Soft_Job 板


【Junior/Senior Full Stack Web Application Developer】 The aGalaxy Team is looking for talented software engineers to join our Taipei R&D Team. aGalaxy is a cloud/device management solution to perform management tasks in deploying A10's network appliances and extended infrastructures. Some example of the services that aGalaxy provide include, but are not limited to: - Device and services management. - Provisioning of services like server load-balancers, network resources and topologies, and service VMs, DDOS mitigations, etc. - Monitoring, trending, and reporting of services under management using a combination of traditional reporting and big data analytics. - Streamlined management workflows to ease total cost of ownership of A10 and third-party equipment. - Generate actionable and predictive analytics. 【Daily Responbility】 Lead/Participate in architectural discussion. Write/Review technical design documentation. Design/Code/Test/Maintain features. Mentor junior engineers (if Senior). 【Job Requirement】 1. Non-trivial experience with Python in a professional setting (or a similar general purpose OO language.) 2. Have a passion in coding. 3. You know the difference between beautiful code and code that just works. 4. You can discuss technical details in English and Mandarin. 5. Your are picky on superior user experience (UX), browser compatibility, standards compliance, and responsive design. 6. You are more than just competent with jQuery, CSS3, and HTML5. 7. You are comfortable developing under Ubuntu. 8. You can multitask under fast-paced environment, sometimes without clear software requirement - you can improvise. 9. You can think independently. 【Strongly desired】 1. Have working experience with Python, Django, and AngularJS. 2. Have experience with building distributed architecture. 3. Have experiences building application with one or more of the following: ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana, Spark, Pig, Hive, HBase, MongoDB, NodeJS, and Docker. 【Salary Range】 Junior:NT$ 60,000 /mo and up plus bonuses* Senior: NT$ 90,000 /mo and up plus bonuses* *No predefined upper bound. Full Time Opening: 3-5 【公司福利】 提供國外教育訓練 彈性上班制,視情況可擇日在家工作 提供優於勞基法之休假制度(每年15天年假,新人依報到日按比例休假) 提供勞健保、意外險、醫療險、團保...等保險制度 提供員工旅遊、員工活動及聚餐 提供水果、美式咖啡、零食、飲料與晚餐 每年依公司營運及個人績效調薪 其他比照勞基法及兩性平等法 【工作地點】 台北南港軟體園區三期 捷運南港展覽館站附近 台北市南港區三重路66號6樓 【工作時間】日班,周一至周五,週休二日,彈性上班制 【應徵方式】 請至104人力銀行搜尋「美商睿科網路科技有限公司」投遞履歷, 或是寄履歷至[email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
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1F:→ manaup: a10江河日下啊 想當年... 09/15 19:02
2F:推 deray: 不管啦 Python給推 09/15 19:44
3F:推 kasimroll: 推 09/15 20:22
4F:推 abstergo: 樓上跟原PO帥哥 09/15 23:51
5F:→ turelyman: 感覺很挑一直找不到你們要的? 09/16 07:11
6F:→ deray: 或是流動率那個...嗯 09/16 07:52
7F:→ pcmac77: turelyman: 有找到一些,但還要持續。 09/16 11:44
8F:→ pcmac77: manaup: 可搜尋一下最近兩季的公開財報以及分析師對未來 09/16 13:22
9F:→ pcmac77: 的評估會稍微客觀些:) 09/16 13:24
10F:→ pcmac77: 最近才比較積極使用PTT,不過一家持續成長的公司持續 09/16 13:30
11F:→ pcmac77: 招人是正常的 09/16 13:31
12F:→ ENEP: 對jQ不熟但是有其他framework經驗可以嗎QQ 09/18 10:12
13F:推 Elohim123: 推薦這個team的主管 09/20 23:36
14F:→ pcmac77: ENEP: 可以,請email履歷,謝謝。 09/23 15:06

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