Gossiping 板


Wojnarowski新聞超貼30 更正為60 原因:累犯+30 nomorepipe新聞超貼30 whizz 無記者14 mg0318 無記者14 isaluku無記者多次違規警告21 lkrichard無記者14 (8/21有記者修正解桶) tedium 政問180 leavez政問180 wweyz4211421 政問180 wizardfizban 非許可多次違規警告7 colorless 中港澳來源14 作者 colorless (colorless) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [新聞] 右翼恐嚇政客打壓 「慰安婦」藝術品被逼日本撤展 時間 Wed Aug 14 19:55:53 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── ※發文無1~6小標格式或未依順序任意刪除者會被刪文 1.媒體來源:THE VALUE ※ 例如蘋果日報、自由時報(請參考版規下方的核准媒體名單) THE VALUE 2.記者署名 ※ 沒有在這打上記者署名的新聞會被水桶14天 編輯非記者 ※ 外電至少要有來源或編輯 如:法新社 作者:趙志瀚 Ryan Chiu 3.完整新聞標題: ※ 標題沒有完整寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章 右翼恐嚇政客打壓 「慰安婦」藝術品被逼日本撤展 4.完整新聞內文: wweyz4211421 □ [問卦] 為什麼宋楚瑜是客家人 作者 leavez (XD) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [問卦] dpp多恨公務員? 時間 Wed Aug 14 17:44:55 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 夏天限電先限公務員 年金大砍 滿嘴經濟成長 公務員七年漲一次而已 今天基本工資漲 通膨後變相公務員減薪 連國旅是加班費都被限用途 dpp到底多恨公務員呀 21 s 1 8/05 Anonymous. □ [文章] 779084記者 isaluku 22 s 1 8/05 Anonymous. □ [文章] 773432記者isaluku 23 + 8/14 Anonymous. □ [文章] 784264記者 isaluku ● 24 + 8/16 Anonymous. □ [文章] 787554記者 isaluku 25 8/17 Anonymous. □ [文章] 789457 isaluku 記者 累犯 作者 isaluku (山本君) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [新聞] 度假挨轟 李佳芬:要讓我們家連日子都過不下去? 時間 Wed Aug 14 17:43:08 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── https://reurl.cc/ZYX1Q 度假挨轟 李佳芬:要讓我們家連日子都過不下去? 民進黨高雄市議員林智鴻今爆料稱,高雄市長韓國瑜和家人前往峇里島度假 ,2月4日晚 上韓和同行的立委許淑華一行人,在飯店游泳池畔的室內空間打麻將,韓國瑜競選總部則 駁斥是「烏龍爆料」,市長夫人李佳芬也表示,「不知道被偷拍」、「需要這樣子打我嗎 ?讓我們家連日子都過不下去?」。 林智鴻今於臉書PO文指出,韓國瑜在臉書上闡述自從擔任市長以來「沒再打過一場麻將」 的說法與民眾爆料有出入,他要韓國瑜公開澄清與說明,他究竟是「記錯」還是「說謊」 ?但韓國瑜競選總部回應則稱,有別於與外人涉及賭博、金錢往來的麻將,還有另一種是 在逢年過節時,和家人親友團聚單純聯誼玩樂的麻將。 47 7/28 Anonymous. □ [文章] 773727非許可 wizardfizban 48 7/29 Anonymous. □ [文章] 776250非許可 wizardfizban 49 s 1 8/09 Anonymous. □ [文章] 785222偷改 wizardfizban 50 s 8/14 Anonymous. □ [文章] 784122非許可 wizardfizban ● 51 S 8/14 Anonymous. □ [文章] 784122 非許可 補累犯證據 wizardfizban 作者 tedium (貧窮) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [問卦] 柯家人是不是很小氣 選市長還虧錢 時間 Wed Aug 14 15:26:52 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 剛剛政治獻金結果出爐 柯文哲選台北市長選到虧錢 請問他們一家是不是很小氣 不肯多募一點錢來選 這樣是要怎麼賣台灣啦 作者 lkrichard (天空) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [新聞] 這畫面超美!乘客搭車狂哭 正妹乘務員「 時間 Wed Aug 14 14:54:47 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 這畫面超美!乘客搭車狂哭 正妹乘務員「跪地」一小時安撫 2019/08/14 13:37:00 生活中心/綜合報導 台灣還是充滿很多溫暖的!雖然最近搭火車、高鐵都是充滿抱怨文,但有民眾在「爆料公 社二社」分享,8月13日搭上一列「溫馨特快車」。 網友PO文分享,8月13日晚間南下搭乘高鐵南港往左營編號681列車,在過了新竹站後第二 車廂有一名年輕女乘客不知原因,情緒不穩定且不停流淚,「車廂銷售服務員蹲下來低聲 詢問,通報列車長後把商品推車推到車廂外走道停放,然後展開長達快一個小時的安撫, 期間有時蹲、有時跪著,直到嘉義站女乘客到站,才讓站區醫務人員接手!」 如此暖心的舉動也讓搭車這位民眾讚嘆「心美人更美!難怪晚上南部雨都停了。」圖中可 以看到這位貼心的乘務員安撫旅客時溫柔的表情,甚至有點眼眶泛紅好像自己也快哭了, 不少網友看了相當讚嘆這樣的行為,認為高鐵應該給予這位乘務員獎勵。 作者 mg0318 (hans) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [新聞] 落漆!中國軍艦擦撞我貨輪落跑 「大型雷雷達」掉落貨輪甲板 時間 Wed Aug 14 14:24:42 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 自由時報 〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕金門料羅灣東南外海上月發生一起高雄散裝貨輪與中國軍艦擦撞 事件,中國軍艦上一「不知名大型儀器」竟意外掉落在我國貨輪的甲板上,傳出疑似是光 電搜索雷達或是火砲射控雷達。 根據《中時電子報》 報導,這起意外發生在上月31日晚間,台灣貨輪「友泰壹號」和中 國不知名軍艦擦撞,海巡署指出,「友泰壹號」船身受損、無人受傷,中國軍艦拒絕停船 受檢,直接返回廈門港口,但因為撞擊力量大,台灣調查人員竟在「友泰壹號」前甲板上 ,找到「不知名大型儀器」,是一極機密裝備,據傳疑似光電搜索雷達或是火砲射控雷達 。 