作者spread (法兰妮)
标题Re: [口译] 有人知道吗?
时间Mon Mar 19 13:23:19 2007
※ 引述《lovemelissa (哈佛方丈)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《kimichen (kimi)》之铭言:
: : 有没有上下文? :)
: 如果我没理解错误, 这是英语外语教学的理论
: Noam Chomsky 提出的东西
: I-LANGUAGE指的是 "Internal,Intentional,Individual Language" ,
: 指的是语言的内涵, 内在或是个人的 ; E-language指的是
: External Language, 指的是语言外在的东西, 指我们说或写出来的语言行为
: 我看过有人译为 内化语言 跟外化语言...
: Chomsky的原文是这样的 :
: language exists in two forms:I-language and E-language.
: I-language is the knowledge of language, internally represented in the
: brain of an individual; E-language exists in the external utterances in
: the arena of use.
: P.S KIMI板大, 当年在辅大译研考场一别後, 好久都没跟您饮茶了
: 您果然是非常执着於翻译这条道路, 真的很好
: 一起努力吧 :)
喔,原来如此压,感谢L大的赐教,它的确是Noma Chomsky的理论,它的前後文如下:
A second language is the one between I-language and E-language, introduced
by. Chomsky (1986:19-22). I-language is internalized. It can be seen as
what is in the competence of a speaker. As he states elsewhere, it
"consists of a computational procedure and a lexicon" (1995:15). E-language
is externalized. It is a collection of linguistic forms paired with
meanings, understood independently of the speaker's mind/brain.
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