Soft_Job 板


【公司名稱】  M800 Taiwan Limited台灣資信有限公司 【公司統編】  50766514 【公司網址】 【公司網址】 資信800由一群極富遠見﹑擁有豐富電訊行業知識及熱情的先驅者於2007年創立, 當年一家剛創業的通訊服務營運商, 現今已發展成規模龐大的企業。憑著遍布全球的設備﹑專業的技術, 我們提供通訊之外更為廣泛的服務。經驗豐富的團隊會了解每一位客戶特別需求, 從而提供最合適的解決方案, 協助客戶改進內部與外部的通訊效率, 建立出我們的獨特優勢。從我們的里程碑和榮譽獎項中, 便可了解我們多年來取得的成就及肯定。 【主要商品/服務項目】  ※通訊SDK   -移動 SDK 和 API 實時驗證和通信功能的融入,豐富了您的應用程序和服務。  ※Maaii 通訊平台   -發布您的應用程序,為全球用戶提供通話、SMS、語音、視頻和會議解決方案。  ※LiveConnect   -打造高水準的在線客戶服務,實時與客戶互動和解答客戶查詢。  ※免付費電話號碼   -虛擬號碼或國際免付費電話號碼可以增強您與全球客戶的溝通。 【工作地點】  台北市信義區信義路五段7號49樓C區 【工作時間】  9:00~18:00 (午休1小時) / 週休二日 【薪資(月薪)】  60K~100K 依年資及能力,保障年薪14個月 【職缺&職務說明】  1. Web Developer 網頁程式設計師    - Website/Javascript SDK development    - Work closely with project team and clients to ensure requirements and schedule are met  2. Backend Developer 後端程式設計師    - Design and implement server side communications systems    - Prepare technical documentation on server side applications and system design    - Maintain and enhance existing components  3. Android Developer 安卓程式設計師    - Work productively and proactively as part of a great mobile development team    - Design and implement outstanding mobile applications in Android    - Maintain and enhance existing apps, SDKs and components    - Perform other duties assigned by the supervisor  4. IOS Developer IOS程式設計師    - Work productively and proactively as part of a great mobile development team    - Design and implement outstanding mobile applications in iOS    - Maintain and enhance existing apps, SDKs and components    - Perform other duties assigned by the supervisor 【職缺能力要求】  1. Web Developer 網頁程式設計師    - Proficient in using HTML, JSF, Javascript, JSON, REST API, React, Babel    - Solid experience in database (Oracle, NOSQL) programming, query and open platform (Linux, MS Window)    - Good analytical & communication skills, work independently and able to work under pressure    - Good English communication skill  2. Backend Developer 後端程式設計師    - At least 2 years of experience in server side applications and development    - At least 2 of those years working with distributed technologies, like Cassandra, Riak, Kafka, Redis, etc.    - Strong software development experience (Java and happy to use Golang going forward)    - Experience with SIP, SMPP or XMPP is a definite plus    - Experience with application profiling and performance tuning is a plus    - Knowledge of Containerisation    - Ability to pick up new technologies quickly    - Good English communication skill  3. Android Developer 安卓程式設計師    - Minimum 2 years of experience in Android mobile applications development    - In-depth familiarity with developing Apps for Android, focused on mobile technologies, with a broad understanding of software technologies in and out of the mobile space (for example iPhone SDK, Objective-C , Android SDK, Java)    - Experience with VOIP and IM is a plus.    - Ability to independently work on complex tasks and deliver on time    - Good English communication skill  4. IOS Developer IOS程式設計師    - Minimum 2 years of experience in iOS mobile applications development    - In-depth familiarity with developing Apps for iOS, focused on mobile technologies, with a broad understanding of software technologies in and out of the mobile space (for example iPhone SDK, Objective-C, Java)    - Experience with VOIP and IM is a plus.    - Ability to independently work on complex tasks and deliver on time    - Good English communication skill 【工作福利】  1.交通津貼 2.伙食津貼 3.免費零食、現磨咖啡 4.不定期員工聚餐 【聯絡方式】  盧小姐 E-mail:[email protected] --

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1F:噓 abc53: , 12/04 09:53

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