Gossiping 板


Wojnarowski新闻超贴30 更正为60 原因:累犯+30 nomorepipe新闻超贴30 whizz 无记者14 mg0318 无记者14 isaluku无记者多次违规警告21 lkrichard无记者14 (8/21有记者修正解桶) tedium 政问180 leavez政问180 wweyz4211421 政问180 wizardfizban 非许可多次违规警告7 colorless 中港澳来源14 作者 colorless (colorless) 看板 Gossiping 标题 [新闻] 右翼恐吓政客打压 「慰安妇」艺术品被逼日本撤展 时间 Wed Aug 14 19:55:53 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── ※发文无1~6小标格式或未依顺序任意删除者会被删文 1.媒体来源:THE VALUE ※ 例如苹果日报、自由时报(请参考版规下方的核准媒体名单) THE VALUE 2.记者署名 ※ 没有在这打上记者署名的新闻会被水桶14天 编辑非记者 ※ 外电至少要有来源或编辑 如:法新社 作者:赵志瀚 Ryan Chiu 3.完整新闻标题: ※ 标题没有完整写出来 ---> 依照板规删除文章 右翼恐吓政客打压 「慰安妇」艺术品被逼日本撤展 4.完整新闻内文: wweyz4211421 □ [问卦] 为什麽宋楚瑜是客家人 作者 leavez (XD) 看板 Gossiping 标题 [问卦] dpp多恨公务员? 时间 Wed Aug 14 17:44:55 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 夏天限电先限公务员 年金大砍 满嘴经济成长 公务员七年涨一次而已 今天基本工资涨 通膨後变相公务员减薪 连国旅是加班费都被限用途 dpp到底多恨公务员呀 21 s 1 8/05 Anonymous. □ [文章] 779084记者 isaluku 22 s 1 8/05 Anonymous. □ [文章] 773432记者isaluku 23 + 8/14 Anonymous. □ [文章] 784264记者 isaluku ● 24 + 8/16 Anonymous. □ [文章] 787554记者 isaluku 25 8/17 Anonymous. □ [文章] 789457 isaluku 记者 累犯 作者 isaluku (山本君) 看板 Gossiping 标题 [新闻] 度假挨轰 李佳芬:要让我们家连日子都过不下去? 时间 Wed Aug 14 17:43:08 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── https://reurl.cc/ZYX1Q 度假挨轰 李佳芬:要让我们家连日子都过不下去? 民进党高雄市议员林智鸿今爆料称,高雄市长韩国瑜和家人前往峇里岛度假 ,2月4日晚 上韩和同行的立委许淑华一行人,在饭店游泳池畔的室内空间打麻将,韩国瑜竞选总部则 驳斥是「乌龙爆料」,市长夫人李佳芬也表示,「不知道被偷拍」、「需要这样子打我吗 ?让我们家连日子都过不下去?」。 林智鸿今於脸书PO文指出,韩国瑜在脸书上阐述自从担任市长以来「没再打过一场麻将」 的说法与民众爆料有出入,他要韩国瑜公开澄清与说明,他究竟是「记错」还是「说谎」 ?但韩国瑜竞选总部回应则称,有别於与外人涉及赌博、金钱往来的麻将,还有另一种是 在逢年过节时,和家人亲友团聚单纯联谊玩乐的麻将。 47 7/28 Anonymous. □ [文章] 773727非许可 wizardfizban 48 7/29 Anonymous. □ [文章] 776250非许可 wizardfizban 49 s 1 8/09 Anonymous. □ [文章] 785222偷改 wizardfizban 50 s 8/14 Anonymous. □ [文章] 784122非许可 wizardfizban ● 51 S 8/14 Anonymous. □ [文章] 784122 非许可 补累犯证据 wizardfizban 作者 tedium (贫穷) 看板 Gossiping 标题 [问卦] 柯家人是不是很小气 选市长还亏钱 时间 Wed Aug 14 15:26:52 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 刚刚政治献金结果出炉 柯文哲选台北市长选到亏钱 请问他们一家是不是很小气 不肯多募一点钱来选 这样是要怎麽卖台湾啦 作者 lkrichard (天空) 看板 Gossiping 标题 [新闻] 这画面超美!乘客搭车狂哭 正妹乘务员「 时间 Wed Aug 14 14:54:47 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 这画面超美!乘客搭车狂哭 正妹乘务员「跪地」一小时安抚 2019/08/14 13:37:00 生活中心/综合报导 台湾还是充满很多温暖的!虽然最近搭火车、高铁都是充满抱怨文,但有民众在「爆料公 社二社」分享,8月13日搭上一列「温馨特快车」。 网友PO文分享,8月13日晚间南下搭乘高铁南港往左营编号681列车,在过了新竹站後第二 车厢有一名年轻女乘客不知原因,情绪不稳定且不停流泪,「车厢销售服务员蹲下来低声 询问,通报列车长後把商品推车推到车厢外走道停放,然後展开长达快一个小时的安抚, 期间有时蹲、有时跪着,直到嘉义站女乘客到站,才让站区医务人员接手!」 如此暖心的举动也让搭车这位民众赞叹「心美人更美!难怪晚上南部雨都停了。」图中可 以看到这位贴心的乘务员安抚旅客时温柔的表情,甚至有点眼眶泛红好像自己也快哭了, 不少网友看了相当赞叹这样的行为,认为高铁应该给予这位乘务员奖励。 作者 mg0318 (hans) 看板 Gossiping 标题 [新闻] 落漆!中国军舰擦撞我货轮落跑 「大型雷雷达」掉落货轮甲板 时间 Wed Aug 14 14:24:42 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 自由时报 〔即时新闻/综合报导〕金门料罗湾东南外海上月发生一起高雄散装货轮与中国军舰擦撞 事件,中国军舰上一「不知名大型仪器」竟意外掉落在我国货轮的甲板上,传出疑似是光 电搜索雷达或是火炮射控雷达。 根据《中时电子报》 报导,这起意外发生在上月31日晚间,台湾货轮「友泰壹号」和中 国不知名军舰擦撞,海巡署指出,「友泰壹号」船身受损、无人受伤,中国军舰拒绝停船 受检,直接返回厦门港口,但因为撞击力量大,台湾调查人员竟在「友泰壹号」前甲板上 ,找到「不知名大型仪器」,是一极机密装备,据传疑似光电搜索雷达或是火炮射控雷达 。 报导指出,这掉落的仪器具雷达系统,恐是装设在中国056A型最新飞弹护卫舰,是中国海 军主要的海军基地防卫舰艇,舰上武装包括鹰击83反舰飞弹、红旗-10防空飞弹及俄制76 舰炮,30厘米遥控舰炮等,攻击能力十分强大。