Soft_Job 板


VMFive 徵才網頁: 想認識更多 VMFive 請見官網: 履歷請投遞至:[email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) 有任何問題也歡迎來信詢問 (投遞信件主旨:職缺名稱_應徵者姓名) 公司名稱:第五代虛擬科技股份有限公司 VMFive 公司地址:台北市大安區敦化南路二段105號19樓 (遠企旁,凌雲通商大樓) 預計六月搬遷到台北市松山區南京東路五段89號9樓 (近南京三民站) [關於我們] VMFive,致力於打造全球最大的雲端虛擬手機平台 結合了五大技術:雲端化、虛擬化、即時串流、廣告技術、大數據 打造全球最大的雲端虛擬手機平台,並推出「AdPlay」— 遊戲 App 下載前的試玩服務。 [屢創佳績:雲端虛擬手機的明日之星] 在國內外的舞台上,VMFive 已經多次創下佳績。 - 2014.07 科技部第三屆 FITI 創新創業激勵競賽冠軍 資策會 IDEAS Show 國際競賽評審首獎與 CyberAgent Venture Award - 2014.08 TechCrunch 北京國際創業競賽冠軍 - 2014.09 青年創新論壇新創之星 Demo Show 冠軍 - 2014.10 103年資訊月「台灣百大創新產品金質獎」 - 2014.12 日本風投 Global Brain 創業競賽觀眾人氣獎 - 2015.04 Slush Asia 日本創業競賽冠軍 - 2015.12 A輪募資(兩億台幣)完滿結束 職缺介紹 Senior Front-End Web Engineer [工作內容] * Design and develop AdPlay HTML5 SDK and other innovative products. * Work closely with PM, design team and business marketing team to create best solutions for customers. * Survey the most cutting-edge technology to improve the product. [能力需求] * 2yrs+ years dedicated experience in front-end development. * Expert in single-page application development. * Expert in solving cross-browser compatibility issue, especially mobile browsers (e.g. Chromes on Androids, Safari on iOSes). * Familiar with Vanilla JS and CSS. * Familiar with HTTP, RESTful, Websocket. * Strong attention to detail and solid communication skills. Streaming Engineer [工作內容] * Responsible for designing, developing and performance tuning video/audio streaming service for VMFive's App Streaming product on cloud system and mobile devices. * Survey newest video/audio codec and implement both encoder and decoder to make ultra-low latency streaming system. * This position will also have to collaborate closely with Cloud Engineer to build large scale cloud system. [能力需求] * Expert with one of the following programming languages: C/C++, JavaScript, Python, Go * Familiar with video/audio compression and processing, including codec standards such as H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC, VP8/VP9, AAC, etc... * 2yrs+ in software development, with excellent debugging and problem solving skills. Cloud Engineer in test [工作內容] * Responsible for development and carrying on the automatic/manual software test process * QA * Manage defects/bugs. * Periodically meet with the project team to make sure the quality goal is fulfilled in the development process. * Define the quality goal and metrics. * QC * Define the system testing plan. * Define testing process & implement test case. * Conduct testing & recording. * Test report. [能力需求] * 3yrs+ QA working experience * Experience in detailed QA/QC process * Experienced in agile software development process such as mini-waterfall or scrum. * Excellent communication skill and EQ * Familiar with software engineer process 不需自備工具 薪資: NT$55,000 - NT$80,000 up,依經驗與能力面議 每年保障薪資 13 個月,每半年發放績效獎金,並視表現分紅或配股 年終獎金依全薪計算 工時: 每週工作40小時,上下班時間與休息時間皆可彈性調配 (建議時段為9:00-10:00至18:00-19:00),週休2日,無須打卡。 加班費比照勞基法計算。 工作福利: >>新創公司自由文化不可少 全新辦公室,有寬敞新穎的工作空間 每月主題性 Happy Hour、運動日、電影日、讀書會交流 吃不完的零食與多位校花校草級同事 >>優於勞基法是基本 第一年 7 天特休,第二至三年 11 天特休 每年 6 天內全薪病假 各式假期選項,堅持 work-life-balance >>持續學習獎勵計畫 人才培訓與講座課程補助 每月購書補助金 >>更多專屬 VMFive 的福利,等你來定義 VMFive 徵才網頁: 想認識更多 VMFive 請見官網: 履歷請投遞至:[email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) 有任何問題也歡迎來信詢問 (投遞信件主旨:職缺名稱_應徵者姓名) --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
※ 文章網址:
1F:→ tw689: Sr.的話稍低了點...除非分紅或股票很多 05/05 19:50
※ 編輯: VMFiveHR (, 05/05/2016 19:57:41
2F:推 xevisu: 校花級同事-- 05/05 22:44
※ 編輯: VMFiveHR (, 05/05/2016 22:49:08 ※ 編輯: VMFiveHR (, 05/05/2016 23:21:02
3F:推 CuteAmi: 大推!有認識的臉友在裡面喲^^ 05/05 23:43
4F:推 austinz04: 有QE工作推 05/06 07:58
5F:→ tooto1985: 校花同事看得到吃不到,只有工具人的份! 05/06 09:01

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