Soft_Job 板


我们是摩客网路科技股份有限公司(Moker Information Technology Co.,Ltd. ),创立於2006年,目前在上海、台北两地设有分公司,员工人数约50人。摩客网路公司是台湾经营电子杂志平台及数位内容业务的先驱者,在技术上及平台营运上具有领先的地位与丰富的经验。为因应电子书业务的急速扩大,广招软体资讯业英雄好汉及网路产业菁英共襄盛举。 我们目前经营的 Bookteller 儿童绘本数位阅读网,透过得奖无数的多媒体制作团队,将来自全世界精选的儿童绘本,以全新的动画方式呈现,深受各界好评。客户包含各大图书馆、学校、幼稚园,并与知名电视品牌(包含:BenQ、LG、Panasonic、Samsung、SONY 等)、随选视讯服务商(包含:MOD、MyVideo、台湾大宽频、亚太电信、香港电信等)合作。 以下是摩客网路公司目前需要的职缺: -------------------------------------------------------- iOS 工程师 工作内容: 1. developing and maintaining iOS apps 2. developing more opportunities on iOS platform, like iBook. 需求: a. The candidate must knowledge in Objective-C or Swift. b. The candidate must be able to work by himself/herself. 加分项目: 1. had any iOS apps listed on apple store, no matter this app is personal app or owned by company. 2. had knowledge in both Objective-C and Swift. 3. had experiences in mobile web app development. 4. had experiences in Android app development. -------------------------------------------------------- 网站前端工程师 工作内容: 1. developing and maintaining bookteller's front-end 2. developing and maintaining mobile web 3. packing our content with node.js/io.js 需求: 1. The candidate must knowledge in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Any frameworks are welcome. 2. The candidate must knowledge in node.js or io.js. 3. The candidate must be able to work by himself/herself. 加分项目: 1. had experiences in mobile web app development. 2. had experiences in web-based automation test framework. 3. had experiences in phonegap or cordova 3. knowledge in CI ------------------------------------------------------------ 月薪: NTD 35K ~ 65K (Based on your experiences and qualifications) 联络方式: [email protected] --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:推 sean2449: 推!公司感觉不错! 10/07 11:24
2F:→ a5976647: 35?? 10/07 12:02
3F:推 tw689: 吱吱吱吱 10/07 12:03
4F:推 mrforget: 应该是RMB吧! 10/07 12:45
5F:推 DrTech: 写英文有比较高级吗,薪水没多高,还暴露烂英文,结合了台 10/07 13:26
6F:→ DrTech: 湾与中国的两大缺点 10/07 13:26
7F:推 stonehomelaa: 这英文的确很明显不是native speaker写的 XDDD 10/07 13:36
8F:推 pizza: 楼上英文小老师? 10/07 14:43
9F:推 aiyswu: 推人民币 10/07 14:51
10F:→ femlro: 一天35k? 10/07 15:58
※ 编辑: huchengtw (, 10/07/2015 16:45:38
11F:推 aa06697: 35k ntd......... 10/07 18:43
12F:→ liddle: 既然有上海办公室,多少应该了解对岸价码。 10/07 19:30
13F:→ bndan: 唉~下次把薪资放前面.前端+转APP项目 底35..更不说软工项目 10/07 19:51
14F:→ bndan: 懂版控/CI 等物 虽然说是基本...但底35...懒的讲=_= 10/07 19:52
15F:推 Wolfken: 下面几篇而已,Android无经验36K,平均新人价40~55K,出 10/07 22:04
16F:→ Wolfken: 35K要请iOS资深的是在作梦? 10/07 22:04
17F:推 aiyswu: 台湾就是24k请新手 40k请老手的作梦天堂阿 10/07 22:16
18F:推 spjay1: 最近一直在想 node.js 算不算前端 (歪头 10/07 22:27
19F:推 nitero: 35k RMB吧? 10/07 22:48
20F:推 f124: 台湾不管找什麽都是30~40 还不如去资讯部门耍废... 10/08 10:39
21F:→ bndan: node.js以web来说当然不算前端..client-server的角度 你要 10/08 12:04
22F:→ bndan: 他可以写client所以他是前端.也是随你说~ (摊手) 10/08 12:05

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