Key_Mou_Pad 板


好讀版: 小弟週日凌晨0時左右,在官網訂購了一支,Razer Orochi。 後來發現可能沒有內建記憶體,不能把巨集帶著走,當下在一個小時內,就循RAZER官網 問答支援,點擊網頁前往「取消訂單」的地方,結果只有留下一個沒有權限處理訂單的信 箱 亞太網路商店信箱:[email protected] (也是寄送訂單確認信給我的位址)
今早亞太客服來信如下(意思大概就是他們不是處理單位,Orz..): Dear Customer, Unfortunately, we do not handle the customer service for Razer Taiwan. Please contact them directly with your request through one of the following methods: Customer Service URL: Customer Service Email: [email protected] We apologize for the inconvenience. --------------- 我剛一看到信件馬上向上方EMAIL官網申請取消訂單,不到3分鐘就被打槍回來了! 跟林爸(請原諒我怎的很憤怒)說他們出貨很快不能退貨了。 你留下一個不能即時取消訂單的信箱網址,再跟用戶說,你取消太晚,我們出貨了! 真的很生氣。 Hi, -----------. Thank you for contacting RazerStore. We apologize for the inconvenience but your request to process an order cancellation was unsuccessful as the order has already been processed, even if it has not shipped yet. Our warehouse works really fast. This is an awesome feat but in your case it is not. You will receive a tracking information separately so you can monitor and refuse the package when it arrives. If you are not able to reject the package and would still like to return the item/s, please reply to this e-mail with your product serial number/s and we can provide return instructions. The postage fee will be shouldered by you. Please do not manually return the package without an RMA number, it will be rejected and returned to you. For the mean time, please review our Returns Policy for more helpful information. Thank you for your time and understanding. Have a pleasant day. Sincerely, Team RazerStore --------------- 最新收到官方回應了,可拒收,但我若被家人誤收得付運費退回@@" Thank you for contacting RazerStore. Yes you may refuse the package directly during delivery to the courier and onc e the package has been returned to our warehouse, we will process a refund. Pl ease reply back if you have any other questions, again thanks for the support and have a great day. Best Regards, Sincerely, Team RazerStore. --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: DogT (, 02/22/2016 11:03:48 ※ 編輯: DogT (, 02/22/2016 11:13:12
1F:推 exousia7: 狗屁 Our warehouse works really fast,要一個保固換新02/22 11:14
2F:→ exousia7: 品要花3個多禮拜寄到算快? 02/22 11:14
唉,之後放網拍了,我還是乖乖買羅技就好。 ※ 編輯: DogT (, 02/22/2016 11:15:58
3F:推 shenwei1003: 這也是為什麼我不碰它家的東西 根本以卵擊石啊XD02/22 11:53
4F:推 idzc220: 雷蛇只等有半後再買就好了 02/22 11:56
RAZER臺灣網購也應該要依消保法規定7天無條件退貨!但我沒時間跟他們搞這 些了,這家臺灣分公司只有地址跟聯絡電話,不想浪費電話費聯絡怎處理退貨 了。 ※ 編輯: DogT (, 02/22/2016 12:01:07 ※ 編輯: DogT (, 02/22/2016 12:01:37
5F:推 mmmbop: 之前990的80%連想都不想02/22 12:29
※ 編輯: DogT (, 02/22/2016 12:55:56 我剛又研究一下,是收貨後要退回才要付運費。 請問上面寫的內容是指我可以拒收嗎?(英文不太好,懇請善心人士幫我解讀一下) You will receive a tracking information separately so you can monitor and refuse the package when it arrives. 另外拒收會不會被扣運費之類?感恩 ※ 編輯: DogT (, 02/22/2016 12:59:51
6F:推 GoldDeath: Razer的之前用過一次他們的產品,再也不想碰02/22 15:06
7F:推 bitchgt: 我蠻喜歡Orochi的耶 雖然蛇蛇實在…02/22 21:11
8F:→ stellvia2359: 蛇蛇巨集都存雲端,下載它的軟體候登入帳號就可 02/22 23:29
9F:→ Z1000: 這家公司好面熟 羅技官網的發票貌似也印這個抬頭02/23 10:00
※ 編輯: DogT (, 02/23/2016 15:32:48 ※ 編輯: DogT (, 02/23/2016 15:34:43
10F:→ najoy: razer網購應該要算是國際購物 而網站本體及金流的公司應該 02/24 08:35
11F:→ najoy: 才是數位潮流 只是被外包處理網站這一塊而已.台灣razer代理 02/24 08:36
12F:→ najoy: 品牌商叫作利德開發.想用台灣消保規定的7日猶豫期那就請找 02/24 08:38
13F:→ najoy: 經銷 pc趴硬派b18軍團這種的 02/24 08:39
14F:→ redissue: 我星期六訂完Orochi馬上退訂也是收到一樣的信 03/27 10:45
15F:→ redissue: 不相信他們周末還是有上班處理阿~ 03/27 10:47

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