但目前我军及中 10 8/14 Wojnarowski □ [新闻] 韩国瑜选市长收入共1.29亿…(Gossiping) 11 8/14 Wojnarowski □ [新闻] 陈雅琳冲香港前线!遭「无…(Gossiping) 作者 nomorepipe (不管了啦) 看板 Gossiping 标题 [爆卦] 泰国政府派出军机自香港撤侨 时间 Wed Aug 14 09:42:33 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 继清晨三普twitter发文共匪军退南进後 泰国宣布派出军机从香港撤侨 https://imgur.com/0COANMh 外电:https://reurl.cc/qMm0N 以下开放推文秦国有飞机 作者 nomorepipe (不管了啦) 看板 Gossiping 标题 [新闻] 泰国准备派军机撤侨 时间 Wed Aug 14 10:03:31 2019 ─────────────────────────────────────── 1.媒体来源 2.记者署名 外电(曼谷邮报) 3.完整新闻标题: Govt mulls Hong Kong rescue bid (泰国)政府预计自香港撤侨 Protests see airport crippled for 2nd day 4.完整新闻内文: The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) plans to dispatch two aircraft and officials to help evacuate Thais from Hong Kong as confrontations between police and protesters raise the prospect that flights at Hong Kong's international airport may remain suspended going into the weekend. 泰国皇家空军预计派出军机自香港撤离泰侨 The RTAF swung into action after protesters severely crippled operations at Chek Lap Kok airport for a second day on Tuesday, forcing authorities to cancel all remaining flights out of the city after demonstrators took over the terminals as part of their push for democratic reforms. 在周二於机场的民主诉求示威後空军决定撤侨行动 After a brief respite in the morning, during which flights were able to take off and land, the airport authority announced check-in services for departing flights were suspended as of 4.30pm, Hong Kong time. 香港机场昨日暂时关闭 It said it did not expect arriving flights to be affected, though dozens were already cancelled. The authority advised people not to come to the airport, one of the world's busiest transport hubs. On Monday, more than 200 flights were cancelled and the airport was effectively shut down with no flights taking off or landing. 多数航班受影响 Passengers have been forced to seek accommodation in the city while airlines struggle to find other ways to get them to their destinations. 旅客须另寻方法前往目的地 Air force chief ACM Chaiyapruk Didyasarin has asked air force officers to monitor and assess the unrest closely and prepare air routes, RTAF spokesman AM Pongsak Semacha said. "It all comes down to landing [in Hong Kong]. It depends on the government. However, we are ready to act," he said. 空军发言人表示後续行动取决於政府(泰国?香港?)如何决策 Meanwhile, Pol Gen Chakthip Chaijinda, the national police chief, has directed the Immigration Bureau, Tourist Police Bureau, and Thai airports to fast-track the return of Thai citizens. 泰国政府呼吁尽速追踪旅客回国 Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Hong Kong is providing regular updates and is assessing the situation daily. "I urge all Thais to avoid areas where protests are continuing. I have requested the Ministry of Transport to come up with plans. I get reports all day. Don't worry. There are procedures for dealing with incidents that take place in other countries," he said. 呼吁旅客应避开示威地区 Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai said the number of Thais in Hong Kong remains unknown, but confirmed that nobody has been injured in the protests because clashes between police and rioters have generally been confined to specific areas of the city. 