作者raylauxes (Raylauxes)
標題[活動] 演講訊息: 口、筆譯的專業訓練內容及就業市場簡介
時間Mon Apr 9 22:47:00 2007
------ 中山大學外文系演講--------------
時間:96/4/13(五) 10:00am
主講:Ms. Jane Ping Francis
(Course Director MA Interpreting & Translating (Chinese stream),
Department Of European Studies and Modern Languages, BATH UNIVERSITY)
~ 歡迎您的蒞臨參加 ~
Ms Jane Ping Francis
joined the Department in September 1998 as Teaching Fellow in Interpreting/Tra
nslating (English-Chinese). She studied Law in Shanghai and at the Universit
y of London. She worked as a division chief for international judicial assis
tance at the Ministry of Justice, Beijing, and in Britain she has worked as a
free-lance teacher, interpreter and translator since 1995. She has contribut
ed on a regular basis to professional legal journals in China and was the edit
or-in-chief of "A Chinese-English Law Dictionary". She also works for the Un
ited Nations in Vienna and Rome, and the European Commission in Brussels, as a
freelance conference interpreter. She directs and teaches on the Chinese st
ream of the MA in Interpreting and Translating.
Born in mid-September, I am described by my friends (close or not) as "anal-
retentive" because I am (and was born to be) a Virgo.
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