Soft_Job 板


公司名称:SENSESTAR ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED 人资公司:乐思互动有限公司 公司地址:台北市松山区敦化南路一段一号六楼B室 职缺: - Jr. / Sr. Frontend Engineer (50K~100K/month) - Jr. / Sr. Backend Engineer (70K~120K/month) - Jr. / Sr. SRE (50K~100K/month) - Jr. / Sr. iOS (50K~100K/month) - Jr. / Sr. Android (50K~100K/month) - Jr. / Sr. QA (50K~80K/month) 公司产品方向: SENSESTAR(美商)为针对北美市场设立的直播平台App,2017年创立於美国佛罗里达州,随 後即在台成立了研发办公室,在各市场直播平台爆炸的时代,专注於北美特有的利基市场 并扩大资源於此耕耘。 公司现况: 「针对产品後续开发人员扩编的需求,目前仍需多位研发夥伴」 SENSESTAR隶属一间资源丰沛的跨国集团,在美国、香港、上海、台湾皆设有办公室。主 要产品研发以台湾研发中心为主,SENSESTAR台湾研发团队在软体开发流程上具高度自动 化并讲求团队精神及自我要求的管理方式,想远端工作不是问题。 SENSESTAR除了在产品面上求创新、找到特有利基点以外,在研发技术上也支持研发夥伴 尝试新的技术并进行技术分享,2018 DevOpsDay 亦有合作夥伴就开发实务上作讲题分享 ,营运团队具有相当丰富的市场经验,由於市场需求目前以欧美人士为主,所以对英文有 基本上的要求,营运及产品策略也都是以数据为基础:监测、分析、调整。在 SENSESTAR ,我们相信每位夥伴并给予极大的自由度,团队气氛佳,期待大家自我要求,一起将产品 获利最大化。 职缺能力经历要求: 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) :否 薪资(月薪): - Jr. / Sr. Frontend Engineer (50K~100K/month) - Jr. / Sr. Backend Engineer (70K~120K/month) - Jr. / Sr. SRE (50K~100K/month) - Jr. / Sr. iOS (50K~100K/month) - Jr. / Sr. Android (50K~100K/month) - Jr. / Sr. QA (50K~80K/month) 薪资(保证最低年薪):12个月 公司分红与奖金:营运分红依绩效奖励 公司环境:开放式空间、会议室、沙发休息区、电视萤幕、Apple TV、MacBook Pro、 Dell旋转式外接萤幕 工作福利:咖啡、点心饼乾、不定期聚餐 人资或徵才联络方式:请注明您要应徵的职位,并将您的履历寄至 [email protected] Frontend Engineer (50K~100K/month) - Hands on experience with markup languages. - Experience with JavaScript, CSS and jQuery. - Familiar with at least 1 framework, e.g. ReactJS, AngularJS, Vue...etc. - Familiar with browser testing and debugging. - In-depth understanding of the entire web development process (design, development and deployment) - Knowledge of SEO principles. Backend Engineer (70K~120K/month) - Develop and operate scalable, reliable and maintainable service-based softwares and related components. - Cowork with team members to design system architecture, choose proper technologies and plan development. - Responsible for laying the foundation for the platform as well as proposing solutions to ease software development, monitoring of software, etc. - Profiling and performance tuning of critical components - Deploy system to production and monitor service health. - Ability to build web services on Linux. - Familiar with PHP/ Node.js - Good at one of the listed language: Go / PHP / NodeJS / Python / Scala / C / C++. - Good knowledge of Network API Design ( e.g. REST / GraphQL / WebSocket). - Good understanding of any No/SQL database (MySQL / MongoDB / Redis / etc.) - Familiar with git. - Team player and able to work independently. - 4+ years of experience in Internet industry. - Good at profiler and debugging tools. - High performance network service on Linux. - Design and architect large scale distributed system. - Design and implement distributed algorithm and data structure. - Familiar with HTML/ JavaScript/ Nginx / HAProxy. - Familiar with operation automation tool (such as Helm / Ansible). - Familiar with continuous integration / continuous deployment - Familiar with monitoring and alert system (Stackdriver / Prometheus / Nagios). - Familiar with Amazon Web Service or Google Compute Engine. - Deep understanding of the technological landscape, ranging from DNS, HTTP, CDN Site Reliability Engineer (50K~100K/month) - Automation. SREs are obsessed with automation and tooling. - System Architecture, including upstream and