作者:Mark Medina USA TODAY 1.Who's your NBA title favorite? 认为谁有机会夺冠 O'neal:The Lakers look good. Brooklyn looks good, question mark, question m ark, question mark. You have to respect the champs (Milwaukee Bucks). Golden S tate is back. Don’t forget about Utah, Phoenix and Boston. O'neal:湖人看起来很棒,篮网也是(???考量ki出赛的问题) ,你必须尊重公鹿(上季冠 军) ,勇士也回来了,但也别忘了爵士、太阳、赛提。 Every year we have six or seven teams that have a shot to win. But I think if it all goes down the way the world would want it to, we would love to see Broo klyn versus the Lakers. 每年都会有6到7只队伍有机会夺冠,但我认为大家最想看湖人对上篮网吧。 2.Who do you have in a Nets-Lakers Finals? 假设总冠是湖人对篮网会选谁? O’Neal: “I got the Lakers. They seem to be a little bit more together. For t hem and Brooklyn, they have two issues. How are the egos managed and the healt h. O'neal:我会选湖人,他们看起来更团结,但这两队的问题在自我与健康的部分 If everybody plays their role and everybody does what they’re supposed to do and everybody sacrifices and stays injury free, I think those two teams are t he frontrunners and have the best shot. 如果每人维持角色定位,做自己该做的事、懂得牺牲且保持健康,我认为两队的确是夺冠 热门。 3.What are the question marks you have with Brooklyn? 你认为篮网的问题在哪边? O’Neal: “Is Kyrie going to play or not? That’s it. One question – are you playing home games or not.” O'neal:所以Ki要不要打?就这麽简单 就一个问题:你到底会不会打? 4.Who do you have as your MVP? 你认为MVP应该会是谁? O'neal: “Steph Curry. Look at what he did last year without Klay. He just kep t playing. The way he shot the ball and how he shot the ball, I’ve always lik ed him. O'neal:Curry,看看去年他身边没有Klay时的表现,他延续了之前的打法,看看他是如 何投篮的,我一直都很喜欢他。 There’s always an argument on the TNT set that ‘You can’t be MVP if your te am doesn’t have the best record.’ I’ve always found that wrong. I always fe lt MVP was about singularity and not about team success. I’ve always like how Steph plays." TNT电视台总是有一个说法,那就是你的球队如果没有好的成绩,那你就不能当MVP。我一 直觉得这是错误的想法,MVP的评选应该是独立的,与球队成功与否不完全相关,我一直 都很喜欢Curry的打球方式。 5. Where do you stand on some players, such as Kyrie, Andrew Wiggins and Bradl ey Beal, declining to take the COVID-19 vaccine? 怎麽看几位反对打疫苗的球员? O’Neal: “In this line of work, sometimes you have to be selfless. The day I decided it wasn’t all about me and it’s about us is the day I started winnin g and really started dominating. 在这个情况下你必需无私点,不是因为 自己,而是为了让球队可以开始赢球并主宰比赛(後续也提到不想成为一个因为不能团结 再一起而造成无法夺冠的人) 。 I understand the issues and all that. But I took the vaccine because I’m not trying to get my mother sick, or my sister or my brother or people around me. I know people say, ‘The vaccine came too fast and is it healthy.’ To each h is own. But sometimes you have to think about the overall picture and you have to think about more than yourself. 我了解现在情况,但我打疫苗是因为不想让妈妈、兄弟姐妹或周围的人生病,我知道有些 人会说:「啊~疫苗发展太快了啊~不一定有效啦!」之类的话,但有时你必需顾全大局 ,多为别人着想才对。 大致将访问都翻到,也提到Simmons为何要如此生气,应该好好跟76管理层谈一下 连结: --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: liuuuuuu ( 台湾), 10/01/2021 12:38:40
1F:推 s90188 : O'neal:劫he10/01 12:38
※ 编辑: liuuuuuu ( 台湾), 10/01/2021 12:38:58
2F:推 dream6789 : 推 10/01 12:40
3F:→ SEVEnMonth : 没有在搞笑欸,是正经的问答 10/01 12:40
4F:推 jsliao9786 : 欧肥真的咖哩脑粉 10/01 12:41
5F:推 sxzc : 不是自我健康 是「自我」与健康 太针对了欧肥 你真 10/01 12:42
6F:→ sxzc : 的太针对了 10/01 12:42
7F:→ Flitz : 很想问欧肥:你真的会被curry跑死吗 10/01 12:42
8F:推 phoenix286 : O’Neal这麽看好Boston? 10/01 12:43
9F:→ positivezero: are you playing home games or not是指他不打疫苗 10/01 12:46
10F:→ positivezero: 没办法在主场出赛吧 10/01 12:46
11F:嘘 airandy1102 : 赛提根本不够格吧,公牛金块咧? 10/01 12:47
12F:推 histing : 脑袋越来越灵光 10/01 12:52
13F:推 roger2623900: 关於疫苗很多人都很理性 就看那5%了XD 10/01 13:00
14F:嘘 wayne4225 : 勇士不意外啦哈哈哈 10/01 13:03
15F:推 KBchen : home games 主场不能上直接缺席一半 10/01 13:36
16F:推 lkk88 : 不想成为影响大家团结而无法夺冠的人 听到了没 自 10/01 14:04
17F:→ lkk88 : 私的KI和围巾 10/01 14:04
18F:推 t79102xw : 鲨鱼怎麽会那麽喜欢我咖? 10/01 14:15
19F:→ liusim : 可能觉得跟他是两个极端吧 10/01 14:30
20F:→ liusim : 另一个原因或许是 当年他差点成为第一个全票MVP 10/01 14:30
21F:推 ando : 说要尊重公鹿但是没选XDD 10/01 14:38
22F:推 ljk476820 : 篮网没KI还是热门啦 有KI就变成没夺冠是笑话 就是这 10/01 15:09
23F:→ ljk476820 : 麽稳的一队(健康的话) 10/01 15:09
24F:→ DevilMayCry4: 因为Curry没像Nash那样抢了他的MVP XD 10/01 15:20
25F:推 leo755269 : 最後一个回答 观念正确 10/01 15:34
26F:推 dgq75148 : 欧肥难得正经 10/01 15:47
27F:→ ILLwill : 捧咖贬奈 10/01 16:19
28F:推 xkiller1900 : 欧肥怎麽讲话这麽得体,被附身阿喔XDD 10/01 17:53
29F:推 asdfzx : 请问米邱是哪里惹到你了?咖哩是哪里好到天? 10/01 17:55
30F:→ Puye : 这次怎麽没引战 10/01 18:31
31F:推 jump693 : 推 KI场外问题太多了 10/01 20:11
32F:推 waitwind : 也提到Simmons为何要如此生气? 10/01 21:40
33F:→ waitwind : 所以他觉得是76人的管理层有问题才造成这局面? 10/01 21:41
34F:推 chanbing : 没,原文侠客说不懂西门为何沮丧 10/02 00:13
35F:→ kevin0733 : 倒数第二段意思不对 10/02 00:42
36F:→ kevin0733 : 他是在讲他自己 当他了解团队重於个人时 才开始赢球 10/02 00:43
37F:→ kevin0733 : 开始有统治力 10/02 00:44
38F:推 ocean0817 : 不错,可见之前鲨鱼的po文侠客喇叭死神老大神咖哩 10/02 01:08
39F:→ ocean0817 : 的6选5肯定会留咖哩 10/02 01:08
40F:推 EricTao : 鲨鱼也很喜欢AI 所以喜欢咖哩也不奇怪啊 10/02 11:18

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