作者popandy (pop)
標題Re: 一個問題@@"
時間Thu Oct 30 21:21:52 2003
※ 引述《read ( )》之銘言:
: 下面一段英文出自於:
: Wilhelm Windelband, A history of philosophy v.1 ,page 33.
: Anaximander reproduced in the form of an abstract conception the unclear
: idea of the mythical chaos, which was "one" and yet also "all." This he
: did by assuming as the cosmic matter an infinite, corporeal mass, in which
: the various empirical substances were so mixed that no definite quality could
: be ascribed to it as a whole. For this reason, however, the separation of
: the individual qualities out of this self-moved matter could no longer be
: regarded as properly a qualitative change in it. With this view the conception
: of the unity of the world as regards quality would be given up, to be sure,
: and an essential preparation made for the later development.
: 我的問題是:
: 為什麼Anaximander如果認為「cosmic matter是一種沒有definite quality
: 的一團佔有空間的東西(corporeal mass)時,cosmic matter 分化成各種有特定
: quality的individual的這個變化過程就不能算做是一種qualitative change?
: 是不是因為cosmic matter本來是沒有definite quality的,沒有性質可變,因此
: cosmic matter並不會改變它的某些性質而變成individual,因此當cosmic matter
: 變化成individual時,不算是一種質的變化(qualitative change)?
I agree basicly with you.
Anaximander borrows the idea of being "one" and "all" simutaneously to
develope his account of the cosmic matter. He declares it to be
"an infinite, corporeal mass", which has no definite quality such that
it cannot cause the individual qualities. In my opinion, if "an infinite,
corporeal mass" could cause the individual qualities, then it would have
quality of a certain sort, which can be separated into the individual ones.
As such, a qualitatice change occurs, bringing about the definite qualities
of individuals. However, when the cosmic matter is changing into individuals,
for Anaximander,there is no qualitative change. Since "an infinite, corporeal
mass" does not possess such distinctive quality that generates numerous
qualities that is definite.
Based on the above discussion, with regard to quality, the world is diverse,for
all the definite qualities of the individual components of the world cannot be
ascribed to an indefinite cause and be united into "one". Thus, in the aspect
of quality, the conception of the unity of the world fails to explain the
definite appearence of individuals, one distinctive from another.
: 而又為什麼當cosmic matter分化為individual不能算是一種qualitative change時,
: 我們就必須放棄 the conception of the unity of the world as regard quality?
: the conception of the unity of the world as regard quality指的是什麼?是不
: 是在說:「這個世界上一切的individual雖然看來各有不同的性質,但是其本質是相同
: 的」?如Thales說的:水變化成萬物,這個宇宙的眾多的individual其本質都是水。
: 那,如果是這樣的話,為什麼Anaximender的cosmic matter,也就是the Infinite,
: 不能是這個the unity of the world?是不是因為這個cosmic matter是沒有性質的,
: 因此我們不能說宇宙眾多的individual都是cosmic matter,因為individual有特定性質,
: 而cosmic matter是沒有特定性質的?
: 我的問題可能很奇怪,因為我是看不懂文本確切的意思的^^"
: 請大家包涵^^"
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