downstream dependencies. - Deployment & Change Management, Canary and Release processes. - Resiliency strategies, such as Load and Failure testing. - Drive efficiencies in systems and processes: capacity planning, configuration management, performance tuning, monitoring and root cause analysis. - Availability, Performance, Efficiency & Scaling. - Incident Response (improving the on-call experience, tools, and procedures) including a comprehensive Postmortem process. iOS Engineer (50K~100K/month) Requirements: - 3+ years experience in building applications for iOS devices using Objective-C or Swift - Solid skill and knowledge about foundation and UIKit framework. - Familiar with RESTful APIs to connect iOS applications to backend services - Deep understanding of MVC/MVVM/MVP/Clean Architecture patterns - Experience in design application architecture. - Experience writing unit tests and testable code - Knowledge of analyzing and optimizing application performance. Plus: - Strong interest in Swift and its continued evolution. - Experience working on CI/CD integration. - Familiar with WebSocket to connect iOS applications to backend services. Android Engineer (50K~100K/month) Requirements: - A degree in Information Management, Computer Science, Engineering, or equivalent - At least 3+ years coding experience. - At least 1+ years team leading experience. - Familiar with Android SDK. - Familiar with memory optimization. - Familiar with mobile development life cycle. - Experience working with backend API via REST and JSON. - Experience with third-party libraries and APIs. - Solid understanding of Design Patterns. Plus: - Knowledge in the following areas desired: networking, databases, web services, testing. - Experience with Agile development methodologies. - Experience with Android Framework development. QA Engineer (50K~80K/month) - 5+ / 2+ years of experience in software testing - Working knowledge of macOS and linux operating systems - Experience with mobile and web services (soap/rest/xml) testing - Experience with automated testing tools (e.g. Selenium, RSpec, Cucumber, Watir, Jasmine) - Knowledge of issue tracking management tools (e.g. JIRA) - Proven ability to build QA process with Agile methodology, including documentation, determining essential usability tests and evaluating tools that could enhance testing process is a plus 加分项目: 以下为目前团队所使用到的技术/产品,皆为 Nice to have,并非招募的首要考量条件: - Go - ES6 - React - Redux - Styled-components - Jest - Webpack - NodeJS - MySQL - MongoDB - Redis - GCP - Helm - JIRA - Slack - Jenkins ****以下工时与加班费必填,不填删文水桶**** 工时: 每日工作时间: 10:00AM~7:00PM (八小时) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40小时 雇主无明订之工作时间,如Remote等派遣性质工作 请徵才者需附上平时最大工时,不可超过40小时 超过需给付加班费,否则不得PO文 (需符合国订劳动基准法) 劳工正常工作时间,每日不得超过八小时,每周不得超过四十小时。 前项正常工作时间,雇主经工会同意,如事业单位无工会者,经劳资会议 同意後,得将其二周内二日之正常工作时数,分配於其他工作日。其分配 於其他工作日之时数,每日不得超过二小时。但每周工作总时数不得超过 四十小时。 (补休不算符合劳动基准法,需有加班费,否则仍算是违法) (须符合国订劳动基准法) **无须加班仍须填写加班费制度** **可直接填写加班费比照劳基法,低於劳基法禁止发文** 加班费制度:比照劳基法 如雇主有使劳工每日工作时间超过8小时者,或单周超过40小时者,应依法给付加班 费,其标准为:(劳动基准法第24条) (1)延长工作时间在2小时以内者,按平日每小时工资额加给3分之1以上。 (2)再延长工作时间在2小时以内者,按平日每小时工资额加给3分之2以上。 补休使用需员工同意,经录取员工检举无加班费,一律转发劳动部进行劳动检查。 人资或徵才联络方式:请注明您要应徵的职位,并将您的履历寄至 [email protected] --

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1F:推 jacknotblack: 大推 09/03 17:33
2F:推 oneheat: 狂推 09/04 16:44

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