Soft_Job 板


[公司名稱] Bubbleye [公司網址] [工作職缺] Software genius, DevOps genius [公司地址] 目前位於捷運松江南京站附近的加速器 MOX 之後會視需求另尋辦公室 由於市場在美國,預計明年業務團隊與重心將移至灣區, 未來有機會外派灣區,公司會負責簽證與保險費用。 [職缺能力經歷要求 (非必要條件)] 1. DevOps genius Putting things out there and ensuring that they run 24/7 will be your task. We build the skeleton together, you deploy and manage it. It will be your task to design and set up development -> testing -> deployment workflows at the heart of our infrastructure. You must have ability and willing to learn software and cloud technology and document it. Amazon AWS (load balancing, RDS, ECS, etc.) CI/CD tools (Teamcity, Hudson, Jenkins, Bamboo) Cluster computing (Spark, Hadoop) VCS like Git, Mercurial Linux system administration, shell script Tracking tools (fogbugz, BugZilla, Mantis, Jira, Trello, etc) -- 2. Software genius We are looking for a software engineer with at least 5 years of experience in web development, good English communication skills and a focus on the following areas: Back-end programming (Java, Scala, Python) Search (SolR, ElasticSearch) Web services (REST, SOAP, Axis) Further expertise: Cluster computing (Spark, Hadoop) Relational and document-based database design & optimization Concepts of AI: machine learning, classification, clustering, NLP Agile methodologies [員工是否需自備工具] 否,會提供筆電及螢幕 [薪資 (月薪)] NT$75,000 up [薪資 (保證最低年薪)] 75,000 x 12 = 900,000 薪資這部份看個人能力,只要你覺得自己有能力,有潛力 :) [工時] 每日工作時間: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM 每周工作時間: 8*5 = 40 加班費制度 比照勞基法 [工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹] 核心成員目前就三個人 (之前的德國 CTO 即將離開), 分別是義大利人老闆,美國人 COO,以及負責技術部份的小弟弟我。 我們一起工作,一起訂定 scale out 的計劃 (因為現在的整個環境都是 for POC, 不是 for production 而存在), 一起討論應該採用哪些技術及工具,並依時程一步一步進行。 [工作福利] 沒什麼福利 :(,基本上全部都會塞在薪水裡 [公司分紅與獎金] 員工配股 [公司介紹] Bubbleye is solving mobile user acquisition inefficiencies by enabling targeting based on qualitative interests. We connect users to apps and games they actually want, and publishers to their best suited audience. We make mobile user acquisition affordable and effective. At Bubbleye’s core is trust, respect and passion for growth. We are looking for people who share this passion. We are closing a new round of funding to scale our technology up, which is why we need you: a talented and passionate individual excited to learn and build awesome tech. [人資或徵才聯絡方式] 歡迎直接投遞英文履歷或於網站留下資料 [email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: habam (, 02/02/2016 13:07:28
1F:→ neo5277: 好酷的薪水 02/02 14:30
2F:→ robler: 酷啥? 以零福利的公司來說 這種月薪實在不高耶 02/02 15:13
3F:推 tw689: 外派灣區 英文作業 台灣薪水 02/02 15:24
4F:推 GameHeven: 年薪90沒有特別高,不用獎金灌水算是小加分 02/02 15:38
5F:→ patchhf: 有機會外派而已XDD 02/02 19:15
6F:推 stosto: 說真的,薪水超低..會這麼多一堆一百五以上在等你 02/03 23:11
7F:→ iWRZ: 但是投過這家 發我無聲卡 連信都不用回的 02/04 02:48
8F:→ habam: 90 只是低限,有實力想要多少就來談談呀 02/04 08:31
9F:→ patchhf: 請問CTO為什麼想離開? 是核心人物走了嗎 02/05 00:05
10F:→ habam: 因為要回德國結婚 他女朋友不想繼續待亞洲... 02/12 21:31

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