#托福閱讀找核心訊息 大家好,我是Chris :) 明天颱風來了,請大家注意安全,好好在家裡溫書喔! 今天跟同學聊聊閱讀。同學常在閱讀時裡讀得太細,導致見樹不見林,因此,除了你要學 習答題步驟之外,也要學會如何在時間壓力之下「篩選資訊」,並且讀懂段落的核心概念 ,以下提供同學五個方法,在skim的過程當中,能找到段落核心概念,而這個核心訊息便 能幫助你在做六選三總結題時篩選出重點! Tips: 在看文章之前,請大家可以自行讀讀看,並且再跟我比較看看喔! 1. 注意一個段落重要的位置:頭和尾 有時候在閱讀時,中間部分的地方可能會非常細節,資訊量可能會有點太大記不住。然而 ,只要記得英文學術文章的邏輯,作者很有可能會在段首或段尾的位置寫出本段話的觀點 或總結。 來找找看你覺得這段落最重要的句子在哪? If true, though, why did cold-blooded animals such as snakes, lizards, turtles , and crocodiles survive the freezing winters and torrid summers? These animal s are at the mercy of the climate to maintain a livable body temperature. It’ s hard to understand why they would not be affected, whereas dinosaurs were le ft too crippled to cope, especially if, as some scientists believe, dinosaurs were warm-blooded. Critics also point out that the shallow seaways had retreat ed from and advanced on the continents numerous times during the Mesozoic, so why did the dinosaurs survive the climatic changes associated with the earlier fluctuations but not with this one? Although initially appealing, the hypothe sis of a simple climatic change related to sea levels is insufficient to expla in all the data. 同學有沒有注意到這段話的although的"後半子句",便是文章的重點了!六選三就會 考出來~ 2. 注意閱讀時不斷重複的訊息 請同學思考這裡再重複圍繞著的概念在哪? Sensitivity to physical laws is thus an important consideration for the maker of applied-art objects. It is often taken for granted that this is also true f or the maker of fine-art objects. This assumption misses a significant differe nce between the two disciplines. Fine-art objects are not constrained by the l aws of physics in the same way that applied-art objects are. Because their pri mary purpose is not functional, they are only limited in terms of the material s used to make them. Sculptures must, for example, be stable, which requires a n understanding of the properties of mass, weight distribution, and stress. Pa intings must have rigid stretchers so that the canvas will be taut, and the pa int must not deteriorate, crack, or discolor. These are problems that must be overcome by the artist because they tend to intrude upon his or her conception of the work. 這段話最重要的訊息就:"Applied art 製作要克服physical laws 的問題!" 3. 注意因果關係的結論訊號字 試試看你有沒有找到重要的因果關係字眼呢? Early in his research, Kramer found that caged migratory birds became very res tless at about the time they would normally have begun migration in the wild. Furthermore, he noticed that as they fluttered around in the cage, they often launched themselves in the direction of their normal migratory route. He then set up experiments with caged starlings and found that their orientation was, in fact, in the proper migratory direction except when the sky was overcast, a t which times there was no clear direction to their restless movements. Kramer surmised, therefore, that they were orienting according to the position of th e Sun. To test this idea, he blocked their view of the Sun and used mirrors to change its apparent position. He found that under these circumstances, the bi rds oriented with respect to the new "Sun." They seemed to be using the Sun as a compass to determine direction. At the time, this idea seemed preposterous. How could a bird navigate by the Sun when some of us lose our way with road m aps? Obviously, more testing was in order. 這段話核心訊息:"therefore", that they were orienting according to the pos ition of the Sun 4. 注意有態度字的地方 試試看閱讀時能不能找到maybe/possible/certain/probably 表達語氣的詞彙 Occasionally one can determine whether stone tools were used in the right hand or the left, and it is even possible to assess how far back this feature can be traced. In stone toolmaking experiments, Nick Toth, a right-hander, held th e core (the stone that would become the tool) in his left hand and the hammer stone in his right. As the tool was made, the core was rotated clockwise, and the flakes, removed in sequence, had a little crescent of cortex (the core's o uter surface) on the side. Toth's knapping produced 56 percent flakes with the cortex on the right, and 44 percent left-oriented flakes. A left-handed toolm aker would produce the opposite pattern Toth has applied these criteria to the similarly made pebble tools from a number of early sites (before 1.5 million years) at Koobi For a, Kenya, probably made by Homo habilis. At seven sites he found that 57 percent of the flakes were right-oriented, and 43 percent left, a pattern almost identical to that produced today. 這段話核心訊息:Occasionally one can determine whether stone tools were us ed in the right hand or the left, and it is "even possible" to assess how far back this feature can be traced. 5. 新舊觀點的結構,新觀點重要! More recent geologic studies documented deglaciation and the existence of ice- free areas throughout major coastal areas of British Columbia, Canada, by 13,0 00 years ago. Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of t he last Ice Age. One study suggests that except for a 250-mile coastal area be tween southwestern British Columbia and Washington State, the Northwest Coast of North America was largely free of ice by approximately 16,000 years ago. Va st areas along the coast may have been deglaciated beginning around 16,000 yea rs ago, possibly providing a coastal corridor for the movement of plants, anim als, and humans sometime between 13,000 and 14,000 years ago. 這段話核心訊息:Research "now" indicates sizable areas of southeastern Ala ska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end o f the last Ice Age. 大家有好好練習嗎~閱讀考試中,很多題目是仰賴文章的主要論點來考你的,比如說目的 題、推論題、總結題。 因此,學會抓到段落的核心概念句,無論是對文章整體的理解上,還是在對這種特定的題 型,都能提高你做答的穩定性喔! 希望今天的分享有幫助大家! Chris :) Until then *** 想聽聽專業的SK2顧問群所設計,一套最有系統的托福課嗎?想要學習寫作切題的關鍵秘 密:Golden Circle與Word Bank嗎?歡迎你加入將要開課的衝刺班,快速填報名表單即可 申請,我們有絕對的信心能幫助你破百! 選擇SK2 TOEFL衝刺班,1-2個月破百!
近期「衝刺班」開放試聽班級:(以下試聽時段請擇一) 08/05 (日) 聽力課 09:30 (傳授聽力愛考八大點、對話實戰演練) 08/06(日)閱讀課 14:00 (傳授scan, skim, structural notes) 08/09(三)寫作課 19:00 (講解新制寫作高分的關鍵秘密) *** 加入SK2 臉書社團,獲得托福相關的最新資訊: 上SK2官網,閱讀顧問專欄,幫助你1-2個月托福破百: 追蹤Rosa's Reading Corner,藉由朗讀英詩、培養閱讀與口說的習慣: 加入Chris的英文口說主題社團,瞭解將英文融入生活讓口說流利的秘密! 收聽Vivian「托福下課後」的Podcast,聽聽學長姐的激勵人生故事: 加入全台灣高分人數第一的Mason GRE社團,獲得準備GRE的最新相關資訊: --

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