Soft_Job 板


Company: MVI Systems Ltd. (43242751) Job Title: Technical Project Manager Address: Hong Kong HQ:11/F, The Sitoy Tower, 164 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Taiwan Branch:6F., No.34, Jianguo 2nd Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Description: MVI is a Hong Kong based, multi-cultural, and APJ / MEA regions focused company, specialised in providing next generation IP video services designed to meet the challenges in enterprise and hospitality industries. Requirements: -Degree holder in science or engineering related disciplines -3 years experience in Project Management and Project cycles -Knowledge in Video Broadcast, OTT, and Audio/Visual system -Holder of Cisco, CCNA / CCNP is an advantage -Good command of written and spoken English -Excellent organizational and problem-solving skills -Strong interpersonal and communication skill -Self-motivated, initiative, hardworking, and good team player -Mature, independent, responsible, and accountable -Able to work under pressure, with good time management and attention to details -Less experience will be considered as Technical Project Engineer Responsibilities: -Define, articulate, and follow through project implementation plan and scope to ensure timely project delivery -Customise project management tools, process, and procedures to cater for individual project delivery requirements -Liaise with vendor supplier for operational and technical support -Manage and communicate customer and business partner expectation throughout project lifecycles -Document project information for internal and external requirements -Define, and conduct, operational training to partners and end users No need prepare work tool Salary: NTD 50,000~70,000 / month Salary per annual: 13 months Working Hour: Monday to Friday 09:30AM to 18:30PM (Lunch break 1 hour) Contact: [email protected] Interested parties please e-mail full CV with current and expected salary. Suitable candidate will be arranged for an interview in Kaoshiung Office --
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1F:→ Killercat: TPM不好找,不过这价位微妙...虽然说在高雄 05/19 07:54

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