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本次考試範圍:下學期全部 老師放在學習網上的 PO上來給以後人做參考 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 選擇題題目 1. 根據 Gardner (1983), 以下何者是獨立智能(separate intelligence)的存在證據 ? 1.腦傷方面的證據 2.需有與其他智能不同的發展情形 3.從演化角度來說是有意義的 4.以上皆是 2. Gardner has hypothesized that all of the following intelligences exist EXCEPT 1. linguistic 2. musical 3. bodily-kinesthetic 4. intuitive 3.魏氏智力測驗(Wechsler tests)一般包含幾個分測驗? 1. 2 2. 5-6 3. 10-13 4. 20-24 4. For the Wechsler tests, the standard deviation of IQ is always 1. 5 2.10 3. 15 4. 20 5. KABC-II 是 1. 智力測驗 2. 成就測驗 3. 人格測驗 4.智力與人格測驗 6. The purpose of achievement tests is to measure 1. current skill level in a well-defined domain 2. potential achievement level in a well-defined domain 3. general ability as it pertains to a specific skill 4. all of the above 7. 個別成就測驗用在以下何種用途較為適當: 1.篩選智力發展遲滯(mentally retarded persons) 2.測量與學習有關的性向(school-related aptitude) 3.診斷學習障礙(learning disability) 4.篩選資優生 8. Raven's Progressive Matrices was originally designed as a measure of 1. culture-free intelligence 2. Spearman's g factor 3. crystallized intelligence 4. none of the above 9. 用來預測未來表現的測驗被稱作 1.性向測驗 2.成就測驗 3.以上皆可 4.以上皆非 10.The age range for the Bayley-III is 1. 1 to 42 months 2. 6 to 12 years 3. 13-18 yrs 4. 20-60 yrs 11.SIB-R(Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised)評量 1.運動能力 2.社交與溝通能力 3.個人生活能力 4.以上皆是 12. In screening for school readiness, which kind of error is potentially more serious? 1. false positive 2. false negative 3. both of the above are equally serious 13. Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test 用來 1.以投射技巧測量人格 2.測量資賦優異(intellectual giftedness) 3.測量智力的成熟程度(intellectual maturity) 4.以上皆非 14. Which personality test is based upon the five-factor model of personality? 1.16 PF 2. NEO-PI-R 3. MMPI-2 4. CPI 15.以下何者「不是」人格大五理論(“big five”)的因素? 1. 神經質(Neuroticism) 2. 外向性(Extraversion) 3.感官尋求(Sensation Seeking) 4.經驗開放性(Openness to Experience 16. Administering the Rorschach consists of 1. free association to inkblots 2. inquiry about determinants 3. both 1 and 2 4. neither 1 nor 2 17.史上第一個投射技術是利用 1.墨漬 inkblot 2. 講故事 3.字詞聯想 4.圖畫測驗 18. In most cases, interpretation of the TAT is based upon 1. quantitative scoring 2. the hero assumption 3. comparison to sample stories 4. none of the above 19.以下何者測量典型表現? 1.性向測驗 2.學科測驗 3.興趣測驗 4.智力測驗 20.The MMPI-2 incorporates the following validity scale(s): 1. Cannot Say 2. Lie 3. Frequency 4. all of the above 21.Guilford 認為智力由三向度組合而成,以下何者「非」三向度之一: 1.內容(content) 2.結果(product) 3.聯結(association) 4.運作(operation) 22. The trials of the Benton Finger Localization Test consist of 1. with the hand visible, identifying single fingers touched by the examiner with the pointed end of a pencil 2. with the hand hidden from view, identifying single fingers touched by the examiner 3. with the hand hidden from view, identifying pairs of fingers simultaneously touched by the examiner 4. all of the above 23.以下那個測驗測量執行功能(executive functions)? 1. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test 2. Porteus Mazes 3. Tinkertoy Test 4.以上皆 是 24.The most widely used mental status tool is 1. Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire 2. Mental Status Report 3. Mini-Mental State Exam 4. Mental Status Questionnaire 25. 選取工作的一小部份來測驗考生被稱作 1. 工作樣本(work sample) 2. 場地測驗(situational exercise) 3. 人體工學測試(ergonomic test) 4. 個人資料(biodata) 26.The identification of criteria for effective job performance is known as 1. validational analysis 2. job analysis 3. effectiveness analysis 4. none of the above 27.評分者由於為對受評者的整體印象,而傾向將受評者各向度都評高分或都評低分,此 現象最適合被稱作 1. 月暈效果(halo effect) 2. 評分者偏誤(rater bias) 3. 效標污染(criterion contamination) 4. 內部一致性(internal consistency ) 28. The Self-Directed Search is based on 1. Strong's typology of vocational interests 2. Holland's hexagonal model of general occupational themes 3. Campbell's theory of vocational choice 4. all of the above 29.以下何種測驗試圖降低文化偏差的影響? 1.魏氏兒童智力量表(WISC) 2.比西智力量表(Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale) 3.考夫曼測驗組群(Kaufman Assessment Battery) 4.多元性向測驗組群(Multiple Aptitude Test Battery) 30.A polygraph detects 1. physiological arousal 2. the act of lying 3. both 1 and 2 4. neither 1 nor 2 問答題 一、這陣子國中基本學力測驗問題被拿出來討論,底下是6/22 日聯合晚報的兩段報導: 「林妙香指出,…(基本學力測驗)在試題參數卻改採用單參數 (只有難度參數)的 Rasch模式建立題庫,只能反應試題難度差異,而令試題鑑別度和猜度是零。」(ps.其實 試題鑑別度不是零) 「心測中心題庫組組長曾芬蘭說…….但三參數作法,即使用在同一個考科,都可能出現 答對題數相同,但分數不一樣,甚至還會出現答對題數少,分數反而較高的不公平現象。 」 1.說明何謂單參數模式,何為三參數模式?(10 分) 2.說明您支持用單參數模型或三參數模型處理基本學力測驗資料?為什麼?(5分) 二、心理測驗可應用於私人公司、醫院、學校與政府部門等等。請針對以上兩種(也可以 自己列舉),說明心理測驗的應用,並建議可以使用的測驗種類。(10分) 三、討論甄選公平性時,有學者主張 Regression model。以不同性別為例,先依不同性 別資料,得到測驗分數(X,分數越高表示考的越好)與效標分數(Y,分數越高表示能力 越高)的不同迴歸式( ,j=0,1,分別表示男生或女生,i =1..n,分別表示不同受測者 )。假設現在欲錄取十人,將報名的一百人的測驗分數依不同性別代入迴歸式,選取 最 高的十人。 1.A男考的比B男好,有沒有可能B男錄取,A男沒錄取?為什麼?(4分) 2.A男考的比C女好,有沒有可能C女錄取,A男沒錄取?為什麼?(4分) 3.請評論此種作法之優缺。(7分) -- ★waltervic 說個笑話吧 To waltervic:你好帥 --

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1F:→ waltervic:選擇題我以為我看了就知道答案的Orz 06/04 23:09
2F:推 PTTjoker:板主是好人~推推XD 06/04 23:40
3F:推 ERun: 感謝。(泣) 06/05 01:53
4F:推 blueflyfairy:謝謝:) 06/05 08:52
5F:→ waltervic:老師說IRT不列入考試範圍 雖然期初有辯論過 06/10 21:16

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