NBA板 - WEB批踢踢(PTT)[花邊] 阿肥:巴黎奧運輸給美國是我生涯最大失敗<pre>Nikola Jokic remembering back to USA vs. Serbia at the Paris Olympics: “I’ve always said it was the biggest loss of my career.” “I felt that everyone was cheering for us.” “I’m not sure if they wanted to see USA lose or us win.” </pre>[討論] 技術挑戰賽怎麼連續兩年規則有問題<pre>去年技術挑戰賽狀元隊就發生過 AE用左手投球 三分三球沒進 照常進行 應該是這個啟發了斑馬的想法 但在斑馬跟聯盟確認後還沒收成績 </pre>[討論] 有球員是簽來為了灌籃大賽的嗎<pre>當三分攻擊變成顯學 攻擊籃框變得不值錢 聯盟強者 三分比較重要 切入制空爆扣 能避則避 總使切入也是盡可能用安全的方式取分 </pre>[公告] NBA 樂透開獎[彩券]<pre>樂透說明 選項對應圖 請下注冠軍 下注情況 </pre>[情報] 伊利諾大學今天退休TSJ球衣時不小心掛反<pre> Terrence Shannon Jr’s jersey will hang forever at Illinois They might wanna flip it right side up beforehand Terrence Shannon Jr.的球衣將會永遠在伊利諾大學高掛 但在那之前他們可能會想先把球衣轉對邊 </pre>[情報] Mac McClung將今天使用的汽車捐贈出去<pre> Shams Charania @ShamsCharania Mac McClung is donating the car used in tonight's dunk contest to a foundation in need in his hometown of Gate City, Virginia. </pre>[新聞] 鬆口了! NBA史上最強灌籃王麥克朗喊話<pre>鬆口了! NBA史上最強灌籃王麥克朗喊話要拚冠軍4連霸 記者杜奕君/綜合報導 NBA全明星周第2天壓軸好戲「灌籃大賽」,挑戰史無前例衛冕3連霸大業的奧蘭多魔術後 衛麥克朗(Mac McClung),不負眾望在首灌就飛越汽車完成驚天一扣,最終更以4灌都成 功拿下滿分的完美表現,成為史上首位完成衛冕冠軍3連霸的扣籃王。原先傳出這是最後 </pre>[花邊] Mazzulla:如果我有權利,想取消中場休息<pre> Joe Mazzulla wants the NBA to ban halftime: “If it was up to me, I wish we would ban halftime. I can't stand halftime. I just don't understand it. I guess I do from a business standpoint, but I hate it. It's useless.” </pre>[新聞] 遭問為何取消關注沙波尼斯 福克斯:不必<pre>遭問為何取消關注沙波尼斯 福克斯:不必每個人都親近 聯合新聞網 / udn記者蔡佳霖/綜合外電報導 為國王效力7個半賽季之後,福克斯(De'Aaron Fox)在今天季中交易截止日前被交易到 馬刺,有關他與國王之間的不和傳言似乎在每個人心中都有了自己認定的「答案」。 </pre>[花邊] Mac McClung跟Blake Griffin飛越汽車灌<pre> Blake Griffin 2011年灌籃大賽冠軍 飛越汽車灌籃當年他的灌籃名場面之一 </pre>[花邊] Jokic談77缺席明星賽<pre> Asked Nikola Jokic about his good friend Luka Doncic being traded to the Laker s: “He was building something there. He was hurt.” Is it weird not having Luka at All-Star festivities? </pre>[新聞] NBA》同情達拉斯球迷 Silver不認為Doncic<pre>NBA》同情達拉斯球迷 Silver不認為Doncic交易別有居心 記者:賴意文/綜合報導 2025年2月16日 10:11 NBA主席Adam Silver今天在明星賽前記者會上表示,他能理解達拉斯獨行俠球迷對於球隊將Luka Doncic交易出去感到難過,但他不認為獨行俠經營團隊做出此交易是別有居心。 在交易大限前獨行俠與洛杉磯湖人做出震撼交易,將Luka Doncic送到湖人換回Anthony Davis。對於將許多人認為能作為球隊未來10年基石的Doncic交易出去,部分獨行俠球迷認為是2023年底買下球隊的新老闆,想要把球隊搬到拉斯維加斯,而故意搞爛球隊的動作。 </pre>[花邊] Wembanyama:有人噓我嗎? 是CP3被噓了<pre>@BenGolliver Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama said it was his idea, not Chris Paul’s, to “hack” the Skills Challenge, which led to disqualification. “Was I booed? I don’t think I was booed. I wasn’t booed, right? Chris was. ” </pre>[花邊] Mac McClung 灌籃大賽總獎金比他NBA生涯<pre> Keerthika Uthayakumar @keerthikau Mac McLung has earned more money winning dunk contests ($310k) than he’s made i n his NBA career ($132k). </pre>[花邊] Mac McClung生涯<pre>Statmamba Mac McClung in his career: 5 — NBA games played 3 — NBA dunk contest wins </pre>[發錢] Mac McClung灌籃大賽三連霸<pre> BREAKING: Mac McClung WINS HIS THIRD STRAIGHT DUNK CONTEST FIRST DUNK THREE PEAT IN HISTORY! ——— </pre>[情報] Mac McClung歷史首位灌籃大賽三連霸<pre> Three-peat: Orlando's Mac McClung has become the first player to ever win the NB A Dunk Contest three consecutive years. He is arguably the best to do this event . 心得:太強 </pre>[花邊] Ja Morant X<pre> mac might make me decide to dunk 「Mac 可能會讓我決定灌籃」 zach & AG wassup 順便tag拉文和狗蛋 </pre>