Soft_Job 板


您好, 我們是美商倍佳國際在台灣分公司, 因為專案需要, 徵求一名熟悉 Java server 端約聘工程師, 主要的工作目標是將目前公司的使用者認證服務, 從 Ruby 轉換成 Java (使用, 詳細工作細節請來電或來信洽詢, 感謝! 參考待遇為 8 到 10 萬月薪, 實際待遇可視合約及規格面談時調整。 以下是英文說明: # About OptimisCorp OptimisCorp (Optimis) is a company staffed with renowned clinical experts dedicated to the science of health, movement and function. Optimis works to improve the consistency and quality of care delivered by health care professionals by creating groundbreaking software programs that raise the quality of clinical care and promote collaboration among health care clinicians and fitness professionals. These programs allow clinicians to access evidence-based and clinically proven tools to provide higher quality care for rehab care, injury prevention, performance and wellness, including weight management. Optimis has operating units, which include the management of physical therapy and wellness centers, software services, billing, compliance consulting and branded events. # Optimis Taiwan is specifically looking for the following - Use the the Maven War Overlay Method to combine CAS original artifacts with customizations ported over from the current RubyCAS server implementation (to further ease future upgrades & maintenance). - Document necessary procedures for future upgrades & maintenance. - Configure CAS extra attributes to include specified DB fields. - Configure the built-in metrics & monitoring system & dashboard (including throttling & alerts). - Configure the built-in audit logging system & dashboard. - Configure any additional plugins/addons (OAUTH & possibly LDAP). - Setup a repeatable process for container based deploy (Tomcat using ANT or similar). - Compensation depends on experience. This is a contract position which is expected to last 4 to 10 weeks. Please contact Bill Hicks @ 02-2599-4978 or [email protected] for more information. --

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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: savemylove (, 11/30/2015 17:49:23
1F:推 mrforget: 徵才需附薪資範圍,請看版規。 11/30 17:48
※ 編輯: savemylove (, 11/30/2015 18:03:53
2F:→ savemylove: 已經修正, 感謝提醒 11/30 18:04

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