※ 引述《dreambreaken (小灭灭)》之铭言: : 传统的算卡路里减肥方式可能是错的 计算卡路里只是为了达到热量赤字的方式之一 有在计算卡路里=/=有达到热量赤字 (我个人是没有在计算卡路里的, 但我一定会看食品营养标示) : : 这是各国人均每天摄取卡路里的量 : 其中美国摄取人将近3800大卡 : 日本人摄取2800大卡 : 站在能量摄取的角度 : 美国人每天比日本人多1000大卡 : 一年下来美国人应该要比日本人增加50公斤 请教您两个问题, 不要回答中国就好 1. 移动人口: 到美国旅行的台湾人, 在美国摄入食物热量算是哪个国家的? 2. 移动食物: 居住在台湾的台湾人, 网购日本零食并摄入食物热量算是哪个国家的? : 如果拿这理论来减肥 : 看来是错误的 计算卡路里是方法, 热量赤字减重是理论 方法不适合=/=理论错误 您说"欢迎提供正确方式跟数据" 建议您用Energy metabolism关键字进行搜寻 Energy metabolism is the process of generating energy (ATP) from nutrients. Analysis of energy metabolism in humans: A review of methodologies Methodologies to assess energy intake and appetite-related parameters 1. Food recall and food diary (本版的方式) 2. Image-assisted dietary assessment (本版的方式) 3. Food frequency questionnaire 4. Observed intake in controlled environment 5. Biomarkers of nutrient intake 6. Mathematical modeling and intake-balance method 7. Appetite measurement Methodologies to assess energy expenditure 1. Self-reporting and direct observation (本版的方式) 2. Direct calorimetry measures the actual heat production 3. Indirect calorimetry assesses energy expenditure by calculating the amount of energy released when energy substrates are oxidized 4. Doubly labeled water 5. Non-calorimetric techniques (本版的方式) 5.1 Physical activity log and kinematic measurements 5.2 Heart rate and ventilation monitoring 如同您引用Albert Einstein所说的 "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." 要证明energy balance实验很简单, 要花金钱时间而已 energy intake / calories in 1. Direct calorimetry of combustion 实验步骤范例 2. The Atwater system energy expenditure / calories out Whole room calorimeters allow us to simulate the free-living environment ("real-life") and measure energy expenditure (the number of calories you burn) and substrate oxidation (whether calories you burn come from carbohydrates and fat) continuously. allows investigators to measure the total daily energy expenditure of their participants in a free living environment over a period of 1-2 weeks. 这实验也蛮有趣的 The infant chamber is meant to mimic the gold standard of measuring metabolism in adults. Those metabolic chambers are about the size of a small hotel room. Adult participants stay in the room for 24 hours, and scientists are able to calculate precisely how many calories they burn over that time period. A baby's metabolism is calculated by taking precise measurements of the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the chamber. 您说"如果靠热量赤字减肥的方式是对的 为何一堆人想减肥但都瘦不下来?" 因为想减肥=/=有达到热量赤字 您说"我看完why we eat too much後我认为他说的是对的 重点不是不要吃 而是如何让自己身体不想吃" 为什麽要让自己身体不想吃? 如果需要心理谘询服务, 请打安心专线1925 Eating is the ingestion of food, typically to provide a heterotrophic organism with energy and to allow for growth. Animals and other heterotrophs must eat in order to survive... 您引用 请您点阅参考资料第一项FDA NEWS RELEASE Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Wegovy (semaglutide) injection (2.4 mg once weekly) for chronic weight management in adults with obesity or overweight with at least one weight-related condition (such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol), for use in addition to a reduced calorie diet and increased physical activity. 不能了解您为何会说"缺少的关键字:少吃、多动、热量赤字" --
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1F:→ johnsonhoj: 帮推 06/14 21:48

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