報導指出,這掉落的儀器具雷達系統,恐是裝設在中國056A型最新飛彈護衛艦,是中國海 軍主要的海軍基地防衛艦艇,艦上武裝包括鷹擊83反艦飛彈、紅旗-10防空飛彈及俄製76 艦砲,30釐米遙控艦砲等,攻擊能力十分強大。但目前我軍及中 10 8/14 Wojnarowski □ [新聞] 韓國瑜選市長收入共1.29億…(Gossiping) 11 8/14 Wojnarowski □ [新聞] 陳雅琳衝香港前線!遭「無…(Gossiping) 作者 nomorepipe (不管了啦) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [爆卦] 泰國政府派出軍機自香港撤僑 時間 Wed Aug 14 09:42:33 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 繼清晨三普twitter發文共匪軍退南進後 泰國宣布派出軍機從香港撤僑 https://imgur.com/0COANMh 外電:https://reurl.cc/qMm0N 以下開放推文秦國有飛機 作者 nomorepipe (不管了啦) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [新聞] 泰國準備派軍機撤僑 時間 Wed Aug 14 10:03:31 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 1.媒體來源 2.記者署名 外電(曼谷郵報) 3.完整新聞標題: Govt mulls Hong Kong rescue bid (泰國)政府預計自香港撤僑 Protests see airport crippled for 2nd day 4.完整新聞內文: The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) plans to dispatch two aircraft and officials to help evacuate Thais from Hong Kong as confrontations between police and protesters raise the prospect that flights at Hong Kong's international airport may remain suspended going into the weekend. 泰國皇家空軍預計派出軍機自香港撤離泰僑 The RTAF swung into action after protesters severely crippled operations at Chek Lap Kok airport for a second day on Tuesday, forcing authorities to cancel all remaining flights out of the city after demonstrators took over the terminals as part of their push for democratic reforms. 在周二於機場的民主訴求示威後空軍決定撤僑行動 After a brief respite in the morning, during which flights were able to take off and land, the airport authority announced check-in services for departing flights were suspended as of 4.30pm, Hong Kong time. 香港機場昨日暫時關閉 It said it did not expect arriving flights to be affected, though dozens were already cancelled. The authority advised people not to come to the airport, one of the world's busiest transport hubs. On Monday, more than 200 flights were cancelled and the airport was effectively shut down with no flights taking off or landing. 多數航班受影響 Passengers have been forced to seek accommodation in the city while airlines struggle to find other ways to get them to their destinations. 旅客須另尋方法前往目的地 Air force chief ACM Chaiyapruk Didyasarin has asked air force officers to monitor and assess the unrest closely and prepare air routes, RTAF spokesman AM Pongsak Semacha said. "It all comes down to landing [in Hong Kong]. It depends on the government. However, we are ready to act," he said. 空軍發言人表示後續行動取決於政府(泰國?香港?)如何決策 Meanwhile, Pol Gen Chakthip Chaijinda, the national police chief, has directed the Immigration Bureau, Tourist Police Bureau, and Thai airports to fast-track the return of Thai citizens. 泰國政府呼籲盡速追蹤旅客回國 Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Hong Kong is providing regular updates and is assessing the situation daily. "I urge all Thais to avoid areas where protests are continuing. I have requested the Ministry of Transport to come up with plans. I get reports all day. Don't worry. There are procedures for dealing with incidents that take place in other countries," he said. 