作者kimichen (kimi)
標題[閒聊] 建議大家看一下這篇丟臉丟到國際上的求才廣告
時間Wed Jul 18 18:15:28 2007
Job type: Translation/editing/proofing job
Languages: Chinese to English
Job description:
Subject: IT DOCUMENT CHT TO ENG Proofreading
We provide huge voulume of proofreading work everyy month, we are having a case about 52000-53000 words need to be proofreading as good as well in 3 days,if you are interested in this work, please send me your CV and rate asap.
Please do the proofreading test as below and leave the proofreading track , and reply me at
[email protected]
6. 系統可由產品的委外加工預計回貨數量及實際回貨數量計算產品良率,並依不同製程階段提供不同的良率計算公式.良率 yield 的高低影響 IC 產品成本甚大,因此所有 IC 設計公司都非常重視良率的管理,鼎新 Workflow ERP 清楚記錄各加工廠商各製程的加工良率資訊.
6. System can calculate the qualified products ratio according to the prediction quantity of subcontracted processing return goods vs real return goods, it also can provide different calculating formulas about qualified products ratio according to different manufacture routings, values of qualified products ratio yield will give more influences on the cost of IC products, so that all IC designing companies pay more attention to the management of qualified products ratio, Tiptop Workflow ERP is
able to record clearly the information on qualified goods ratio of each routing for every vendors.
7. IC 設計業的生產過程許多都是在外包廠進行,因此經常需要將許多的生產資訊作記錄.因為外包厰給公司的回貨資料細分到工單,刻號,製程, bin ,所以資料非常的細且多.為減輕 ERP 敲資料的工作負擔,系統提供了資料匯入的功能,可主動把資料 Excel 匯入 ERP 系統,同時也減少資料錯誤的情形發生.
7. IC designing industries have so many productions at subcontracted vendor’s plants, so always need to record many production information, but vendors offer so many and detailed information which is subdivide in production orders, mark, routing and bin, for decreasing typing works of the ERP, the system provide a data batch importing function of that Excel format data list can be imported into the ERP system, and through this function information writing errors will be decreased.
Service provider targeting (specified by job poster):
Subject field: IT (Information Technology)
SDL TRADOS Translator's Workbench Certified:
SDLX Certified:
Quoting deadline: 5:00pm Jul 20, 2007
Delivery deadline: 5:00pm Jul 25, 2007
Additional requirements:
1.You must can read Chinese
2.Exellent in English grammar
3.IT related work and expirence
4.Live and work at USA for more than 10 years.
Contact method:
[email protected]
About the outsourcer:
Job posted by:
[Platinum member] tw-day
Contact person: Johnny Tung
Contact person title: Sales manager
Company: Tw- Day Translation Corporation
Non-profit organization
[email protected]
Address: 6F.-6, No. 220, Songjiang Rd., Jhongshan District, Taipei City, 104
Country: Taiwan
[Past job postings] [Blue Board record (7 entries)]
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