Soft_Job 板


公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): 信安數位科技有限公司(Axinan Pte Ltd.) 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北辦公室(籌備中) 新加坡辦公室 #07-13. 2 Havelock Road, 059763 [公司網址] [公司職缺] [Linkedin] 職缺1: Software Engineer (Server) About the job: - Design and build large distributed systems that scale well. Implements efficient algorithms, RPCs, caching strategies and database schemas. - Ensure the logical correctness, efficiency and completeness of software programs. - Document API design and implementation details. - Manage application deployment, configuration and monitoring. What You Should Have: - Excellent knowledge of CS fundamentals, especially algorithms, database and distributed systems. - BS degree in Computer Science. - Good understanding of object-oriented design. At least one year experience in one of the following languages: C++, Go, Java, Python. - Experience in building high traffic web services. Familiar with common technologies such as cache, load balancer, message queue, service discovery etc. - Familiar with Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform. - Experience in Hadoop, Spanner, Cassandra or other distributed databases is a plus. - Outstanding analytical and problem-solving skills. - Self-motivated, innovative, and proactive. - Willing to learn new knowledge and explore unfamiliar domains. 薪水: 90,000 TWD - 150,000 TWD, 一年13薪 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否 [公司介紹] We are a fun, inspiring team of engineers, mathematicians, and industry veterans, with a mission to create new and innovative Fintech solutions for e-commerce platforms. "Who" is Axinan? Axinan is founded by Wei Zhu, a well respected technology leader with over twenty years of experience. Before starting Axinan, Wei was the CTO of Grab, one of the thriving technology companies in South East Asia. He was also an early engineer at Facebook (US) and an inventor and architect for Facebook Connect. His other accomplishments during his 8 years at Microsoft (US) include successful launches across a wide variety of products. [聯絡方式] [email protected] --- 是的! 繼上次在台灣招募區塊鏈人才之後, 目前又開放了軟體工程師的職缺. 主要目的是來尋找台灣的前後台高手們打造下一個世代的fintech 目前台灣辦公室還在籌備中, 所以工作地點將會在: 1. 台灣(視籌備狀況) 2. 新加坡(提供申請工作簽證與保險). 我是信安科技的早期員工, 大家有問題可以私訊或底下留言.我會盡量回答. 關於信安: 信安在今年一月剛完成數百萬美元的A輪融資, 主要專注於數位保險上 (新聞稿: ) --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
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1F:推 yamakazi: 辦公室籌備了三個月還沒好喔 07/26 21:32
2F:→ gail0720: 台灣這邊審核特別嚴格...估計還要幾個月吧 07/26 21:39
3F:推 DellSale999: 球給志傑 07/27 06:43

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