来源: Yahoo Sports 网址: James heads to Springfield to see son before playing Celtics LBJ在与青赛比赛前先去Springfield看儿子比赛 BOSTON (AP) -- Lakers star LeBron James took in his son's high school game in Springfield, Massachusetts, on Monday afternoon before returning to Boston to face the Celtics. 湖人明星LeBron James在星期一下午先去Springfield看他儿子的高中篮球比赛後,再回到 波士顿面对青赛。 “It's truly a blessing, and I didn't mind going down to Springfield to check the game out,” James said after the Celtics beat the Lakers 139-107. “The only bad thing is I took two L's. The James gang took two L's today. But there's always better days.” 「这真的是幸运,我一点也不介意要跑去Springfield看那场比赛,」在以139-107输给青 赛後,LBJ说到。「唯一糟糕的是我输了两场,James家今天输了两场,但是总会有好的时 光降临的。」 During the high school game, a fan sitting in one of the first few rows was seen throwing something at Bronny James as he waited to inbound the ball. According to a video retweeted by the elder James, the referee noticed and hesitated before resuming the game. 在那场高中篮球比赛,一位坐在前几排的观众被看到丢东西朝向正准备要发界外球的 Bronny James。在LBJ转发的影片当中可以看到,在准备要开始前,裁判有注意到这件事然 後迟疑了一下。 影片支援: “I didn't see it until I got here, actually. I was on the complete opposite end of the floor,” James said at his locker in the TD Garden. “I did see the referee stop the game or stop the inbounds and the cop go (up into the stands), but I didn’t know what happened until the video evidence was showed to me when I got here." 「我是到了波士顿才看到这影片的。我那时候在球场的另外一边,」LBJ在青赛球场休息室 里说到。「我是有看到裁判好像是暂停比赛,停止发边界球,然後警察就到了观众区。但 是我是一直到了这里才看到了这影片的。」 James retweeted the video and added the message: “Hating has no age limit! #JamesGang is build for it and well equipped.” LBJ转推了这影片,并且写上,「憎恨是没有年龄限制的!James家是有准备,而且是好好 准备的。」 LBJ推特连结: “It's just disrespectful," James said. "And it was a little kid, too. I don't know how old that little kid was. I don't know if he learned that on his own, or he learned it at home.” 「这就是不尊重,」LBJ说。「而且丢东西的只是个小孩,我不知道那小孩有多大,我不知 道他是自己学到的,还是在家里学的。」 James had 15 points and 13 assists for the Lakers in their worst loss of the season. Asked if traveling about 90 miles on a game day affected his pregame routine, he said: “I'd break every routine in my life for my family." 在今天晚上湖人本季输的最惨的一场比赛,LBJ拿下15分,13次助攻。在被问到是否在赛前 奔波了90英哩的路程是否影响了他的赛前常规活动,他说:「为了我的家人,我会打破所 有的常规。」 “My routine was broken today, but I could care less about it if I was seeing my family, my wife and my daughter and my kids," he said. "It was a unique opportunity to see my son live, play that close to where I'm at. So, I could care less about, this right here, is secondary when it comes to my family.” 「我今天没有照我的常规走,但是若是因为要看我的家人,我的太太,我的女儿以及我的 小孩的话,我一点都不会在意,」他说。「这是难得的机会可以现场看我的儿子比赛,他 比赛的地点离我那麽近,所以我一点都不会在意,现在在这里的这些跟我的家庭比起来都 是次要的东西。」 James reportedly took a helicopter instead of a 90-mile drive each way to Springfield, the home of the Basketball Hall of Fame, for the HoopHall Classic. But asked how he beat the traffic, James said: “I walked.” 据报导说LBJ是搭直升机而不是开车来回各开90英哩来回篮球名人堂所在的Springfield。 但是当被问到怎麽解决交通问题的时候,LBJ只说:"我用走的。」 -- the爱家 --
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1F:推 chou1223 : The walk 01/21 15:13
2F:推 nasa01 : 练球 好吗 01/21 15:14
3F:推 a3221715 : the wander 01/21 15:14
4F:推 wwf1588 : 好老爸 01/21 15:15
5F:推 LA24 : LUB 01/21 15:16
6F:推 depo : 抓到了理由伯 01/21 15:17
7F:推 sana113821 : 今天应该是致敬 看爸walk 01/21 15:18
