1.Luc Mbah a Moute (knee) out Tuesday This is just a reminder because LMAM had already been ruled out for this contest. Gerald Green, Joe Johnson and P.J. Tucker will pick up the slack, and Green is a solid streaming option on Tuesday with James Harden resting. LMAM should be back in the lineup on Friday vs. the Suns. 因伤休息的这段时间木铁的上场时间将由 Iso Joe ,九指格林 ,PJ塔克 分摊消化 来源: 2.Clint Capela will rest on Tuesday vs. Chicago This will be his sixth missed game of the campaign, but he's been pretty durable for the most part and did play through a few minor tweaks earlier in the season. The Rockets have run away with the No. 1 seed in the West, so more DNPs could be in his future. Hopefully he'll play on Friday vs. the Suns and Sunday vs. the Spurs so this isn't a wasted week for his fantasy owners. Look for Tarik Black and Nene to hold down the fort on Tuesday, but expect to see a lot of small ball as well. 预计台北时间周六对上太阳队时才会规队 上场时间预计由强兽人Nene与被冷冻许久的Black, 也许还有隐藏版人物大魔王周琦!!!?? 来源: 3.James Harden will be rested on Tuesday vs. the Bulls. Coach Mike D'Antoni warned us that he's going to rest some veterans down the stretch, but this is terrible timing in what is likely the championship week for a lot of fantasy owners. This leaves Harden with just a possible two games this week against the Suns on Friday and the Spurs on Sunday. Chris Paul (hamstring) is probable for Tuesday and will run most of the offense, while Eric Gordon and Gerald Green will both see a significant bump in value. If you need triples, Green is a great streamer for Tuesday. 胡子跟Capela两个好兄弟一起轮休,也预计一起复出 主要的三分线攻击会由狗蛋,九指格林承担 插曲:因一次轮休多名大将,CP3预计带伤上阵,下面会提到 来源: 4.Chris Paul (hamstring) probable for Tuesday Mike D'Antoni made it pretty clear on Sunday that Tuesday was the target date for CP3, and with James Harden (rest) and Clint Capela (rest) out for that one, Paul should be very busy on offense. Check back for official confirmation on his status following Tuesday morning's shootaround. 在众将轮休期间,冷笑话指定CP3负责大部分的进攻组织 至於CP3的腿伤,若明天真的觉得状态不好,可能CP3也可能休息 看来明天这场冷笑话根本认为输赢无所谓了,反正认真打起来大家都知道谁会赢 来源: ---- 联盟看这边!!!! 冷笑话来真的了,说休就休全为大局着想, 看来今年勇士的伤兵经验让冷笑话知道保持健康才是一切 --
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1F:推 ai5859132 : 好好休息 03/27 22:29
2F:推 rabbit529 : 明天让公牛赢!!!! 火箭化身 坦队恶梦!!! 03/27 22:29
3F:推 seabox : 哈登跟卡片不打 搞不好打不赢公牛 03/27 22:31
4F:推 Gentile : 不是双赢就是双输阿 03/27 22:32
5F:→ abc31216 : 跪求跟我刺打的时候也轮休.虽然冷笑话应该很想干掉P 03/27 22:39
