Eng-Class 板


※ [本文轉錄自 translator 看板] 作者: Kalovi (世に廃れ者なし) 看板: translator 標題: [問題] BBC國家檔案15 時間: Sat Aug 11 12:04:03 2007 1.The poll was intended to draw a line under Liberia's war. 該選舉是要終止賴比瑞亞的戰爭。 2.Zimbabwe is home to the Victoria Falls,one of the natural wonders of the world,the stone enclosures of Great Zimbabwe-remnants of a past empire-and to herds of elephant and other game roaming vast stretches of wilderness. 世界自然奇景之一-維多利亞瀑布位於辛巴威,而過去帝國的遺跡-大辛巴威石頭圈地, 有著象群和其他漫步廣大原野的動物族群在棲息。 3.Malagasy pay a lot of attention to their dead and spend much effort on ancestral tombs,which are opened from time to time so the remains can be carried in procession,before being rewrapped in fresh shrouds. 馬達加斯加人很看重往生者,在先人墳墓上也很講究,時常公開,所以遺體在穿上另外 的壽衣前,會被抬著行進。 4.In true rags-to-riches fashion,he began his working life selling home-made yogurt off the back of a bicycle. 在確實窮人服務富人的風氣下,他騎著單車以自製的優格叫賣展開其職涯。 5.Perceived as a relative outsider,his nomination surprised many UDF members and led to several defections. 他被認為是個相對的門外漢,其被提名驚動了許多聯合革命陣線成員,導致多人出走。 6.It preserved its image as one of Africa's few social and economic success stories,being a sugar and clothing exporter and a centre for upmarket tourism. 它保有作為非洲少數幾個社會和經濟成功故事之一的形象,也是糖和衣服的出口國及高 價位旅遊中心。 7.Deserts occupy much of the country;their dunes take on shapes and colours according to the elements.The country also boasts game-rich grasslands and a semi-arid Central Plateau,large tracks of which are given over to livestock farming. 該國領土大多是沙漠,沙丘形狀顏色隨環境不同而呈現著。該國也擁有獵物眾多的草原 和半貧瘠的中央高原,其廣大地面用來養殖牲畜。 8.Niger is bargaining on oil exploration and gold mining to boost its fortunes. 尼日正在協議石油開採和金礦挖掘來增加財富。 9.It faces the growing challenge of preventing Africa's most populous country from breaking apart along ethnic and religious lines. 它逐漸面臨要預防非洲人口最多國家因種族和宗教差異而崩解的挑戰。 10.Nigeria is keen to attract foreign investment but is hindered in this quest by security as well as by a shaky infrastructure troubled by power cuts. 奈及利亞渴望吸引外資但這方面卻受阻於安全考量和電力中斷造成基礎設施不穩的困擾 。 11.Known to his colleagues as an incorruptible teetotaller,Mr Kagame downplays any ethnic agenda,presenting himself as a Rwandan and not a Tusi. 同僚知道卡加米是個清廉、不喝酒的人,而他淡化任何種族議題,說自己是盧安達人而 不是圖西人。 以上, 請多指教! 謝謝! --

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