呼籲旅客應避開示威地區 Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai said the number of Thais in Hong Kong remains unknown, but confirmed that nobody has been injured in the protests because clashes between police and rioters have generally been confined to specific areas of the city. 泰國外交部表示持續關切 "The government doesn't forbid Thais from going to Hong Kong because it is their personal right. However, it is advisable to postpone a trip if it is not urgent. If it is necessary, please plan it carefully," he said. 泰國並未禁止前往香港但呼籲延後旅行安排 Kasikorn Research Centre predicts that the protests in Hong Kong could negatively impact the 30,000 Hong Kong tourists expected to arrive in Thailand this week, leading to financial losses of 1.4 billion baht if the airport shutdown lasts all week. The centre urged Thai authorities to issue guidelines to foreign tourists who want to visit Thailand. These include recommending direct flights and transits via another hub airport. In 2018, 1.02 million tourists visited Thailand from Hong Kong, generating revenues of 42 billion baht. According to the Royal Thai Consulate-General, protesters were continuing to gather at Terminal 1 of Hong Kong's international airport at 1pm local time on Tuesday. Some staged a peaceful sit-in in the arrival area, but others used barriers to block passengers in the departure hall and at the entrance to the immigration checkpoints, which prevented staff and immigration officials from doing their duty. As of 4.30pm on Tuesday, Chek Lap Kok airport had already cancelled all remaining departing flights for a second day. The Royal Thai Consulate-General suggested that Thais due to board flights at the airport on Tuesday and today should consult their airlines for updates on the status of their flights and avoid protest-ridden areas at the airport if at all possible. Some Thais who were stranded in Hong Kong on Monday night have returned to Thailand via Hong Kong Airlines, Cathay Pacific, and Thai Airways. Thai AirAsia also announced that it had managed to resume some flights between the two destinations before the airport closed again. 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://reurl.cc/ej97b 6.備註: 用字不夠精準故乾脆新聞稿直接重發 繼續開放推文秦國有飛機還會撒嬌 -- 作者 arsonlolita (網路環保人士) 看板 L_TalkandCha 標題 [查帳] 多重分身查詢 (Gossiping 2019/07/23)#1 4.查詢帳號:Perl6,stiles
1F:推 stiles: 靠腰這樣也抓的到 那麼會怎麼不去查菸走私
#1TDdsrTC (L_TalkandCha) --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Gossiping/M.1566286228.A.6F1.html
2F:推 wemee: 樓下是誰 亂么吉 08/20 15:30
3F:噓 angelgirl13: 發錢阿 幹 08/20 15:31
4F:推 tml7415: 錢咧 08/20 15:31
5F:→ Afro5566: 韓柯糞-1 08/20 15:31
6F:推 cattgirl: 客家板主帳號部開三張罰單能管板嗎? 08/20 15:32
7F:推 fedona: 英糞-4 08/20 15:32
8F:推 smile810601: 果然又是英糞 08/20 15:33
9F:噓 defendor007: 爽 08/20 15:33
10F:推 sunyeah: 不是柯粉嗎 XD 還大將ㄟ118.163.130.181 08/20 15:33
11F:→ Afro5566: 那是要投韓的柯糞 08/20 15:34
12F:推 KEYSOLIDER: 哈哈 真的科粉大將英黑 08/20 15:34
13F:推 kaminari22tw: 菸糞帳號-11 08/20 15:35
14F:→ KEYSOLIDER: 為了八卦版趕快繳完就可以管版了啊 08/20 15:35
15F:推 abc0922001: 就算被桶也要貼無記者的新聞是怎樣 08/20 15:37
16F:→ tony15899: 這要看你覺得每天勤勞轉貼新聞的人 08/20 15:39
17F:→ tony15899: 目的是什麼 08/20 15:40
18F:→ Afro5566: 賺P幣 帶風向 08/20 15:41
19F:噓 ivorysoap: 爆文王GG 08/20 15:50
※ 編輯: arsonlolita ( 臺灣), 08/21/2019 08:29:09 ※ 編輯: arsonlolita ( 臺灣), 08/21/2019 17:16:46

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