泰国外交部表示持续关切 "The government doesn't forbid Thais from going to Hong Kong because it is their personal right. However, it is advisable to postpone a trip if it is not urgent. If it is necessary, please plan it carefully," he said. 泰国并未禁止前往香港但呼吁延後旅行安排 Kasikorn Research Centre predicts that the protests in Hong Kong could negatively impact the 30,000 Hong Kong tourists expected to arrive in Thailand this week, leading to financial losses of 1.4 billion baht if the airport shutdown lasts all week. The centre urged Thai authorities to issue guidelines to foreign tourists who want to visit Thailand. These include recommending direct flights and transits via another hub airport. In 2018, 1.02 million tourists visited Thailand from Hong Kong, generating revenues of 42 billion baht. According to the Royal Thai Consulate-General, protesters were continuing to gather at Terminal 1 of Hong Kong's international airport at 1pm local time on Tuesday. Some staged a peaceful sit-in in the arrival area, but others used barriers to block passengers in the departure hall and at the entrance to the immigration checkpoints, which prevented staff and immigration officials from doing their duty. As of 4.30pm on Tuesday, Chek Lap Kok airport had already cancelled all remaining departing flights for a second day. The Royal Thai Consulate-General suggested that Thais due to board flights at the airport on Tuesday and today should consult their airlines for updates on the status of their flights and avoid protest-ridden areas at the airport if at all possible. Some Thais who were stranded in Hong Kong on Monday night have returned to Thailand via Hong Kong Airlines, Cathay Pacific, and Thai Airways. Thai AirAsia also announced that it had managed to resume some flights between the two destinations before the airport closed again. 5.完整新闻连结 (或短网址): https://reurl.cc/ej97b 6.备注: 用字不够精准故乾脆新闻稿直接重发 继续开放推文秦国有飞机还会撒娇 -- 作者 arsonlolita (网路环保人士) 看板 L_TalkandCha 标题 [查帐] 多重分身查询 (Gossiping 2019/07/23)#1 4.查询帐号:Perl6,stiles
1F:推 stiles: 靠腰这样也抓的到 那麽会怎麽不去查菸走私
#1TDdsrTC (L_TalkandCha) --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Gossiping/M.1566286228.A.6F1.html
2F:推 wemee: 楼下是谁 乱么吉 08/20 15:30
3F:嘘 angelgirl13: 发钱阿 干 08/20 15:31
4F:推 tml7415: 钱咧 08/20 15:31
5F:→ Afro5566: 韩柯粪-1 08/20 15:31
6F:推 cattgirl: 客家板主帐号部开三张罚单能管板吗? 08/20 15:32
7F:推 fedona: 英粪-4 08/20 15:32
8F:推 smile810601: 果然又是英粪 08/20 15:33
9F:嘘 defendor007: 爽 08/20 15:33
10F:推 sunyeah: 不是柯粉吗 XD 还大将ㄟ118.163.130.181 08/20 15:33
11F:→ Afro5566: 那是要投韩的柯粪 08/20 15:34
12F:推 KEYSOLIDER: 哈哈 真的科粉大将英黑 08/20 15:34
13F:推 kaminari22tw: 菸粪帐号-11 08/20 15:35
14F:→ KEYSOLIDER: 为了八卦版赶快缴完就可以管版了啊 08/20 15:35
15F:推 abc0922001: 就算被桶也要贴无记者的新闻是怎样 08/20 15:37
16F:→ tony15899: 这要看你觉得每天勤劳转贴新闻的人 08/20 15:39
17F:→ tony15899: 目的是什麽 08/20 15:40
18F:→ Afro5566: 赚P币 带风向 08/20 15:41
19F:嘘 ivorysoap: 爆文王GG 08/20 15:50
※ 编辑: arsonlolita ( 台湾), 08/21/2019 08:29:09 ※ 编辑: arsonlolita ( 台湾), 08/21/2019 17:16:46

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