Soft_Job 板


**Update: The positions are filled. Please do not send any application to the company. Thank you! 已結束招聘,勿再來信。謝謝! - 公司名稱: 公司地址: 台北市 職缺: Full-time Software Engineers, Data Engineers, Data Scientists, DevOps Engineer s 職缺能力經歷要求: - Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related field - At least 3 years of experience in software engineering or data science - Professional level English and Mandarin capabilities - Proficiency with a subset of the languages, frameworks, or tools below, depe nding on the role: Role/ Sample Tools & Skills: - Data Scientist: Python (numpy, pandas, scikit-learn), SQL, R (Tidyverse) - Machine Learning Engineer: Python (scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch), Spark - DevOps Engineer: AWS/Azure/GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform - Data Engineer: Python, SQL, Hadoop, Kafka, Spark, Airflow - Backend Engineer: Python (Django), JavaScript (Node.js), Java (Spring Boot) - Frontend Engineer: JavaScript (React, Angular), HTML5, Power BI - iOS/Android Engineer: Swift, Java, JavaScript (React Native) 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : No 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): Annual salary up to NT$2 million depending on skills and experience 工時: 每日工作時間: Flexible working hour 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 hours 加班費制度:比照勞基法 公司介紹與該職缺團隊介紹: Who are we and what do we do? creates bespoke AI products for top-tier organizations and support thei r teams to integrate these systems to ensure a seamless transition. Globally, has 60 employees across the US, Canada, and the Philippines. The team: is headed by a former McKinsey associate partner and Y Combinator start up founder, a former Platoon Commander and senior operations manager at Amazo n, a professor of deep learning with hundreds of publications in top journals, and an MIT graduate who founded a successful high-frequency trading firm. Currently, the engineers and data scientists on the team are considered to be the elite in the industry, many who are highly ranked on Codeforces or Kaggle and have represented their countries in international competitions such as ACM ICPC. Why are we coming to Taiwan? We believe that Taiwan is full of exceptional engineering talent, and we want to connect this talent to build products for clients who are located all over the globe. You will have the exciting opportunity to be part of starting up the Taiwan ar m of We currently serve companies in different industries ranging from oil and gas, financial institutions, educational platforms, big tech, logisti cs, and many more. This means that you will have the chance to build products for Fortune 500 companies, premier institutions and up-and-coming startups. 工作福利: Health benefits, flexible vacation days and other perks 人資或徵才聯絡方式: If you are interested in joining the team, please reach out to David (davidche [email protected]) --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: so38 ( 美國), 11/24/2020 13:13:39
1F:→ brianhsu: 板規和格式注意一下11/24 14:50
2F:→ diabloevagto: ‧ Why are we coming to Taiwan? 11/24 15:02
3F:→ diabloevagto: 因為超便宜11/24 15:03
4F:→ honochung: 就是便宜阿...寫一大堆= =11/24 15:10
5F:→ pttworld: 大學3年200萬很好了11/24 16:32
6F:推 Csongs: 台灣年薪200很爽了吧 11/24 17:18
7F:→ ripple0129: 最高200又不是最低200XD 11/24 21:46
※ 編輯: so38 ( 美國), 11/25/2020 09:24:28
8F:→ tcw026: 應該是Why are we hiring in Taiwan 吧? 12/01 08:51
9F:→ tcw026: coming to Taiwan 是來台灣的意思. 是公司要來台灣了嗎? 12/01 08:52
10F:→ so38: 回覆樓上,是公司要來台灣的意思沒錯。12/03 15:38
※ 編輯: so38 ( 臺灣), 01/07/2021 00:08:57

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