根据情报 对上马刺应该是全员到齐 ,这种面子之争 冷笑话怎麽可能放过Popo 哈哈
6F:→ abc31216 : opo 03/27 22:39
7F:推 GothicMetal : 公牛不敢赢吧,哈哈 03/27 22:40
※ 编辑: PoBa (, 03/27/2018 22:41:50
8F:推 yurie53 : 坦队恶梦笑死 03/27 22:41
9F:推 Dinki : 相信公牛会摆出更惊人的阵容应对 03/27 22:41
10F:→ ebabyebaby : 那麽嚣张连轮修班表都排出来了?不怕被阿银重罚喔= = 03/27 22:44
11F:推 hijodedios36: 阿银: ...... 03/27 22:47
12F:推 william12tw : 哇 我火完全不给公牛活路...太残忍了 03/27 22:47
13F:推 evan700607 : 明天比较难演喔 大家认真点 03/27 22:49
14F:推 jingthreept : 期待明天周骑大魔王上演火锅大三元 03/27 22:51
15F:推 shower0713 : 看到D大笑了XDD 03/27 22:51
16F:推 jeffsu : 让成这样不给坦队活路啊XDDDDD 03/27 22:52
17F:推 shower0713 : 周琦真要获得上场时间,练一下也是好事 03/27 22:53
18F:推 Derrick13 : 有点难眼 哈哈哈哈 03/27 22:53
19F:推 pon0975 : 公牛:互相伤害是不是 03/27 22:54
20F:推 Sailingeegee: 火箭:第一手天元 03/27 22:55
21F:→ Sailingeegee: 公牛:难打头 03/27 22:55
22F:推 leiu : 联盟:4份帐单,柜台结帐,谢谢老板! 03/27 22:55
23F:推 hesho : 公牛上一场就拔四先发了,这场全替补先发好了 03/27 22:55
24F:推 kinuhata : 公牛: 干 03/27 23:05
25F:推 f82287 : 公牛:要逼我认真? 03/27 23:07
26F:推 dda : 公牛:不要想着输 要想着不能赢! 03/27 23:08
27F:→ MotleyCrue : 公牛: 来啊 来互相伤害啊! 03/27 23:14
28F:→ MotleyCrue : 干接下来是要比演技就是了XD 03/27 23:14
29F:推 qpeter : 火箭接下来只有对公牛 太阳 国王三场是坦队 03/27 23:15
30F:→ KoWenJe : 这样LBJ有机会成为这季的总得分王了XD 03/27 23:15
31F:→ erotica : 就不要姆斯列车场均36-9.5-9.5 连胜到季末 问鼎MVP 03/27 23:19
32F:推 ClutchShot : 火箭根本柿子挑软的吃XD 公牛:干 别逼我出大绝 03/27 23:23
33F:推 Tawara : 公牛:....说好的双赢呢 03/27 23:23
PoBa:转录至看板 SportLottery 03/27 23:32
34F:推 satonoo : 带伤就不要打啦..iso joe跟狗蛋控球就好 03/27 23:39
35F:推 ejijo761115 : 人家抢排位不给人赢 抢坦不让人输 ... 03/27 23:41
36F:推 idlewolf : 当然休啊 今年火箭有机会拿冠 勇士又爆炸中 不休... 03/27 23:48
37F:推 karen222 : 恶魔火箭 03/27 23:48
38F:→ idlewolf : 运气差的话就变的和勇士一样每个主将都伤了 03/27 23:48
39F:推 chi12345678 : 胜场也领先东区 安得很 03/27 23:49
40F:推 CenaWang : 坦队:干 03/27 23:53
41F:推 berelentless: 做二休二 03/27 23:56
42F:推 jyunwei : 罚60胜球队不认真打之前先罚胜场不到还不认真的吧 03/28 00:18
43F:→ jyunwei : 不到一半 03/28 00:19
44F:推 JimmyBlue : iso joe, green, EG, tucker, anderson, nene看起 03/28 00:49
45F:→ JimmyBlue : 来有比公牛弱吗 03/28 00:49
46F:推 ejijo761115 : 保罗没算进去 03/28 00:52
47F:推 JimmyBlue : 公牛那边主力阵容可能星度还不如上面这几只 03/28 00:52
48F:推 JimmyBlue : 还漏了ariza 03/28 00:55
49F:推 bluetory99 : 周琦现在的问题是太瘦弱吧如果再壮一点一定很好用 03/28 01:00
50F:→ bluetory99 : 他的身高跟臂展真的夸张 03/28 01:00
51F:推 Koch : 让你一只手 03/28 01:07
52F:推 e23718 : 休好休满准备迎接季後赛 03/28 01:08
53F:推 aniji : 马上从发展联盟拉五人上来 03/28 01:32
54F:推 IB1SA : 总冠味浓 路人 皇后哭哭 03/28 07:46
55F:推 MLbaseball : Moute 翻 母汤 应该会比较好 03/28 07:57
56F:→ benson2287 : RA怎麽感觉消失很久 03/28 08:54

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