^^^^^^^ 真的很会
8F:推 smoke47s : THE 好爸爸 01/21 15:18
9F:→ NSYSUheng : 看爸walk XD 01/21 15:19
※ 编辑: pneumo ( 台湾), 01/21/2020 15:21:48
10F:→ louispencer : 开始找藉口了 01/21 15:23
11F:→ loserloser : the walker 01/21 15:23
12F:推 hank7218 : 真的蛮重视家庭的 01/21 15:23
13F:推 k1230588 : The travel 01/21 15:24
14F:推 semb15 : walk也有走步意思哈哈 01/21 15:26
15F:→ NSYSUheng : travel才是走步吧 01/21 15:26
16F:推 kiralin : 推姆斯 好父亲 01/21 15:27
17F:推 c32867689 : 好爸爸 01/21 15:31
18F:推 aasaasaas947: 慈父 01/21 15:35
19F:推 kawhi5566 : James家扣十分 01/21 15:39
20F:推 cado0824 : 说这麽多,就是为了给走路人圆梦 01/21 15:39
21F:推 SEXYFUCK : 这样哪里找藉口? 01/21 15:41
22F:推 a3221715 : 又是姆酸借题发挥的一天 01/21 15:44
23F:推 Gumball3000 : 杰出的一手 01/21 15:46
24F:推 aha8877 : 看爸walk 笑死 01/21 15:48
25F:推 casper001207: 这样又藉口了XD 01/21 15:49
26F:推 ios5566 : 直升机一趟多少$? 01/21 15:50
27F:推 kevinduh4 : 理由伯 01/21 15:52
28F:推 PHXNASH13 : 真直升机爸爸 01/21 15:52
29F:推 Kenshin0707 : 酸酸该多些词汇了 看爸walk好笑 01/21 15:55
30F:推 cvbn7910 : 也好 井底观天 学到一单字 01/21 15:57
31F:嘘 a0988864 : 直升机家长ZZZ 01/21 15:59
32F:推 xxxtakoxxx : 我在洛杉矶只有一种交通工具 01/21 16:02
33F:推 boy80421 : 今天果然是看爸walker的日子 01/21 16:03
34F:嘘 sh981215 : 大小眼 关心儿子不关心... 01/21 16:03
35F:推 ab21230645 : 酸酸这个也要嘘喔 01/21 16:05
36F:推 Joey1999 : 我怎麽觉得都是詹酸再找藉口XDDD 01/21 16:05
37F:推 AuTumnLyu : 直升机 走路? 有没有买六合彩全餐 01/21 16:06
38F:推 vincent1985 : 看爸walk 笑死 01/21 16:15
39F:推 huihuihui : 走步是travel好吗 笑死 01/21 16:20
40F:→ shwkz : 难怪输球 时间都跑去看小孩 篮球之神の天罚! 01/21 16:22
41F:推 StephonA : 就不是在讲他走步喔 笑死 01/21 16:22
42F:→ shifa : James家今天输了两场 你登表示:我今天不当James QQ 01/21 16:26
43F:推 semb15 : 本来就有walk的说法啊...... 01/21 16:26
44F:→ shwkz : 阿詹轻敌了 赛队可是想报之前G7背人上篮输球之辱 01/21 16:29
45F:推 ja860325 : 直升机家长是三小 哈哈哈哈哈 01/21 16:29
46F:推 tomlee1130 : 直升机家长XDDDDDD 01/21 16:35
47F:推 bcqqa7785 : Walk win today 01/21 16:38
48F:推 zihao0422 : 真的很有才欸XD 看爸walk 01/21 16:40
49F:推 greatthrow : Walk也可以喔 就跟早点跟早餐同意一样 只是比较少人 01/21 16:42
50F:→ greatthrow : 用 01/21 16:42
51F:推 KillLakers : 大概学你丢水瓶 只是失败了 XDDDD 01/21 16:46
52F:推 semb15 : 正式说法当然是travel,但是walk也可以好吗 01/21 16:47
53F:推 msdie911545 : 笑死 看爸walk 01/21 17:01
54F:推 leutk : walk只有台湾人这样说好吗 01/21 17:25
55F:推 Dong02 : semb好了啦 01/21 17:27
56F:推 avtime : 不错啦 好爸爸 给推 01/21 17:37
57F:推 MK47 : 哪有 在美国斗牛其实也会有人讲walking 01/21 17:55
58F:→ a9564208 : 直升机家长哈哈哈 01/21 18:03
59F:推 shadow77 : 直升机家长 ,好好笑 01/21 18:09
60F:推 godofaluba : 爱家好男人 01/21 18:12
61F:推 Garbolin : 家庭比联盟重要 也只有他能讲出来了 01/21 18:35
62F:→ Garbolin : 一般人讲出来应该就被老板火了 01/21 18:35
63F:→ armageddonwa: 都有球员比赛前一小时才离开脱衣舞店,去看儿子比赛 01/21 18:41
64F:→ armageddonwa: 这也要酸,刷新三观。 01/21 18:41
65F:→ armageddonwa: 笑惹,每年老头给NBA带来近百亿商机,光到LA,票价 01/21 18:45
66F:→ armageddonwa: 涨了几翻?被老板火?是哪个老板要火? 01/21 18:46
67F:推 airandy1102 : 走路牧师 01/21 19:02
68F:推 joeytoast : walk xDDDD 01/21 19:07
69F:推 poppo00000 : 说话的艺术,偷偷招募walk 01/21 19:55
70F:推 tokiki123 : 看爸walk超好笑XDD 01/21 20:28
71F:推 huangtj : 笑死 好有梗 01/21 20:45
72F:推 tommytyc : 看爸walk XDDDD 01/21 20:52
73F:推 hiarpu : 推 01/21 20:58
74F:→ yurian : 应该是累惹 01/21 20:58
75F:→ GoodDonkey : 为了他的人民币,也可以打破所有常规吧 01/21 21:04
76F:嘘 justice0926 : 你自己还吧是随手丢衣服到地上 好意思讲别人乱丢东 01/21 21:09
77F:→ justice0926 : 西勒 01/21 21:09
78F:推 bluesgzr : 看爸walk太有才XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 01/22 00:16
79F:推 Scarugly : 「直升机家长」在美国指那些过度关心小孩的家长 01/22 21:11

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