Soft_Job 板


公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): 點子建有限公司 / 83229092 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北市中山區玉門街1號(CIT) 圓山捷運站出口三分鐘內 職缺: 資深前端工程師 職缺能力經歷要求: This position is a great opportunity for an entrepreneurially - minded perso n who enjoys making a difference in a start-up environment. We are looking f or a Senior Frontend Developer with strong web background responsible for wo rking closely with backend developers and developing user-friendly, performa nt UI for our cloud platform. - Architect efficient frontend codebases that drive complex web applications . - Guide the development of pattern libraries or design systems in order to e nsure consistent and easily reusable styles. - Write unit and integration tests for new and existing features. - Conduct thorough testing of user interfaces in multiple browsers to ensure all designs render correctly and systems function properly - Constant communication with designers, colleagues and clients — we are lo oking for a teammate! Required Skills: - 3+ years experience in frontend development. - Strong experience with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (TypeScript) and modern web frameworks (prefer ReactJS or Vue.js). - Experience architecting global stores (Redux, MobX, or React Context, etc) with complex data models. - Experience with frontend unit/integration testing. - Experience with common front-end development tools such as Babel, Webpack, NPM, etc. - Experience with cross-browser compatibility techniques. - Experience with RESTful APIs and WebSocket. - Familiar with git. Nice to Have: - Experience with WebGL. - Experience with web mapping libraries like: Leaflet, MapBox, and OpenLayer s. 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否 薪資(月薪): 7.1萬~9.3萬 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 14個月 年終獎金計算方式:底薪計算/全薪計算 全薪 工時: 每日工作時間: EX:09:00AM~18:00PM (八小時) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 彈性1小時 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 加班費制度: 依照勞基法 工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: 工作福利: - 20 days paid leave. - Equipped with a MacBook and desktop monitor. - 24 hours free snacks, coffee and other drinks. More benefits are negotiable. 公司分紅與獎金: Profit sharing and employee stock option. 公司介紹: BeeInventor consists of a team of experienced professionals with knowledge i n construction, electronics, product engineering and IT technologies. We fo cus on creating and developing IoT products that can improve health and safe ty, communication and productivity in construction industry. 人資或徵才聯絡方式: cakeresume: --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:
1F:推 new122851: 外商? 03/31 00:26
2F:→ numbnoob: 是香港商,剛在台灣招募新的研發團隊 03/31 11:53
3F:推 MangoTW: 待遇不錯 推 03/31 19:25

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