Soft_Job 板


【公司名称,统编(中华民国以外注册可免填)】 云磁科技股份有限公司 (Arasens) / 55858702 【公司地址(填写详细至号)】 台北市内湖区基湖路35巷16号9楼之2 (近捷运西湖站) 【职缺】 Front-end/Full-stack Software Engineer 【职缺能力经历要求】 详细内容可到 【工作内容】 We are looking for a talented full-stack engineer to join us in delivering an innovative platform consisting of cellular IoT gateways, sensor devices, and intelligent cloud-based analytics. You will be responsible to develop and maintain a cloud-based data analytics platform. Your job will work on all aspects of the platform – the cloud back-end (AWS), web-based front-end, and 3rd party integrations with our partners. This position consists of approximately 70% front-end and 30% back-end workload. You do not need to be an expert in both front-end and back-end technologies, but should have some experience & knowledge of full-stack development. Come learn more and work on this exciting new IoT solution with us! 【Requirements/Qualifications】 - BA/BS in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or related field - 2+ years of experience in building web app - Good knowledge of HTTP, HTML5, CSS, and Javascript - Have experience on node.js, React.js, and any SQL or NoSQL database - Knowledge of full-stack architecture on the cloud, such as AWS - Have experience with RESTful API - Excellent understanding of the web development processes, such as design, development, and deployment - Love to learn new technology and solve problems 【薪资(月薪)】 70,000 ~ 100,000 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): _14_ 个月 【年终奖金计算方式:底薪计算/全薪计算】 年终奖金保障2个月 ****以下工时与加班费必填,不填删文水桶**** 【工时】 每日工作时间: EX:9:00AM~6:00PM (八小时) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 【加班费制度】 依照台湾劳基法规定 【工作福利】 1. 具有产业竞争力的薪资水平 2. 依法投保劳工保险、全民健康保险及每月定期提缴退休金 3. 到职即享优於劳基法之休假 4. 采人性化弹性上下班制度 5. 全新Macbook或Microsoft Surface笔电+大萤幕 6. 融合健康概念之人体工学椅 7. 零食+咖啡无限量供应(夏季提供各式冰棒、冰淇淋) 8. 欢乐下午茶+生日会 9. 定期举办多元化的聚餐与团队凝聚活动(例如:羽毛球等) 【公司介绍】 Arasens is a technology company that aims to modernize boat and marine vessel management by combining industrial-grade IoT cellular gateways with on-board sensor modules and simple cloud-based software. Founded in 2018, Arasens' mission is to deepen the use of data analytics and AI for predictive maintenance, creating a safer and more efficient boating industry. 【人资或徵才联络方式】 [email protected] 许小姐 --

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