Soft_Job 板


[公司名稱] 美商新創 EverMarkets [工作地點] 台北新辦公室(籌備中) 目前工作地點為Kafnu co-working space 台北市松山區民生東路三段101號 [公司網址] Twitter : Linkedin: Medium: [職缺] 1. Quantitative Trader & Researcher 2. Quantitative Technologist [職缺能力經歷需求] 1. Quantitative Trader & Researcher Technology innovation is crucial to successful automated trading strategies. Y our goal will be to improve our trading strategies by making them smarter, lea ner, and faster. You will be expected to be an active contributor in the deve lopment of our trading strategies, research infrastructure, and production env ironment. - Strong knowledge of programming languages like C++ or Python - Deep understanding of data structures and algorithms - Practical focus on getting things done: we value a relentless approach to ge tting features deployed - Culture of collaboration and unselfishness While we would like to see an int erest in markets, no previous work experience in finance, business, or economi cs is required. -- 2-3yrs experience - Intermediate English speaking is required. 2. Quantitative Technologist Our researchers are responsible for putting together the intelligence behind o ur trading strategies. You will be tasked with developing price prediction mod els, algorithmic execution strategies, and handling risk management. - Strong knowledge of probability, statistics, and machine learning - Creativity is key: we need to constantly be coming up with new solutions to old problems - Intermediate programming skills in C++, Python, R, or similar - Effective communicator and eager to work with others We would like to see so me background in machine learning, data analysis, or financial markets for app licants in this role. - 2-3yrs experience -Intermediate English speaking is required. [員工是否需自備工具? (是/否)] 是, Laptop [薪資(年薪)] 80-90k USD per year with extremely competitive bonus based on pe rformance (大約台幣2,400,000-2,700,000 依據經驗) [薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目)] 12個月 [工作時間] 10:00 - 18:00(八小時) 中午休息(12:00-13:00) [加班費制度] 依勞基法 [公司介紹] EverMarkets is a leading innovator of trading technology lead by an elite and cohesive team with offices in Silicon Valley and Taipei. Our culture is open, fun and the organization is flat. Good ideas win over seniority. Technology innovation is crucial to successful automated trading strategies. Y our goal will be to improve our trading strategies by making them smarter, lea ner, and faster. You will be expected to be an active contributor in the devel opment of our trading strategies, research infrastructure, and production envi ronment. 人資或徵才聯絡方式: 歡迎有興趣的高手們將履歷寄至[email protected] (本文為代PO,站內信我會協助轉交) --

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