Soft_Job 板


公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): Sinitic Ltd. 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北市中山區中山北路2段96號後棟9樓918室 職缺: Backend Engineer Position based in Taipei City (Garage+). Possibility to relocate to Canada. Responsibilities: - Build elegant, secure and scalable code for the back-end of our conversational AI platform. - Take ownership of the cloud infrastructure, and find the smartest methods to host the platform while avoiding vendor lock-in. As a backend developer at an early-stage startup you'll have the opportunity to contribute to our roadmap, influence the technical direction, and gain valuable experience as a technical expert. 職缺能力經歷要求: - A firm knowledge of Python 3. - Experience in async programming, MQ, and microservice architecture. - Ability to work independently, take ownership of development, and suggest improvements. - Adequate written and verbal English and Chinese. - Experience in Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL are a bonus! 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 是 薪資(月薪): 60,000 - 80,000 NTD 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 14 個月 ****以下工時與加班費必填,不填刪文水桶**** 工時: 40 hrs 每日工作時間: EX:10:00AM~6:00AM (八小時) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 雇主無明訂之工作時間,如Remote等派遣性質工作 請徵才者需附上平時最大工時,不可超過40小時 超過需給付加班費,否則不得PO文 (需符合國訂勞動基準法) 勞工正常工作時間,每日不得超過八小時,每週不得超過四十小時。 前項正常工作時間,雇主經工會同意,如事業單位無工會者,經勞資會議 同意後,得將其二週內二日之正常工作時數,分配於其他工作日。其分配 於其他工作日之時數,每日不得超過二小時。但每週工作總時數不得超過 四十小時。 (補休不算符合勞動基準法,需有加班費,否則仍算是違法) (須符合國訂勞動基準法) **無須加班仍須填寫加班費制度** **可直接填寫加班費比照勞基法,低於勞基法禁止發文** 加班費制度:比照勞基法 如雇主有使勞工每日工作時間超過8小時者,或單週超過40小時者,應依法給付加班 費,其標準為:(勞動基準法第24條) (1)延長工作時間在2小時以內者,按平日每小時工資額加給3分之1以上。 (2)再延長工作時間在2小時以內者,按平日每小時工資額加給3分之2以上。 補休使用需員工同意,經錄取員工檢舉無加班費,一律轉發勞動部進行勞動檢查。 工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: Sinitic is an early stage Canadian startup that helps businesses automate multilingual customer support with our Conversational AI technology. We're recruiting a backend engineer with at least 2 years of python experience, to join our team of experienced developers. We're looking for expertise in python 3, asyncio, message queue servers, postgres and interest in infrastructure (docker+kubernetes), performance and scalability. You'll get the opportunity to work on world-class technology in a motivating environment. English at conversational level is required. Role based in Taipei (offices are in Garage+) 工作福利: - Gym membership subsidized. - Sponsorship to move to Canada after a few months. 公司介紹: Sinitic lets any business build better bots for the Chinese world. We’ve combined a user-friendly platform with the multilingual SiniticAI™ NLP engine so that our clients can build & manage bots with high language accuracy and no technical skills. 人資或徵才聯絡方式: Sami Boudrai [email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
※ 文章網址:
1F:推 senjor: 去加拿大之後的薪資待遇是...?沿用台灣待遇還是重新談? 04/16 11:17
重新談喔, 符合當地薪資水準. ※ 編輯: bibo9901 (, 04/16/2018 11:24:22
2F:推 ggggggh: 為啥要找台灣人去加拿大? 04/16 13:07
3F:→ dreamnook: 台灣人便宜啊2f 04/16 13:23
4F:推 wooji: 真八小時 04/16 20:35
5F:推 powerwolf543: 推真八 04/16 20:48
6F:推 neo5277: 寫bot這樣嗎? 04/16 21:49
不需要, 只負責後端
7F:推 ayann718: 外商開的薪水 ...令人驚訝 04/16 22:59
8F:推 littleyuan: 老闆可能是英文也不太好但有加拿大身份的加拿大人。台 04/17 00:18
9F:→ littleyuan: 灣月薪6萬台幣的生活水準 相當於加拿大年薪6萬加幣的 04/17 00:18
※ 編輯: bibo9901 (, 04/17/2018 01:11:55
10F:噓 jerry771210: 自備電腦 04/17 09:51
※ 編輯: bibo9901 (, 04/19/2018 21:04:30 ※ 編輯: bibo9901 (, 04/19/2018 21:15:55
11F:噓 slamgundam: 好少喔 04/21 10:26

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