來源: ClutchPoints 網址: Los Angeles ‘to talk to even more people’ besides Tyronn Lue and Monty Williams for head coach job 湖人球團在找總教練人選上 除了Tyronn Lue跟Monty Williams外 "還會跟更多人談 The Los Angeles Lakers are in the process of searching for a new head coach to replace Luke Walton, who was given the pink slip after failing to make to the playoffs this season. 湖人因為沒打進季後賽跟原本的總教練Luke Walton分道揚鑣,現在正在搜尋新的總教練人 選。 The Lakers have already reached out to Philadelphia 76ers assistant coach Monty Williams and former Cleveland Cavaliers head coach Tyronn Lue. According to Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN, Miami Heat assistant coach Juwan Howard is also reportedly scheduled to talk with Lakers mgeneral manager Rob Pelinka on Tuesday. 湖人已經找了費城76人助理教練Monty Williams以及前騎士總教練Tyronn Lue,而根據 ESPN的沃神報導,星期二的時候,總管Rob Pelinka也與熱火助理教練Juwan Howard談過 了。 But aside from three known candidates, the Lakers are reportedly eyeing sit downs with additional candidates. According to Ramona Shelburne of ESPN, the Lakers will take their time before naming a new coach. Aside from their second meeting with Lue and Williams, Pelinka will look for other options. 除了已經在檯面上的三個人,據報湖人目標想再跟更多的人談。根據ESPN的Ramona Shelburne報導,湖人在拍板總教練人選上決定要慢慢來。除了之前報導會與Lue以及 Williams要安排二次會外,Pelinka還會繼續找尋其他人選。 “I would say (Lue) and Monty are (the favorites). But the thing I heard today was that they’re probably going to talk even more people beyond this first three,” Shelburne said. “It doesn’t seem like they’re in any kind of hurry.” 「我會說Lue跟Monty是最有可能的人選,但是我今天聽到的消息是除了原先這三個人,他 們可能還會與其他人談,」Shelburne說。「似乎他們現在一點也不急。」 Shelburne did not name other possible candidates. But according to Christian Rivas of Silver Screen and Roll, there is a chance the Lakers will seek permission to talk to San Antonio Spurs assistant coach Ettore Messina. Messina was also a candidate for the Lakers coaching job in 2016 before they selected Walton. Shelburne並沒有說出其他可能的人選,不過根據Silver Screen and Roll記者Christian Rivas的報導,湖人有可能尋求馬刺球團的同意,要與他們的助理教練Ettore Messina談。 在2016年湖人選了Luke Walton當總教練前,Messina也曾是湖人那時找的候選人之一。 However, it remains to be seen whether or not Messina will be interested in returning to the Lakers, where he previously served as an assistant coach. Messina is reportedly in a good position to become the head coach of the Spurs when Gregg Popovich call it quits. 不過,雖然Messina之前在湖人當過助理教練,他現在對回來湖人當總教練是否有興趣還有 待觀察,因為據報若是馬刺波總想要退休不幹的話,Messina很有可能是會接下馬刺總教練 位置的人選。 -- 屎窟沒人要來 當然只能慢慢來 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
1F:→ ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
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4F:推 w9 : 不急... 04/20 17:20
5F:→ MotleyCrue : 不急 暑假才剛開始 04/20 17:21
6F:推 jenchieh5 : 是不急啦 季後賽還沒打完搞不好還有要被炒DER 04/20 17:24
7F:推 bobyacool : 找個會養小將的吧 我看湖人比較希望能繼續養小將 04/20 17:26
8F:推 karta2359950: 小將是指zubuc嗎 04/20 17:27
9F:推 jack19931993: 3F讓我想到暴龍教練 04/20 17:28
10F:→ louise13 : 很愛演大龍鳳 04/20 17:30
11F:→ bobyacool : 相信我下季如果LBJ打得不錯 又會開始喊我要養小將了 04/20 17:30
12F:推 IrvingKyrie : 有了前幾個教練的經驗 這次還挺謹慎的.. 04/20 17:31
13F:→ AngelNo13 : 當初找BS也是很謹慎喔 面試了一堆人 最後是BS 04/20 17:33
14F:推 CW4 : 候選人:Lue、Mike Brown、濕婆 (咦) 04/20 17:42
15F:推 ecat : Pelinka當然不急 存檔都清光了 等於拿新帳號在玩 04/20 17:44
16F:推 Costco5566 : 空降會被嘴 04/20 17:59
17F:推 Yui5 : 別搶馬刺梅西納QQ,人家要接波波的班的…… 04/20 18:02
18F:推 Lacus0827 : 當初Messina沒面試 面試Luke後直接不理他 04/20 18:04
19F:推 matsuwu : MESSINA似乎還不錯? 04/20 18:07
20F:推 bobyacool : 能接馬刺的班 幹嘛還來湖人啊 04/20 18:10
21F:→ bobyacool : 阿不對 說不定湖人還看不上眼 他們想要歷史級的 04/20 18:11
22F:→ bobyacool : 開季說不定是禪師下來接湖人了 現在面試都是幌子 04/20 18:11
23F:推 ltmps : 當然不用急,球季結束後還會有一波教練異動,到時 04/20 18:25
24F:→ ltmps : 候還可以找些有料的進教練團 04/20 18:25
25F:推 jackhenry101: 面試林書豪算了 04/20 18:37
26F:推 toast1521 : 湖人不急 04/20 18:39
27F:推 dark0224 : 不是不急 是沒人要來 04/20 18:42
28F:推 Yves1020 : 說啥要找會養小將的鬼話 明明是小將自己不成材 04/20 18:51
29F:→ Yves1020 : 沒看新鬼禿養成什麼樣子 04/20 18:51
30F:推 jackal44748 : BS:快來找我談 04/20 18:54
31F:→ rayes : 魏永泰準備好了 04/20 18:55
32F:推 Leaflock : 唯一支持 泰隆 魯 04/20 18:59
33F:推 shenmue1001 : LBJ:面試歸面試 最後人選還是要我點頭 我就是要Lue 04/20 19:45
34F:推 bubblewn : 他在南灣湖人養的 你這樣是不是打臉我疼.... 04/20 20:21
35F:推 ken812025 : 要不要面試pop 04/20 20:28
36F:推 GodEyes : 豆總直接上了啦 04/20 20:31
37F:推 WLR : 說不定季後賽打完,有些季後賽隊伍的教練會走人 04/20 21:10
38F:推 mingxian : Lue,Williams,只好簽Lou Williams了(誤 04/20 21:15

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