NBA_Film 板


※ 引述《mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)》之銘言: : 非常喜歡 TNT 每年在季後賽的精心設計 : 過去兩年捧紅了 Fort Minor 的 Remember the Name :
: 去年捧紅了 Busta Rhymes 的 We Made It : : (27'58" ~ ) : 今年, 利用了西洋棋 來作為今年季後賽的開始! :
你的第一步不需要用到任何棋子,而是要直視對手的眼睛 The first move requires no pieces; it is the look into the eyes of your opponent. 看看他勇士般剛毅的眼神、像是個冷靜的人冷冷地看著你, 他像個鬥士一樣,用尖銳的目光怒視著你。 The iron gaze of a warrior, the frozen stare of a man possesed, the piercing glare of a champion. 感受他的過去,感受他這輩子的渴望與希望,他這生中微不足道的小事,他的豐功偉業 Feel his years, a lifetime of hunger and hope trifles and triumphs. 在他的心中找到恐懼,相反地,對他展現出你的無畏 Search his heart for fear, show him none in return. 一粒棋子贏不了一場比賽。 你必須結合群眾,合諧、一致地移動它們, No single piece can win a match. Combine several,move them in concert 然後看吧! 一個協調的力量交響曲! and behold, a synchronized symphony of force. 推進,攻擊,撤退,亦或這只是個詭計? 攪亂你的對手,將他引出來 Push forward, attack, retreat, or is it a trick? A rouse to draw out the opposition. 隨時保持警覺性,因為一條路不通,必定有另一條可以走。 Be watchful, as one avenue closes another opens. 使用戰術朝你的目標前進,同時也混淆你的對手 Employ tactics that advance your aims while complexing your rival. 你必須注意時間,但不能讓時間混亂你的思緒 Be mindful of time, but do not grant a clock authority of your reason. 防守要拿出活力和氣勢,一個有技巧的敵人並不是打不倒的, 當他的動作被你所限制的時候,你就能看穿他的棋步, Defend with vigor; a skilled adversary is beatable when his movements are ristricted, and his patent are exposed. 這時緊張感繃緊你的神經,情緒可以使一個人崩潰,也能使他有如神助 Emotion can weigh a man down, or lift him in the air. 這是一個屬於帝王的遊戲,這是勇士們用木頭撞擊聲跳出的芭蕾 This is a game of kings, it is ballet of the brave choreographed on a wooden slam. 承諾給你的對手一件事: 毀滅 Promise your foe one thing, 只接受最高榮耀當你的獎品,要知道,勝者為王、敗者為寇。 Accept only ultimate glory as your prize. Know that win and losing are black and white. 統治這個遊戲,然後你將走出最後一步。 Master this game, and you will make the final move. 當一切敵手都已經倒下,你,將是毫髮無傷,唯一還站著的王者 After all have fallen, you will stand alone, crown intact. --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: lesnaree2 來自: (04/22 21:21)
1F:推 newsno1:好酷 04/22 21:22
2F:推 a7241596:謝謝啊!!!! 04/22 21:36
3F:推 JUSTWOW:COOL...超熱血... 04/22 21:44
4F:推 mr81lakers:求 英文版 04/22 21:59
5F:推 zzzaaq:我也想看原文+1 04/22 22:13
※ 編輯: lesnaree2 來自: (04/22 22:43) ※ 編輯: lesnaree2 來自: (04/22 22:44)
6F:推 newsno1: Promise your foe one thing : doom ! 04/22 22:48
7F:推 heineiken:感恩~ 04/23 22:50
8F:推 kenty210014:緊張感那句是不是少了Tension grinds at the nerves?? 04/26 22:55
9F:→ kenty210014:不確定聽到的對不對(汗) 有錯請指正 04/26 22:56
10F:推 way8611:太強大了! 04/30 22:28

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