Soft_Job 板


【公司名稱,統編】 Cenpiph (香港商宏焰有限公司),24793683 【地址】 台北市內湖區港墘路208號 【職缺】 1. Web Developer (Front-end) 2. Quality Assurance Engineer 【職缺能力經歷要求】 1. Web Developer (Front-end) * Solid foundation in computer science, with basic competences in operating systems, computer networks, data structures, and software design. * Excellent problem solving, collaboration and communication skills. * 2+ years of web development experience. * Experience in large system coding and debugging skills. * Experience in writing unit tests and testable codes. * Must have strong skills in JavaScript, jQuery, Backbone, and Dojo. * Must be self-sufficient, and self-discipline with ability to deliver by results. * Extensive experience in Web Services and REST API rendering. * Basic conversations in English. 2. Quality Assurance Engineer * 2+ years of experience in software testing * Working knowledge of windows and linux operating systems * Experience with automated testing tools (e.g. Selenium, RSpec, Cucumber, Watir, Jasmine) * Knowledge of quality management tools (e.g. JIRA) * Proven ability to build QA process with Agile methodology, including documentation, determining essential usability tests and evaluating tools that could enhance testing process * Experience with SQL queries, web services (soap/rest/xml) and CI * Self-starter personality and ability to perform responsibilities with little supervision 【工作內容】 1. Web Developer (Front-end) * Work closely with the web designers and create front end web pages based on designer's specifications. * Work closely with software integration team to render dynamic data onto web pages. * Follow Agile methodology in product deployment. * Writes production quality web based codes. * Analyze and optimize front-end and back-end codes, and pursue simplicity, efficiency, reliability and performance. * Use independent judgment to take existing code, understand its function and change/enhance as needed. * Provide documentation to all development and customizations. * Leverage customer existing cloud and service catalog technology and build the integration features into these products. 2. Quality Assurance Engineer * Develop, maintain, and execute both manual and automated tests working in cooperation with the development team. * Analyze requirements and use cases in order to create test plans, test cases and test sets. * Evaluate and document defects - including detailing the steps to reproduce the defect, assigning severity and assessing overall impact to users and other areas of the product. * Communicate test results and progress to all members of the project team. * Assist in troubleshooting any major issues our internal and external users are encountering. * Provide feedback and advice on how our application, processes and team could be more effective and efficient. 【員工是否需自備工具? (是/否)】【薪資(月薪)】 月薪範圍40K~90K,依經驗能力經驗面議 【薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目)】 14個月 【年終獎金計算方式】 全薪計算 【工作時間】 每日工作時間: 9:00am~6:00pm (8小時) 中午休息(12:00pm~01:00pm) 每週工作時間: 40小時; 周休二日 以上為建議工作時間,本公司無打卡制度,上下班時間彈性,中午休息時間亦彈性 【加班費制度】 依勞基法 【公司福利】 * 員工在職教育訓練 * 每週五英語課程 * 三節獎金 * 勞健保、團體保險 * 明亮舒適的辦公環境 * 獨立的Quiet Room * 簡單的健身設備及淋浴間 * 不定期公司聚會與活動 * 提供免費咖啡、飲料、零食 * 第一年10天特休假 * 10天不扣薪病假 【公司介紹】 Cenpiph為澳洲多國電信服務商Ethan Group的子公司, 在香港、新加坡、澳洲、黎巴嫩等 地都設有辦公室, 致力於運用雲端科技提供企業用戶最快速及具擴充性的解決方案, 協助 客戶快速地回收投資。 我們已在台灣建立據點並持續提供客戶軟體開發的協助與服務。 公司的成功將奠基於誠 實努力的員工及獨特有趣的企業文化, 誠摯地邀請您成為其中的一份子, 一同迎向建立下 一世代軟體服務的挑戰。 【人資或徵才聯絡方式】 意者請將中英文履歷email至[email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: alice1202 (, 05/12/2016 17:10:02
1F:推 tw689: 無加班費 05/12 17:16
2F:→ tw689: 請補充 05/12 17:16
※ 編輯: alice1202 (, 05/12/2016 20:14:25
3F:→ superpai: Dojo... 05/12 21:15

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