NBA Rumors: Raptors Interested in Greg Monroe After Trading for Kawhi Leonard - As they look to sign a backup center behind Jonas Valanciunas, the Toronto Raptors have Greg Monroe on their list of targets, TSN's Josh Lewenberg reported Saturday. Monroe split last season between the Milwaukee Bucks, Phoenix Suns and Boston Celtics. He averaged 10.3 points and 6.9 rebounds per game. Toronto sent Jakob Poeltl to the San Antonio Spurs as part of the Kawhi Leonard trade, so the Raptors have a clear hole at center. Playing Serge Ibaka or Pascal Siakam out of position are their only options to spell Valanciunas. Lewenberg noted, however, Monroe wouldn't be an ideal addition because his defense close to the basket leaves something to be desired. According to, opponents shot 61.5 percent inside six feet against Monroe. By comparison, Poeltl allowed opponents to shoot 51.2 percent inside six feet. While Monroe is a solid scorer and rebounder, he could leave the Raptors exposed in the paint defensively. Valanciunas has his own problems on defense. Opposing teams can exploit the 26-year-old by pulling him away from the basket and switching him oto athletic guards. Toronto isn't in a position to be picky, though. Monroe is one of the best centers available, and he'd likely settle for the $5.3 million mid-level exception—the only avenue through which the cash-strapped Raptors can make another big signing. 大意: 在暴龍用DDR+Poeltl交易來可愛後,中鋒破了個大洞,考慮簽下Monroe 暴龍雖已破薪資上限,但還有一個 5.3M 中產特例還沒使用 心得: 暴龍有合約的才 13位而已,且中鋒除了大V外沒人了,中產的確可考慮看看 --
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1F:推 ChowDerLu : 大V跟夢羅不是同型態的中鋒嗎 07/30 14:00
2F:→ tliu223 : 就……無魚蝦也好 07/30 14:01
3F:推 alfonsosoria: 所以交替用吧 07/30 14:01
4F:→ Toy17 : 孟羅只有中產而已喔 07/30 14:02
5F:噓 MadK17672 : Rose 07/30 14:03
6F:推 kuchibu : 沒人要就撿起來啊 07/30 14:05
7F:推 JerrySloan : Brook Lopez去哪了? 07/30 14:05
8F:→ tactics2100 : 對夢蘿有興趣 07/30 14:05
9F:推 shk91353 : LBJ不在了.趕快趁今年衝一波東冠 07/30 14:06
10F:推 andy82116 : Lopez在公鹿 07/30 14:07
11F:推 gn00945822 : 不是還有18卡嗎 07/30 14:09
12F:→ Larry0806 : 18卡扛中鋒應該不行 07/30 14:10
13F:推 monk2 : 不底薪簽OK4,養(賭)一波! 07/30 14:14
14F:推 percy90723 : 去年領1700今年剩中產 07/30 14:14
15F:推 ksaon : 18卡愈投愈外面... 07/30 14:16
16F:推 uuuuOPuff : 這絕對有用吧 07/30 14:21
17F:推 j91380000 : 孟羅應該還是>OK4 07/30 14:25
18F:推 lakres51204 : 頂上季Poeltl的時間應該挺夠用的 07/30 14:26
19F:推 langeo : 當初活塞打算給他五年80M 他想要更多改拿QO 07/30 14:30
20F:推 Yui5 : 今年強力中鋒的公道價是不是就5.3M啊…… 07/30 14:30
21F:推 c8c812345678: 不打小球戰術嗎 07/30 14:34
22F:推 andy82116 : 活塞當初想給高薪的現在都拿的比較少... 07/30 14:34
23F:推 proPenciLead: 有用嗎?大V守不好的 孟羅更守不住吧 07/30 14:58
24F:推 turnpoint : 上上季的季後賽,Monroe替補上場虐菜到暴龍只好把大 07/30 15:09
25F:→ turnpoint : V也調到板凳去擋他,結果現在沒人要,真是感慨 07/30 15:09
26F:推 kingroy : Monroe傳球還能看,給他練練高位吧 07/30 15:17
27F:推 benallen : 留在波士頓 保底東冠 07/30 15:36
28F:推 dajyunlin : 桂格!! 07/30 15:39
29F:推 blitz1991 : Monroe 強硬個屌 跳不了三塊豆腐高了 07/30 15:46
30F:推 aniji : 5.3!!!!!!!!!明星中鋒公道價 07/30 15:46
31F:→ mpyh12345 : 放替補進攻根本虐菜 07/30 15:48
32F:推 jyunwei : 這算明星中鋒嗎 07/30 15:56
33F:推 missyou426 : 中距離不夠穩,防守不行,這幾年都沒有成長,大概就 07/30 16:00
34F:→ missyou426 : 這樣了! 07/30 16:00
35F:推 limitlesscit: 沒中距離,防守太差在現代真的是硬傷 07/30 16:48
36F:推 takoQAQ : 好慘 07/30 17:06
37F:→ kuchibu : 尾巴卡現在根本懶蟲一隻.. 07/30 17:07
38F:推 super1315566: 跟奧地利長人一起被選進來的那個黑人,也是禁區輪 07/30 17:40
39F:→ super1315566: 替吧?(忘了名字怎麼拼) 07/30 17:40
40F:→ laigei : Pascal Siakam 阿,但是跟18卡一樣打大前,扛C會哭 07/30 17:48
41F:噓 ilovekobe824: 這隻必噓 07/30 18:28
42F:推 dannyzzz : 這隻在當今nba根本廢掉了吧 07/30 20:47
43F:推 stja : push 07/30 22:04
44F:推 cody7052 : 當個板凳暴徒,還是很好用 07/30 22:19
45F:推 Fanlic : 放板凳還是可以啦畢竟Poetl走了 07/30 22:24
46F:噓 CoachKuester: 窮人版zaza 07/31 06:15

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