 其實傳控運能力隨著時間推移也有長足進步 畢竟Suggs 07/31 19:42
52F:→ rbking21 : 以前一半的時間花在練美足 基本功欠磨練 其他新賽季 07/31 19:42
53F:→ rbking21 : 再觀察看看 07/31 19:42
54F:推 gn00152097 : 先打出來再說 07/31 19:47
55F:推 highwayshih : 魔術真的很影薄 有沒有季後都是... 07/31 19:48
56F:推 grende : Suggs應該是頂級副手型的吧 07/31 19:56
57F:推 peter89000 : 我覺得Banchero跟WCJ技能包很像,新賽季看這兩個的 07/31 19:59
58F:→ peter89000 : 配合程度大概能決定能走多遠 07/31 19:59
59F:→ cokeman0223 : 新秀培養皿 07/31 20:07
60F:→ dustinhuang : 這些爛隊天天在換建隊核心 07/31 20:11
61F:推 GGGHILL : 樓上講什麼廢話,就是爛隊才會一直在找建隊核心啊… 07/31 20:16
62F:推 highwayshih : 就是找不到建隊核心才會是爛隊 也才需要一直換啊 07/31 20:17
63F:推 Toy17 : 魔術年輕天份等兌現 感覺還差個老大哥帶心 07/31 20:22
64F:推 k7202001 : 沒傷的話 帳面不錯 不輸活塞 07/31 20:23
65F:推 rbking21 : 主要還是整隊被下降頭一樣太常受傷了 喵的那個選秀 07/31 20:37
66F:→ rbking21 : 順位一字排開根本天賦溢出… 07/31 20:37
67F:→ rbking21 : 至少目前看起來是往正確道路前進 其他只能祈禱了 07/31 20:38
68F:推 zxcv458162 : 那個就不念切 翻譯成開之類的可能比較好 07/31 20:47
69F:→ zxcv458162 : ㄎㄟ 07/31 20:47
70F:推 lsslz : 每次看到他的名字都覺得是哪個毒梟... 07/31 20:51
71F:噓 zyzzyvab : 真是篇無聊文 07/31 20:55
72F:噓 LoMing1021 : 所以魔術到底要怎麼以他做為建隊核心?我看完整篇還 07/31 21:33
73F:→ LoMing1021 : 是沒看到誒 07/31 21:33
74F:推 Sasa : 有傳球、進攻不錯的側翼很香耶 07/31 21:46
75F:推 langeo : 不知道會不會跟學長一樣 帶隊進冠軍賽後轉隊到湖人 07/31 22:24
76F:→ sunnyyoung : 高層 醫組 教練 全都換掉比較有救 07/31 22:53
77F:推 liefuchen : Suggs樣板就是球二 進攻開發度不覺得多高 07/31 22:55
78F:推 KOJIMALUNG : 魔術的隊醫跟管理層先換掉吧,從以前到近期養了多少 07/31 23:31
79F:→ KOJIMALUNG : 好手不是因傷生涯減少縮短,不然就是不肯給大約讓球 07/31 23:31
80F:→ KOJIMALUNG : 員FA跑去拆光光重建... 07/31 23:31
81F:推 f77928 : 不看好魔術隊新賽季有什麼起色 07/31 23:35
82F:推 Sasa : 若有長期跟魔術的人應該知道魔術醫療團隊已經不是 07/31 23:48
83F:→ Sasa : 以前那個醫療團隊了 07/31 23:48
84F:推 sssfrost : 翻譯很多要再檢查 08/01 00:28
85F:推 ejijo761115 : 最後還是給湖人收割? 08/01 00:45
86F:→ ejijo761115 : 08/01 00:45
87F:→ kuchibu : 痾... 08/01 03:49
88F:推 maydayholic : Suggs也才打一年就一堆人在看沒有 08/01 03:51
89F:→ kuchibu : 石頭家族 08/01 04:11
90F:噓 xjapan329 : 一場比賽還都還沒打 08/01 06:36
91F:推 Drzowy : 翻譯很多意思錯了吧 最後三分是被蓋 08/01 07:57
92F:→ Drzowy : 第一句是說就是這種時刻讓他成為狀元 08/01 07:58
93F:→ snakebite : 魔術的結局可以想見又是打個幾年不上不下又想擺爛 08/01 09:01
94F:→ snakebite : 把人賣掉重抽,結果人家去別隊就發揮了 08/01 09:01
95F:推 mygoing : 淚推 有魔術的新聞 08/01 11:11
96F:→ mygoing : 印象杜克的球員似乎沒幾個是核心球員 08/01 11:12
97F:推 rbking21 : KI Zion Ingram Tatum:? 08/01 11:22
98F:→ zephyre : 口欠一大篇,我只能說,大旱 08/01 11:38
99F:推 GBF8U572 : 我只知道練起來就準備解散了 08/01 13:15
100F:推 tahikuro : suggd或fults都是無法成為基石 08/01 15:38

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