作者waltervic (Halu)
标题[考题] 心理测验/952期末考/郑中平
时间Wed Jun 4 22:42:13 2008
1. 根据 Gardner (1983), 以下何者是独立智能(separate intelligence)的存在证据
1.脑伤方面的证据 2.需有与其他智能不同的发展情形
3.从演化角度来说是有意义的 4.以上皆是
2. Gardner has hypothesized that all of the following intelligences exist
1. linguistic 2. musical 3. bodily-kinesthetic 4. intuitive
3.魏氏智力测验(Wechsler tests)一般包含几个分测验?
1. 2 2. 5-6 3. 10-13 4. 20-24
4. For the Wechsler tests, the standard deviation of IQ is always
1. 5 2.10 3. 15 4. 20
5. KABC-II 是
1. 智力测验 2. 成就测验 3. 人格测验 4.智力与人格测验
6. The purpose of achievement tests is to measure
1. current skill level in a well-defined domain
2. potential achievement level in a well-defined domain
3. general ability as it pertains to a specific skill
4. all of the above
7. 个别成就测验用在以下何种用途较为适当:
1.筛选智力发展迟滞(mentally retarded persons)
2.测量与学习有关的性向(school-related aptitude)
3.诊断学习障碍(learning disability)
8. Raven's Progressive Matrices was originally designed as a measure of
1. culture-free intelligence 2. Spearman's g factor
3. crystallized intelligence 4. none of the above
9. 用来预测未来表现的测验被称作
1.性向测验 2.成就测验 3.以上皆可 4.以上皆非
10.The age range for the Bayley-III is
1. 1 to 42 months 2. 6 to 12 years 3. 13-18 yrs 4. 20-60 yrs
11.SIB-R(Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised)评量
1.运动能力 2.社交与沟通能力 3.个人生活能力 4.以上皆是
12. In screening for school readiness, which kind of error is potentially
more serious?
1. false positive 2. false negative 3. both of the above are equally
13. Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test 用来
1.以投射技巧测量人格 2.测量资赋优异(intellectual giftedness)
3.测量智力的成熟程度(intellectual maturity) 4.以上皆非
14. Which personality test is based upon the five-factor model of personality?
1.16 PF 2. NEO-PI-R 3. MMPI-2 4. CPI
15.以下何者「不是」人格大五理论(“big five”)的因素?
1. 神经质(Neuroticism) 2. 外向性(Extraversion)
3.感官寻求(Sensation Seeking) 4.经验开放性(Openness to Experience
16. Administering the Rorschach consists of
1. free association to inkblots 2. inquiry about determinants
3. both 1 and 2 4. neither 1 nor 2
1.墨渍 inkblot 2. 讲故事 3.字词联想 4.图画测验
18. In most cases, interpretation of the TAT is based upon
1. quantitative scoring 2. the hero assumption
3. comparison to sample stories 4. none of the above
1.性向测验 2.学科测验 3.兴趣测验 4.智力测验
20.The MMPI-2 incorporates the following validity scale(s):
1. Cannot Say 2. Lie
3. Frequency 4. all of the above
21.Guilford 认为智力由三向度组合而成,以下何者「非」三向度之一:
1.内容(content) 2.结果(product) 3.联结(association) 4.运作(operation)
22. The trials of the Benton Finger Localization Test consist of
1. with the hand visible, identifying single fingers touched by the examiner
with the pointed end of a pencil
2. with the hand hidden from view, identifying single fingers touched by the
3. with the hand hidden from view, identifying pairs of fingers
simultaneously touched by the examiner
4. all of the above
23.以下那个测验测量执行功能(executive functions)?
1. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test 2. Porteus Mazes 3. Tinkertoy Test 4.以上皆
24.The most widely used mental status tool is
1. Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire 2. Mental Status Report
3. Mini-Mental State Exam 4. Mental Status Questionnaire
25. 选取工作的一小部份来测验考生被称作
1. 工作样本(work sample) 2. 场地测验(situational exercise)
3. 人体工学测试(ergonomic test) 4. 个人资料(biodata)
26.The identification of criteria for effective job performance is known as
1. validational analysis 2. job analysis
3. effectiveness analysis 4. none of the above
1. 月晕效果(halo effect) 2. 评分者偏误(rater bias)
3. 效标污染(criterion contamination) 4. 内部一致性(internal consistency
28. The Self-Directed Search is based on
1. Strong's typology of vocational interests
2. Holland's hexagonal model of general occupational themes
3. Campbell's theory of vocational choice
4. all of the above
1.魏氏儿童智力量表(WISC) 2.比西智力量表(Stanford-Binet Intelligence
Scale) 3.考夫曼测验组群(Kaufman Assessment Battery)
4.多元性向测验组群(Multiple Aptitude Test Battery)
30.A polygraph detects
1. physiological arousal 2. the act of lying
3. both 1 and 2 4. neither 1 nor 2
一、这阵子国中基本学力测验问题被拿出来讨论,底下是6/22 日联合晚报的两段报导:
「林妙香指出,…(基本学力测验)在试题参数却改采用单参数 (只有难度参数)的
1.说明何谓单参数模式,何为三参数模式?(10 分)
三、讨论甄选公平性时,有学者主张 Regression model。以不同性别为例,先依不同性
越高)的不同回归式( ,j=0,1,分别表示男生或女生,i =1..n,分别表示不同受测者
)。假设现在欲录取十人,将报名的一百人的测验分数依不同性别代入回归式,选取 最
★waltervic 说个笑话吧
To waltervic:你好帅
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1F:→ waltervic:选择题我以为我看了就知道答案的Orz 06/04 23:09
2F:推 PTTjoker:板主是好人~推推XD 06/04 23:40
3F:推 ERun: 感谢。(泣) 06/05 01:53
4F:推 blueflyfairy:谢谢:) 06/05 08:52
5F:→ waltervic:老师说IRT不列入考试范围 虽然期初有辩论过 06/10 21:16