TW-language 板


【演讲资讯】 题目:The acquisition of Xiamen tone sandhi 讲者:Peggy Pik ki Mok (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 时间:3月28日下午2:00开始 地点:HC3 R104(国立交通大学人社三馆) 摘要: Previous studies show that tonal acquisition starts early, but finishes late. Recent studies on tone acquisition in both Cantonese and Mandarin demonstrate that children’s tone production is still not completely adult-like at age 6. Most previous studies on tonal acquisition were done on languages without a complex tonal system (e.g. Mandarin) or complex tone sandhi patterns (e.g. Cantonese). There were only a few studies on the acquisition of Taiwan Southern Min (very similar to the Xiamen dialect). In a corpus study by Hsu (1989), it was observed that sandhi tones were acquired later than citation tones, but children made very few mistakes in both citation tones and sandhi tones by the age of two. Acoustic data revealed that children mastered the duration property of checked tones well by the age of three (Tsay, 2001). However, these studies were based on spontaneous speech data without rigorous control. Thus, the acquisition of complex tonal system and complex tone sandhi patterns remains largely unknown. This study investigates the acquisition of citation tones and tone sandhi patterns in the Xiamen dialect by using a picture naming task with well-controlled real words and wug words. Results show that while adults produced tone sandhi patterns similarly in both types of words, children even at the age of nine still had difficulty in applying the tone sandhi rules to wug words, despite having high accuracy in real words. The results suggest that the internalization of tone sandhi rules is a very protracted but productive process. ————— 【语言学/英语教学学术工作坊】 讲者:钱昱夫博士/复旦大学中国语言文学系助理教授 讲题:Processing tone sandhi words during spoken word recognition: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, and Shanghai Wu 时 间:108年4月8日星期一 中午12:00-13:30 地 点:国立政治大学季陶楼三楼340313语言所视听会议室 主 办:国立政治大学语言学研究所/国立政治大学英国语文学系 摘要: This talk focuses on the role of the acoustic input (the surface form) and the abstract linguistic representation (the underlying form) as listeners map the signal during spoken word recognition. To examine these issues, tone sandhi, a tonal alternation phenomenon in which a tone changes to a different tone in certain phonological environments, is investigated. A first study examined how extremely productive Mandarin tone 3 sandhi words ( T3 → T2/___T3) are processed and represented. An auditory priming lexical decision experiment was conducted in which each disyllabic tone 3 sandhi target was preceded by a tone 2 monosyllable (surface-tone overlap), a tone 3 monosyllable (underlying-tone overlap), or an unrelated monosyllable (unrelated control). Lexical decision RTs showed a tone 3 (underlying-tone overlap) facilitation effect for both high and low frequency words. A second auditory priming study investigated the processing and representation of the more complex and less productive Taiwanese tone sandhi. Lexical decision RTs, examining sandhi 24 → 33 and 51 → 55, showed that while both sandhi types exhibited facilitative priming effects, underlying tone primes showed significantly more facilitation than surface primes for sandhi 24 → 33, while surface tone primes showed significantly more facilitation than underlying primes for sandhi 51 → 55, with both effects modulated by frequency. A third auditory priming study explored Shanghai tonal extension sandhi words, in which the underlying tone of the first syllable spreads to the sandhi domain . In a given trial, less-frequent and frequent Shanghai users heard a disyllabic target preceded by a monosyllabic prime either sharing the same underlying tone, surface tone, or being unrelated to the tone of the first syllable of the sandhi target. Results showed a surface priming effect but not an underlying priming effect in younger speakers who used Shanghai less frequently, but no surface or underlying priming effect in older speakers who used Shanghai more often. Moreover, the surface priming did not interact with speakers’ familiarity ratings to the sandhi targets. These patterns suggest that left-dominant Shanghai sandhi words may be represented in the sandhi form in the mental lexicon. These results are discussed in the context of how phonological opacity, productivity, the non-structure-preserving nature of tone spreading, and speakers’ semantic knowledge influence the representation and processing of tone sandhi words. --

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