Soft_Job 板


[公司名稱] MOVEL AI [公司網址] [公司地址] 71 Ayer Rajah Crescent ,Singapore 139951 [公司簡介] Movel AI developed a versatile robotics platform to effectively help robots navigate in an unknown environment. Polaris is a navigation platform which uses GPU, RGB-D camera and distance sensors. Polaris uses computer vision with sensor fusion and makes navigation of a robot extremely simple. It is designed to provide the robot with its precise position and it also enables the robot to learn the position of obstacles in the surrounding. Movel AI's algorithm can remember huge number of visual landmarks at different places, and rely on these landmarks to localize. Even if the environment is partially changed, the robot can still localize and remember the new landmarks into the map. Features: - Navigation with pre-defined path and also on-board path planning - Compatible with Linux, ROS - Learned map can be shared by robots - Decentralized and centralized control - Robust - Partial change in the environment will not affect the performance - Universal - Works in any environment - Cost effective [職位及待遇] 1. Autonomous navigation Research Scientist 5,000 - 8,000 SGD / mth 2. Robot Software Engineer 5,000 - 8,000 SGD / mth [工作內容 / 應徵條件] 因為職位較多,為避免多篇貼文洗板,詳細工作內容請看: [工作時間] 彈性上下班時間,符合新加坡相關勞動法規 [應徵方式] 直接於網站投遞履歷: [其他資訊及應徵攻略] * 8k 新幣按照匯率(1 SGD=22.5 TWD)約等於180k台幣,但是新加 坡物價較高,該薪資在新加坡應相當於100k-126k台幣在台北的消 費力。(僅供參考,歡迎討論)。 在新加坡機器人產業深受當地政府的重視,公司會不定前排創業 和IT講座給員工,更是有機會向頂尖的專家學習和合作。 熱烈歡迎相關科系(碩士生)的新鮮人加入! 本文為代發徵才,應徵請勿直接回信。 如有違反板規懇請告知,感謝! --

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1F:推 gino0717: ROS耶 哇 11/22 04:39
※ 編輯: dolinian (, 11/26/2018 11:08:38 ※ 編輯: dolinian (, 11/26/2018 11:15:09

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